
Sunday 5 July 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5-7-2020: Don’t Just Book It … 

5th July, 2020.

Right … 

It’s Sunday … 

And I have to confess, it’s looking … 

Well … overcast … 

Ish … !

If that’s not going to affect everyone’s mood, I don’t know what will.


Oh … Romance scams … 

Have you heard of them … ?

It’s when a malicious person pretends to be someone else: who’s fallen in love you … and then asks you for a ridiculous amount of money — cash, or gift vouchers — so they can fly over to marry you.

Or pay hospital bills for they sick mother.   Or buy an army uniform.   What have you.

I used to get a few on Instagram: they’re usually easy to spot, as they’re private messages that come out of the blue.

Instagram’s gone quiet on me: although I’ve one follower I have my doubts about.

At any rate?

Romance scams on Instagram have gone quiet … then I had at least two crop up on Facebook Messenger.

Including a person claiming to be called ‘Diane Boyd’.

Except, according to her profile link … ?

She was called Emmanuel Udo.

Yes: it’s official.

At least one romance scammer doesn’t know how to disguise their real name … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The first package holiday organised by Thomas Cook started: on 5th July.   5th July of which year of the 1840s?
Q2) The excursion cost how much: six pence, a shilling or one shilling and sixpence?
Q3) The trip went to a Temperance rally, where: Leicester, Loughborough or Lutterworth?
Q4) 1851 saw Thomas arranging at trip to which event: the Coronation, the Great Exhibition or Queen Victoria’s wedding?
Q5) Finally … ?   He opened his first business offices in 1865: on which London Street?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 4th July is US Independence Day.   Marking the day the Declaration of Independence was approved by whom: Congress, the President or the Supreme Court of the United States?
A1) What we now call Congress: or, at least, its predecessor body, the Continental Congress.
Q2) The Declaration was drafted by a Committee of Five.   Name any one  of the members of the committee.
A2) John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman or Robert Livingston.
Q3) The Declaration was on 4th July of which year?
A3) 1776.
Q4) My Country, ’Tis of Thee was written in 1831.   It was written for Independence Day celebrations ins which US city: Boston, Alabama, Boston, Massachusetts or Boston, Texas?
Q5) Finally … ?  The USA’s oldest Independence Day celebration takes place in a town called Bristol.   Bristol in which US State?
A5) Bristol, Rhode Island.
Here’s a thought …
“To travel is to feed the mind, humanise the soul and rub off the rust of circumstance.”
Thomas Cook.
And an advert …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Ah … !   A bar … !   You know, it could WELL be the cellar that’s the problem, Olga.   I know the one at the Hutton — back when I worked there — had issues: specifically with the drainage from the cellar.   The main cistern that lead to the drains had a pump: that died, and flooded the cellar, every time it rained heavily.   It made shifting barrels fun!   I hope it gets sorted!
€28·47?   That’s, what … ?   About twenty-five pounds or so?   If the exchange site I’ve looked up is correct.   That doesn’t seem too bad a price.   And the mic light means you can use it if you want to pretend to be a Borg!   (OK, I know, it’s an old gag!)

†        It looks impressive, Trevor … !   Sun Yat-Sen, Sun Yat-Sen … um … wasn’t he the chap that founded what’s now Taiwan … ?   The Republic of China, rather than the People’s Republic … ?   I think he was, wasn’t he … ?
Oh, I’ve checked it with Debbi and Olga — thanking you, ladies! — but I’m doing a piece on digital poverty for Phoenix Radio: and just HAD to give you a mention … that IS ok … ?

‡        If it’s any help, Debbi … ?   Apparently, Kanye West’s decided to stand for president.   🤔   I know politics is supposed to be a media circus, but that is pushing it^!   (Could we make this up?   Ha!)
I’m glad I could help, Debbi.   Now … did I mention ⌘+F?   That’s bloody useful!

^        It could be worse, Debbi, it could be a movie actor running.   Oh, wait … 


  1. Q1) 1841
    Q2) One shilling
    Q3) Loughborough
    Q4) the Great Exhibition
    Q5) Fleet Street
    I'll keep you posted on any updates on the bar. I don't think there is a cellar there, but I must confess I've never been inside the establishment (it's enough to leave on top of them and hear the noise), so they might do. At the moment is an Indian/Pakistani themed place, but it has changed over the years).
    Yes, I think the change rates are right.
    I couldn't help but see your comments to Debby. I've always wondered about a comedian running the country, one of the clever ones (mind you, I think to be a good comedian you need to be pretty clever). And, at the very least, one hopes they'd have a sense of humour and one hope their speeches would be more entertaining. Actors depend too much on the script... ;)
    And good luck with the piece for the radio. Keep us posted!
    Sorry if I'm posting this twice, but I realised I had not ticked the I'm not a robot thingy, so I wasn't sure if you'd get it.

  2. A1 1841

    A2 a bob (a shilling)

    A3 Loughborough

    A4 the Great Exhibition

    A5 Fleet Street (or as it is better known Grub Street)

    Dr Sun Yat-Sen died in 1925 well before the communist take over of main land China. In his time the Republic of China was the whole of China. Wonder why you are mentioning me on your Radio show.

  3. You're going to love a response I've written to a book review about America.

    It'll be up on July 24 on good old Random and Sundry Things! So ... mark your calendar! :)

    I'm back!

    1. 1841
    2. a shilling
    3. Loughborough
    4. the Great Exhibition (you had the World's Fair? I had no idea!)
    5. Fleet Street (is that like ... Park Avenue or something? Posh? Nice word. Posh.)

  4. Hey, I forgot to mention. The "Star Spangled Banner" video yesterday? It wouldn't play here. A bit ... um, ironic? :)


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