
Tuesday 22 September 2020

Watchmen — Series 1 Episode 1 — It’s Summer and We’re Running Out of Ice — A Review

22nd September, 2020.

Laundry … ?

Laundry, laundry, laundry … !

I knew there was something I needed to do: take the laundry out of the tumble dryer!

Never mind!

I can do that in the morning.

Right now?

I’ve just seen a TV series: one that’s won awards.

One with superheroes.


I’ve started watching series one of Watchmen.


Episode 1It’s Summer and We’re Running Out of Ice — opens at the movies: watching a little boy watching an adventure serial at his local cinema in Tulsa.

Just as the Tulsa Race Riots start.

Only for his parents to make sure he gets out of town.

The scene shifts forward: to an alternative 2019, where a unarmed traffic cop (Officer Sutton, played by Charles Brice) makes a routine traffic of an individual he finds deeply suspicious … 

Only to end up shot.

As a result?   Police Chief, Judd Crawford (Don Johnson) starts to organise an investigation into the shooting: a shooting he suspects is the responsibility of white supremacist group, the Seventh Kavalry.

He’s helped?   By Officer Angela (Sister Night) Abar (Regina King): who manages to bring in one member of the Kavalry, find out where their base is, and lead the police raid.

It’s an almost successful raid.

The team manage to find plenty of interesting evidence.   Old watch batteries, mostly: ones will enough of a rare chemical, between them, to make a lot of explosive devices.

The downside?

Simply that the Kavalry members commit suicide: leaving the police with no-one to interrogate.

I think we can call that tampering with the evidence.


Now … 

Was I impressed with both The Mandalorian, and Penny Dreadful: City of Angels*?

Lord, yes!

They’re very good series, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed both.

Then, tonight … ?

Tonight, I decided I wanted to sit down with something new … ish.

I wanted to watch something new to me: but that had something familiar about it.

Watchmen had a familiar enough background: given I’d both seen the film, and read the graphic novel, many years ago.

So I knew the back drop: knew of Rorschach’s leanings, knew Adrian Veidt — according to IMDb, that’s the mysterious laird† played by Jeremy Irons — Viedt wasn’t what he seemed.

And thoroughly enjoyed what I was seeing on screen: it seemed the series has picked up well enough from its sources … and succeed in telling a new story.

A bleakly vicious one that looks like it have more teeth than anything else I’ve seen, recently.

As a question?

What are you doing next Tuesday?

I’m planning to watch the next episode: and I’d love it if you joined me.

*        Saying that … ?   Penny Dreadful: City of Angels being cancelled is a scandal.

†        A laird is a Scottish lord.   It’s not an exact match: but close enough.

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