
Thursday, 8 October 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8-10-2020: Frank Herbert

8th October, 2020

Yep: it’s sorted.

Assertively sorted.

So sorted, a very sorted person would turn around and say “That’s sorted, that is!”

Now … 

“What’s sorted,” I hear you ask?

I wish I knew!


To be more serious?   The one thing I have managed to sort out, is a refund.

I ordered a copy of the Patrick Troughton, Dr Who story, Fury from the Deep, from a third party seller on Amazon.

Which never turned up.

I have managed to organise a replacement: which is due on Monday.

Hopefully, that’s turn up!


Oh … I’ve also managed to finish my review of episode three of Watchmen.

If you get the chance, that is seriously worth watching!

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡, Edith^ and Debbiª‚ putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga, Mum and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Edith on three.

The day also saw a Curious Personº leaving me a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)    8th October saw the birth of author, Frank Herbert.   In which year?

Q2)    His first novel, The Dragon in the Sea, was published in 1956.   It followed a group of characters on a what: spaceship, nuclear submarine or airplane?

Q3)    1966 saw Herbert release the book originally called Greenslaves.   It’s usually published under which title?

Q4)    Herbert co-wrote three out of the four Pandora Sequence: with whom?

Q5)    Finally?   Herbert’s best known work was published in 1965: and sees a new film version released in October, 2021.   What is that book?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)    7th October, 1897, saw the birth of Elijah Mohammad.   Which religious group did he lead?
A1)    The Nation of Islam.

Q2)    7th October, 1931, saw the birth of Archbishop Desmond Tutu.   In which year was he named as Archbishop of Cape Town?
A2)    1986.

Q3)    7th October, 1952, saw the birth of Russian president, Vladimir Putin.   He was a Lieutenant Colonel in what: the CIA, MI6 or KGB?
A3)    The KGB.

Q4)    Fox New started broadcasting on 7th October, 1996.   It’s owned by which media mogul?
A4)    Rupert Murdoch.

Q5)    Finally … ?   The USA launched air strikes on Taliban and al-Qaeda posts: in which country?
A5)    Afghanistan.
Here’s a thought …
“The people I distrust most are those who want to improve our lives but have only one course of action in mind.”
Frank Herbert.
And an interview

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        You’d possibly eligible to run for Russian President, Trevor.   (In the CIA and MI6, you mean?   You probably right, Trevor.   But at least he doesn’t have a double first from Cambridge.)

†        Good luck on the class front, Olga!   Hmmm … I don’t know if it’s relevant, but my sister, Ruth, is using Zoom meetings as an improvised form of video lessons.   Would that work for you?   She uses WhatsApp to send students homework assignments.   Me, Mum and Anna end up getting half of them!
And, yeah: you’re right.   Reading these things back helps!

‡        Yes, he was, Mum: so was Malcolm X.   This chap …

^        Morning, Edith!   I’ll probably be doing a review of Fury from the Deep, as and when it turns up!   I’ll try and tweet it too you!   (Sorry about The dropped point for question one, yesterday: but ‘Black Muslim,’ covers a lot of different points!)

ª        I hope so, too, Debbi!   Although if it’s similar to one a couple of doors down, I think it’ll be easy to get around!   Oh, I mentioned Watchmen, didn’t I, Debbi?   It’s possibly even more noir than Penny Dreadful: City of Angels!   (Oh, and as I mentioned to Edith, I’ve got Fury from the Deep, coming: the very first appearance of the Sonic Screwdriver!)

º        It’s OK, Curious: I’ve managed to subscribe!


  1. Q1) 1920
    Q2) a nuclear submarine
    Q3) The Green Brain
    Q4) Bill Ransom
    Q5) Dune
    Thanks for the suggestions. Yes, we used Zoom during the course for the lessons we had to do online as well. (I find everything takes longer that way and something always goes wrong, so no idea how it would go). I've noticed that the actual agency I'm working with have set up some system for the online lessons, but I have had no training and have no idea what it is. I suspect the students might be using online lessons already if they are on lockdown from school, so I'm not sure how keen the family would be to have to do even more online lessons, especially when they are surplus to requirement. It would also mean more supervision from them at home and a certain deal of having to adapt the materials from me as well, as we don't use a specific text-book. Well, if it was going to be long-term, I guess they'll have to talk to the agency and I'd have to check with them. (I suspect the likelihood would be that they would stop the lessons for now, rather than change to a different format). Most people seem to prefer live lessons, so I haven't had to talk to the agency about the technical side of things, especially if we are to use their platform.
    Raining here today. I hope everything is going well there.

  2. A1 1920
    A2 nuclear submarine
    A3 The Green Brain
    A4 Bill Ransom
    A5 Dune

    I have been to the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area whilst staying in Florence Oregon. Plenty of sand there.

  3. 1 1921
    2 submarine
    3 no idea
    4 NO IDEA
    5 Dune

  4. 1. 1935
    2.nuclear submarine
    3. Green brain
    4. Douglas Adams
    5. Dune

    I understand.

  5. Herbert was an amazing writer. And I've seen some of Watchman, but Rick can't seem to get into it. So, I have to catch it when I can. :)

    1. 1920
    2. nuclear submarine
    3. The Green Brain
    4. Bill Ransom
    5. Dune


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