
Monday 6 July 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th July, 2020.

6th July, 2020.

Hmmm … 

I think I’m going to need a piece of paper: purely and simply so that I can put a sign in my front door.

Or in my window.

I’m selling off my kid sister’s old laptop: as she’s got a new one.

I’ve replaced the version of Windows on it, with the most recent version of Ubuntu*†.

As the version of Windows was refusing to connect to Wifi … or ethernet, USB peripherals, the built in DVD drive, what have you.

Oh, and the battery’s iffy: the thing works well enough, plugged into the wall.

Whether I’ll be able to sell it … ?

I don’t know: we’ll have to see.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga^, Trevorª and Debbiº putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 6th July, 1940, saw the opening of Story Bridge.   In which Australian city?
Q2) 6th July, 1975, saw the Comoros islands declare themselves independent: of where?
Q3) Actress, Janet Leigh was born on 6th July, 1927.   In which 1960 film did she play Marion Crane?
Q4) Which gun first went into production on 6th July, 1947?
Q5) Which comet accompanied star was born on 6th July, 1925?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The first package holiday organised by Thomas Cook started: on 5th July.   5th July of which year of the 1840s?
A1) 1841.
Q2) The excursion cost how much: six pence, a shilling or one shilling and sixpence?
A2) A shilling.   (Usually, it would be written as 1/-)
Q3) The trip went to a Temperance rally, where: Leicester, Loughborough or Lutterworth?
Q4) 1851 saw Thomas arranging at trip to which event: the Coronation, the Great Exhibition or Queen Victoria’s wedding? 
A4) The Great Exhibition.
Q5) Finally … ?   He opened his first business offices in 1865: on which London Street?
Here’s a thought …
“I don’t know what it is I exude. But whatever it is, it’s whatever I am!”
Janet Leigh, July 6, 1927 – October 3, 2004.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        20.04: Focal Fossa.   Since you ask!

†        I could well have put ChromeOS on there.   People are more familiar with ChromeOS, which would make the laptop an easier sell.   Finding where to download it, though?   Is tricky‡.   Google would rather you bought a Chromebook, than install it on something, yourself.

‡        For a start, it looks like you have to wade through way too many adverts!

^        An Indian themed bar?   That I’d like to see, Olga, the best Brentwood could do is an Irish bar!   I don’t think O’Neils’s could do Bollywood justice.
Comedians as politicians … ?   They can’t be any worse than the comedians we’ve already got!   Mind, you, I think you’ve have a point.   I caught part of Donald Trump’s 4th July speech.   The thing was boring, apart from anything else.   It strikes me the memorable ones — Obama, Blair, Cameron and, God help us, Boris — had a sense of the theatrical.   Even George Bush Jnr managed a bit of drama, occasionally.   Saying that … ?   Apparently, Sadiq Khan, the current London Mayor, is supposed to be very funny.   And former Lib-Dem leader, Tim Farron?   Is hysterical … !
And yeah: I got it!

ª        It’s not so much a mention, Trevor: as a footnote.   You, Olga and Debbi get mentioned: as my three most regular regulars … um … (Punters?   Players?)

º        I’ve got it in my diary, Debbi!   With any luck … ?   It’ll beep in a video.
At ANY rate … ?   I don’t think Fleet Street’s posh, necessarily.   But the UK’s national papers were all based out of Fleet Street, until about the 1980s: until Rupert Murdoch moved his HQ to Wapping.   If memory serves, it’s built over the Fleet River.
Which is now part of London’s Sewer system.   You’ve seen Talons of Weng Chiang, yes?   The sewers in it supposed to be part of the Fleet!


  1. Q1) Brisbane
    Q2) France
    Q3) Psycho
    Q4) AK-47
    Q5) Bill Haley
    Well, here anything pretty much is called a bar. It's not thematic, but they do serve Indian food and it's run by Indians (well, or Indians and Pakistanis). We know where the water is coming from. It seems that although the drain in our patio is fine, the surrounding cement is not very good quality and when water accumulates in a puddle, it filtrates down. Let's hope they sort it out.
    And good luck with selling the laptop. Oh, the battery of my phone had another hissy fit yesterday. I've ordered a new one. Let's see if that makes a difference or I need to replace the phone. It was worth trying, anyway.

  2. A1 Brisbane

    A2 France

    A3 She was born in 1927. Psycho

    A4 AK-47, officially known as the Avtomat Kalashnikova

    A5 William John Clifton Haley AKA Bill Haley.

    An interesting book which tells the story of 12 of London’s hidden rivers.

  3. Ah! Okay, so it's Newspaper Row. :)

    1. Brisbane
    2. France
    3. Psycho
    4. the AK-47
    5. Bill Haley

    For a second, you have me looking for astronomical phenomena with #5. :)


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