
Saturday 8 August 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8-8-2020: Quorum

8th August, 2020.

Yes: it’s Saturday.

I’ve seen another episode of The Mandalorian.

Which is a good one for Western fans, I know that … !

At any rate … ?   It’s Saturday: and I suspect it’s going to be both quiet … and unpleasant.

It’s muggy … 


Do you remember the digital poverty pieces I did?   Both here and for PhoenixFM?

As part of the basic research I did for Pt One?   I emailed the Department of Education, to see what they were doing to help.

The Department emailed me a reply — finally — yesterday.

What they’ve told me … ?   Is that …
‘… laptops and tablets will be provided for disadvantaged families, children and young adults who do not currently have access to them through another source, such as their school. Digital devices can be requested for:
care leavers.
children and young people aged 0 to 19, or young children’s families, with a social worker.
disadvantaged year 10 pupils.’
They also tell me that …
‘… internet access will be provided through 4G wireless routers for any of the following people who do not currently have it:
care leavers.
secondary school pupils with a social worker.
disadvantaged year 10.’
And that further help and guidance is available, here.

Here’s hoping that lot helps.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 8th August saw Brigham Young confirm the Quorum of Twelve^ as the one of the leading bodies in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.   In which year of the 1840s?
Q2) The group was first organised in which year: 1835, 1836 or 1837?
Q3) Technically?   The members of the Quorum is made up of twelve what: apostles, saints or prophets?
Q4) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the best known of what type of church: Pentecostal, Mormon or Lutheran?
Q5) Finally … ?   The Quorum is outranked by what: the Quorum of Seventy, the Presiding Bishropric or the First Presidency?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 7th August, 1876, saw the birth of which Dutch spy?
A1) Margaretha Geertruida Margreet MacLeod née Zelle: AKA Mata Hari.
Q2) The Ivory Coast became independent, on 7th August, 1960.   From where?
A2) France.
Q3) The Explorer 6 Probe launched: on 7th August, 1959.   Which planet’s atmosphere was it due to study?
A3) Earth’s.
Q4) 7th August, 1461, saw Cao Qin attempted a rebellion.   In what’s now which country … ?
A4) China.
Q5) Finally … ?   Writer, Jerry Pournelle, was born on 7th August, 1933.   He co-wrote The Mote in God’s Eye with whom?
A5) Larry Niven.
Here’s a thought …
“The Twelve were designated to be a body of “traveling councillors” with jurisdiction outside areas where the church was formally organized (areas of the world outside of Zion or its outlying Stakes).”
From the Wikipedia entry on the Twelve.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I think I’m getting the hang of the thing, Olga: I’m right, the Labelling system’s the biggest issue.   I have to say, a strike’s an idea … although I would know what to d with the time off!
I’ve not read any Pournelle, either, I have to say: right at the moment, I’m deep into John W. Campbell’s Who Goes There?.   Which is fantastic!
Given what he thought about bureaucracy, Olga?   I’m wondering how well Pournelle would’ve got on with Ambrose Bierce … 
CAPITAL, n. The seat of misgovernment.   Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary.

†        I’m trying to keep an eye open for it, myself, Trevor … 

‡        You’re right, Debbi: the Whizkid — there’s a noir nickname — getting shot wasn’t surprising.   Shocking, yes, but not surprising … !   Actually, if I’ve got it right?   That’s usually how mafia hits go.   Mind you, Benny Berman was a member of Murder Inc.!   At ANY rate, I’m glad you both enjoyed it!   Feel free to comment on the reviews!
Good luck with CoM, Debbi!   It’s the one that got me reading Terry’s work.   I don’t know with the blurb on the US edition will be the same: but the blurb on the back of the UK edition’s what got me reading it.   Sex, unknown!   (Ye, gods: my original copy cost £2·50!   Ye gods, inflation’s a monster!)

^        What was I saying about odd subjects … ?


  1. Actually, Debbi, did I tell you I read Jimmy the Weasel’s biography?

    Some of the hits he talked about seemed to parallel what was shown on screen in Penney Dreadful: City of Angels.

  2. Q1) 1844
    Q2) 1835
    Q3) Apostles
    Q4) Mormon
    Q5) the First Presidency
    The answer from education sounds quite hopeful. Let's hope it helps. The numbers of cases here keep increasing, so I wonder what's going to happen when children have to go back to school.
    Pen & Sword keep sending me their catalogue and this time they included this book. I have so many books to read at the moment that I don't dare request more, but I thought you might be interested.

  3. That is a GREAT back cover blurb! :) Especially since it's true.

    Yeah, I figured the Mob's involvement couldn't lead anywhere good.

    The story reminded me of the kind of agitation that plagued the unions here.

    The Mob has had its influence in many places: Chicago, New York, Vegas. It's the stuff of great drama. :) For good or ill. Just ask Marty Scorsese. :)

    BTW, I loved that video with Rowan Atkinson so much, it's going up on my R&S Blog next week! With a hat tip to you, of course.

    1. 1844
    2. 1835
    3. apostles
    4. Mormon
    5. the First Presidency


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