
Friday 31 July 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 31-7-2020: Rum, Sodomy and the Lash

31st July, 2020.

Yes, Rollason Way had … an adventure … !

Rampaging aliens swept down the street, destroying cars, making mad, passionate, lingering love to innocent cats, and general causing havoc.

Whilst the Inquisition leapt out on people, interrogating them about their sofas, and vikings raided freezers.

On a more serious note?

We had a power cut.

Which didn’t last long, but, still … inconvenient … !


What didn’t help, from point of view?   Was being unable to phone UK Power Networks, who makes sure the power network doesn’t fall over.

Yes: O2’s STILL not providing us with a signal … as, according to the email they sent me last night, the tower’s been decommissioned … 

And won’t be back in operation until October.


I’m disgusted.

And, frankly, grateful that the local press were interested enough to want to talk to me.

Lord knows when that story will run, if or when it will.

But I’d love to read it … 


The fact my dental appointment’s been moved to 11:40 … ?

Is a relatively minor point …


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The UK issued its last Rum ration.   On 31st July of which year?
Q2) The ration had been issued to members of which of the UK’s Armed Forces?
Q3) The ration was traditionally known as which ‘T’?
Q4) What, usually, was added to the ration?
Q5) Finally … ?   Most rum is made with what: mint, lime or molasses?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 30th July, 1955, saw the birth of drummer, Rat Scabies.   In 1976, he was a founder member of which punk band?
A1) The Damned.   (The Damned’s ever shifting lineup included — as various points — Culture Club drummer, Jon Moss, and Motorhead/Hawkwind member, Lemmy.)
Q2) 30th July, 1958, saw the birth of Kate Bush.   What was her debut UK single?
Q3) The House of Burgesses convened for the first time: on 30th July, 1619.   It was the first colonial Assembly in what’s now the Americas … and took place in what’s now which US state?
A3) Virginia.
Q4) 30th July, 1975, saw who disappear from a Detroit carpark?
Q5) Finally?   30th July, 1968, saw the birth of drummer, Sean Moore.   Who does he play drums for?
Here’s a thought …
“Don’t talk to me about naval tradition. It’s nothing but rum, sodomy, and the lash.”
Ascribed to Winston Churchill.
An LP …

There’s also this classic …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Cheers, Olga!   It’s should be too bad, it’s a tooth extraction.   Well … I say bad … !

†        Pleasure, as ever, Debbi!   (Oh, mid August has some real oddities!)


  1. Ha!

    I’ve just had an attempted scammer phone my mobile.

    Scammers not getting through is possibly the only upside to the signal situation

  2. Q1) 1970
    Q2) The Royal Navy
    Q3) Tot
    Q4) Water
    Q5) Molasses
    Fingers crossed for your dentist's visit. And don't forget to let us know about the articles.

  3. A1 1970
    A2 The Senior Service (Royal Navy)
    A3 Tot
    A4 Water
    A5 molasses

    Dentist. I think the last time I went to a dentist was when I lived in West London in the 1970’s. The last 2 teeth I removed with my own fingers were Wisdom teeth. Thumb still sore but I am no longer thinking of self amputating it.

  4. I see that you are named in Essex Live.

  5. Ha!

    I notice Piers couldn’t quote me, Trevor!

  6. You are doing a public service there, Paul! :)

    That is awesome!

    1. 1970
    2. the Navy
    3. a tot
    4. water
    5. molasses

    Rick has finally started getting into Penny Dreadful: City of Angels. Took him a while, but he's a big fan of the Nathan! :)


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