
Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22nd July, 2020.

22nd July, 2020

Hmmm … 

Stuff is, quite assertively, happening.

For a start … ?

Apparently, my mobile phone provider’s mast is back up.

Since last night … apparently.

Have I got a signal?   Have I … ?   Can I get a phone call?   Can I make a phone call … ?

Can I … ?

Can I … ?

Can I, heck … !

There’s still no signal … 


In OTHER news … ?

I had the interview, yesterday: with PhoenixFM, Brentwood’s local radio station.

It gets broadcast on Thursday, just after nine.

And goes live on the website, at 10 … ish … 

Frankly, I’m hoping I don’t sound like a complete nutcase.

I do know that they’ve asked me to do a couple more articles for the site: on a voluntary basis.

That’s a good thing: I can build up a portfolio to show people.

AND direct people back here, and to my YouTube channel.

Will it go anyway?   I don’t know.

But … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 22nd July is the Feast of Mary Magdalene.   She’s the patron saint of whom: boxers, actors or tanners?
Q2) 22nd July, 1992, saw the birth of singer, Selena Gomez.   She’s, technically, a what: contralto, mezzo-soprano or soprano?
Q3) 22nd July is also the feast day of Saint Joseph of Tiberias.   He’s also known as Joseph of where: Palestine, Rome or Philadelphia?
Q4) John Dillinger was shot by the FBI: on 22nd July, 1934.   Outside a cinema in which US city?
Q5) Finally?   22nd July, 1812, saw British forces defeat a French Army: in the Battle of Salamanca.   Who led the UK’s forces?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Christopher Ewart-Biggs, the UK’s Ambassador to Ireland, was killed on 21st July, 1976.   By whom?
Q2) 21st July, 1982, saw the HMS Hermes arrive back in the UK.   Art had been fighting in what: the Battle of the Atlantic, the Falklands War or the War of Jenkins Ear?
A2) The Falklands War.
Q3) 21st July, 1979, saw Jay Silverheels become the first Native American to earn a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.   He was a member of which Native peoples: the Lakota, Cheyenne or Mohawk?
A3) Mohawk.
Q4) 21st July, 2008, saw Ram Baran Yadav named as president of where?
A4) Nepal.
Q5) Finally … ?   21st July, 1948, saw the birth of Yusuf Islam: also known as Cat Stevens.   In which year did he convert to Islam … ?
A5) 1977.

Here’s a thought …
“As long as there are only 3 to 4 people on the floor, the country is in good hands. It's only when you have 50 to 60 in the Senate that you want to be concerned.”
Bob Dole, born July 22, 1923.
And a song^ …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Either way, Olga, Egypt sounds a fascinating place to visit!
It sounds like we’ve both had interesting phone interviews.   And it’s possibly a part time one?   That’s got its ups and downs.   Personally?   The benefit I’m on is means tested, so, given the right part time job‡, the right balance of hours, I would be able to balance work and home life, and have a useful income.   Is it similar in Spain?   I’m also aware my sister, Ruth — Jude’s mum — is a maths tutor: and does fairly well.   (Well enough that she’s been able to spend money on a new computer, recently.   And WAY too much money on MS Office, but that’s another story.)
At ANY rate … ?   Good luck with it: and with the co-op!

†        That it would, Debbi!   (Oh, did I mention I’ve updated to Catalina 10.15.6?   Talk about palaver … !)

‡        The job I had, last year, that didn’t work out?   Was fine, in that sense: the balance of hours, and  the benefits I received, meant I had a halfway decent income.   The problems weren’t with the money, in other words.

^        The song … ?   Is older than she is!


  1. OK, just update everyone?

    I’ve just had a look at O2’s website: just to check on what’s happening.

    Contrary to the message they sent, last night … ?

    The mast is still down.

    You have to ask what the HELL is going on … 

  2. Q1) tanners
    Q2) mezzo-soprano
    Q3) Palestine
    Q4) Chicago
    Q5) Arthur Wellesley (later Duke of Wellington)
    Well, the mast thing is confusing. They don't seem to know if they are coming or going. Nothing new, I guess.
    The radio interview sounds good and the new articles as well. Goodwill goes a long way sometimes, and getting connected and making local links can make a difference. I'm sure I'll be able to check it once it's posted.
    No, my interview was live, that's why I was worried about it being cancelled. The headquarters are here in Barcelona, although they cover the towns around also. I'm not on any benefits, because I am not entitled to any (I didn't have a job here beforehand, and I left my job in the UK a few years back, with the intention of doing something else. I've been doing translations, but that's very up and down and I can go months without any requests. The truth is that things are a bit complicated, because you can work for yourself and pay taxes that way, but as the taxes are set here, it assumes that people will be getting invoices regularly and will have regular income from their business, and then you have to file paperwork every three months, but if your type of business doesn't fit into that model, the other options are complicated. You can include your earnings with your annual taxes, but I don't get anywhere near the taxable limit, even with the money I get from renting my flat). There are other benefits, but because I live with my mother, have some savings in the bank, and other property to my name, I'm sure I wouldn't qualify for anything. There are options if you are a full-time carer as well, but that is not the situation at the moment (thankfully, and I hope it won't be for a long time).
    I would probably have been entitled to something in the UK, but it was difficult for me to guess how much I might make a year, because it varies, and I was spending too much time in Spain, due to my parents' health issues, so I wouldn't have been able to sign up either.
    I'm happy to hear about your sister. I think word of mouth is what works best, but getting started is the trickiest part of it.

  3. Well, good luck with the interview and the writing! :)

    1. tanners
    2. mezzo-soprano
    3. Palestine
    4. Chicago
    5. the 1st Duke of Wellington


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