
Tuesday 28 July 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28-7-2020: World Hepatitis Day

28th July, 2020.

Right … things are both happening … and not happening.

I’ve had the scan.

And, as nerve-racking as waiting for the results are, I’m now waiting for the results.

Last year?   I was clear of any nasties: I’m hoping this year will be the same.

Although one never knows until the results are in.

Giving that — potentially — a bad results means a case of lung cancer?

You can possibly appreciate that — even given I’m mildly agnostic, to say the least — I’m quietly praying … 


In other news … ?

I’ve been in tough with the dentist: which is nice.

Apparently?   I have to wash my mouth out with salt water: THEN get back to them on earth, if my tooth hasn’t stopped wobbling.


O2 … 

Oh, dear, O2 … 

They did manage to phone me: when I was on the bus coming back from Basildon.

They DID talk me through a basic solution, that ‘should help’: changing the default network from 4g to 3g: then to 2g, if that didn’t work.

Oh, and usually restarting, as well.

It didn’t work: I tried it when I got in.

I have managed to do some digging about.

The phone mast was on the roof of 130, Kings Road.

This building.

Opposite the Premier Inn, do you know.

I’ve done some digging.

It seems the reason the mast got taken down, is so the workmen working on the building can do they job.

According to this set of plans, with Brentwood Council?

So that the building can have two extra stories added to the thing.

Seemingly, they’re going to be flats.

How long that’s going to take?   The plans don’t say.

But … ?

I honestly think the mast will go back up, once the flats get finished.

We — O2’s paying customers — won’t get a signal until then.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Olga on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 28th July is World Hepatitis Day.   The Hepatitis group of diseases affect what: the kidney, liver or pancreas?
Q2) As a result, that organ becomes what: inflamed, shrunken or fatty?
Q3) Most versions of Hepatitis are caused by what: bacteria or viruses?
Q4) How many proven versions of the disease are described by letters of the alphabet?
Q5) Finally … ?   The sixth most common form is usually caused by overuse of what: alcohol, caffeine or water?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) As it’s the 27th July?   Is 27 an odd or even number?
A1) It’s odd.
Q2) Twenty-seven is three to the power of what?
A2) Three: in other words, it’s 3³.
Q3) 27 is the only positive number that’s three times the sum of its digits.   What IS the sum of its digits?
A3) Nine.   (2+7=9.   3*9=27.)
Q4) Which metal’s atomic number is 27?
A4) Cobalt.
Q5) 27 is the atomic weight of which metal’s only stable isotope?
A5) Aluminium.   (Also called Aluminum, in most forms of North American English.)
Q6) There are 27 bones in the human what: hand, foot or ear … ?
A6) Hand.
Q7) Which Testament of the Bible has twenty-seven canonical books?
A7) The New Testament.   (Saying that, every church on the planet has a different list of ‘canonical’ books.   Then there’s the Apocrypha … !)
Q8) Anne Fletcher directed the Film, 27 Dresses.   Is 27 Dresses a romantic comedy, thriller or murder-mystery?
Q9) In the UK, the A27 runs between Whiteparish … and where?
A9) Pevensey.
Q10) The M27 object — in the constellation of Vulpecula — is a what: red dwarf, nebula or supernova?
A10) Nebula: it’s also called the Dumbbell Nebula.
Here’s a thought …
“Every year on 28 July, WHO and partners mark World Hepatitis Day to increase the awareness and understanding of viral hepatitis and the diseases that it causes.”
From the World Health Organisation’s page on the day.
And a song …

You can tell I’ve had an easy time of writing a set … when it takes milliseconds to find a relevant song.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Wish her well on the new book for me, Olga!   Tell her to break a leg!   Actually, no, maybe not, the phrase is always tricky to explain!
Really … ?   I looked at the Wikipedia entry, yesterday.   Apparently, there’s a park that’s got used, as well: mostly because it look a bit like Monument Valley.
As for the O2 situation … ?   Well … as far as I can see, Huawei‡ had nothing to do with it.   They might just put a 5g tower — with or without Huawei kit — up, once the work gets done.   But, frankly?   I think the mast got removed so work could be done, rather than kit be updated.

†        Remind me to tell you about the British honours system, Debbi!   Apparently, CMG stands for Call Me God.   KCMG stands for Kindly Call Me God.   Oh, and GCMG stands for God Calls Me God!

‡        To be honest, Olga?   I think the UK government’s kicking off about security issues around Huawei, because of political pressure from the Trump administration.   The impression I’ve picked up?   Is that we’ve got a lot of Huaweiª technology in out telecoms system … because it’s cheaper than Ericsson, Siemens, Nokia, et al.   To hell with the security, that’s our money being spent on this stuff!   (If and when it does go back up, I’m assuming it’ll be a 5g mast.   Hopefully, it won’t get attacked …)

ª        And if you’re going to complain about security issues around tech?   Huawei kit may well have issues.   But I’ve always had the impression Microsoft and Google — and probably Apple, as well, for all they say otherwise — are happy to work with US security Services.   Or, at least, monitor your computer to ‘improve services.’


  1. Q1) The liver
    Q2) Inflamed (and given time, first fatty and then shrunken)
    Q3) Viruses (It’s amazing what such simple creatures can achieve, if we stop to think about it).
    Q4) Five. This has changed over the years. I remember when I studied Medicine they talked about a not-A not-B and delta (now D), hepatitis, before they settled on the five they talk about now.
    Q5) Alcohol
    I hope the results of the test are good. Will you have to wait long?
    I'm intrigued by the water and salt advice for your teeth. I'm sure it's not harmful, but...
    I agree about security. A lot of the big companies rely on the Cloud hosted by Amazon anyway...

  2. Hmm ... I had no idea. :)

    1. liver
    2. inflamed
    3. viruses
    4. five
    5. alcohol


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