
Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7-7-2020: Taking Care of Business.

7th July, 2020.

Yay … 

It’s official … 

I’ve sold the laptop: yesterday, in fact, after hawking it both here … and on Facebook.

I actually had two people interested in it.

Unfortunately?   One of whom wanted Windows on it.

Given the average price for Windows installer — on Amazon, at least — was around the £70 mark?

That wasn’t something I couldn’t afford.

And, given Windows* seemed to be the reason the laptop refused to connect to the internet in the first place?

It wasn’t something I’d be wasting money on.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga‡, Trevor^ and Debbiª putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 7th July saw Elvis make his radio debut: in which year?
Q2) On a radio station in which US city?
Q3) Was that an AM or FM station?
Q4) Which Elvis record was played?
Q5) Finally … ?   The song was originally written and performed by whom: BB King, Arthur Crudup or Blind Lemon Jefferson 1st?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 6th July, 1940, saw the opening of Story Bridge.   In which Australian city?
A1) Brisbane.
Q2) 6th July, 1975, saw the Comoros islands declare themselves independent: of where?
A2) France.
Q3) Actress, Janet Leigh was born on 6th July, 1927.   In which 1960 film did she play Marion Crane?
A3) Pyscho.
Q4) Which gun first went into production on 6th July, 1947?
A4) The AK-47: also known as the Avtomat Kalashnikova, the Kalashnikov or AK.   (That’s possibly worth a Teaser, at some point.   It’s possibly one of the most iconic weapons on the planet.)
Q5) Which comet accompanied star was born on 6th July, 1925?
A5) William John Clifton Haley: better known as Bill Haley of Rock Around the Clock fame.
Here’s a thought …
“I’m never going to sing another song I don’t believe in.”
Elvis Presley.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Microsoft, themselves, are selling Windows 10 for £119·99†.   Compared to the free version of Linux — Ubuntu 20.04 — I eventually used?   That’s too much money.

†        That’s about €130, or US$150.   (macOS Catalina is being handed out for free: I’ve seen Apple sell earlier versions of the OS for roughly £20/€22/$24.   That’s a bit more reasonable a price: assuming you have a Mac, or feel confident about turning your PC into a Hackintosh.)

‡        Oh … it’s more of a restaurant, then, Olga … ?   Sounds interesting, either way … 
Oh, it’s the concrete that’s the issue?   That could be tricky to solve.   I’m guessing it would need replacing: if worst comes to worst.   That’ll possibly take longer than O2’s mast.
Which will be taking ANOTHER week, but you knew that, already!
The laptop’s sold: with out spending money on Microsoft!
And replacing the phone battery’s always good.   It’s just a shame more recent model don’t have such easily replaceable parts!

^        Oh, there’s a page that’s disappeared, Trevor.   It’s OK, though, I’ve been offered cute puppies … !   (At ANY rate … ?   I’ll have to try and look that up!)

ª        That was kind of the point, with Number 5, Debbi!   😀   But, yeah, it’s newspaper row.   And has giant rats.   And real rats, as well!   (Can I find a picture of that damn rat?   Can I heck!)


  1. A1 1954

    A2 Memphis

    A3 AM

    A4 That's All Right

    A5 Arthur Crudup

  2. Q1) 1954
    Q2) Memphis
    Q3) AM
    Q4) That’s All Right
    Q5) Arthur Crudup
    Good news about the laptop! We went to visit my cousin's new apartment, and we were talking about batteries and phones, and he told me he spent around 1000 euros on his phone, as his own present for his 40th. I am not a fan of mobiles. I've never been. And I don't care if they sing, dance and wiggle all around (mind you, if they wiggle all around I might consider them a bit more interesting), but in most cases, you pay for a lot of stuff most of us are never going to use. I am rubbish at taking pictures, so having two trillion cameras front and back doesn't interest me an iota. I appreciate speed, but I was trying to explain to him that most of the things I'm interested in doing, I can't do comfortably with a phone (or a tablet, unless I can attach a keyboard to it, and then there is no point). But he works as welder, has no blog, and other than Facebook and Whatsapp (and that for personal reasons) does not use it to post anything, so... It's not something I would spend that much money on (I'd buy a reasonable laptop but). And he's recently separated, and not in a very good stable financial situation, but I guess we all have our priorities. (Yes, we're talking about an iPhone, I don't remember which one, but it's about a year old now). He was telling me I'd change my mind if I ever got an iPhone, but I did some time back and no, it didn't. I still don't care for mobiles.
    Anyway, sorry... Here in the patio they decided to just paint around the drain using a special paint to prevent water seepage. I am not very convinced, but saving money is the main aim, it seems. LIke everywhere.
    Keep us posted on the mast

  3. Nice photo! :)

    1. 1954
    2. Memphis
    3. AM
    4. That's All Right
    5. Arthur Crudup


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