
Friday, 9 October 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9-10-2020: The Khmer Republic

9th October, 2020.

Right … 

I’m feeling vaguely used: as I’m being visited, today, by the ONS.

They’re doing yet another Covid-related swab and blood test.

Which means another £25 Amazon voucher as a thank you.

Christmas is coming: and that’ll be handy.


At any rate … ?

I don’t know if I mentioned it: but a man was arrested on my street, on Sunday night: after trying to kick down the main door of Tomlinson House, a door or two up the road.

Up until then?

We’d been having issues.

Mostly noise issues.


I’m starting to wonder if the arrested partly was the one causing most of the issues.

It’s been nice and quiet, ever since … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Edith^ and Debbiª‚ putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, Edith on three, and Mum on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) The Khmer Republic was founded on 9th October: of which year?

Q2) In what had then been — and is now — which Asian nation?

Q3) It was led by Sisowath Sirik Matak: and by which general?

Q4) The two had come to power in March.   In a what: invasion, coup or election?

 Q5) The Republic fell in 1975: after a civil war.   A civil war that enabled which group to take power?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 8th October saw the birth of author, Frank Herbert.   In which year?
A1) 1920.

Q2) His first novel, The Dragon in the Sea, was published in 1956.   It followed a group of characters on a what: spaceship, nuclear submarine or airplane?

Q3) 1966 saw Herbert release the book originally called Greenslaves.   It’s usually published under which title?

Q4) Herbert co-wrote three out of the four Pandora Sequence: with whom?

Q5) Finally?   Herbert’s best known work was published in 1965: and sees a new film version released in October, 2021.   What is that book?
A5) Dune.
Here’s a thought …
“The Khmer Republic was the pro–United States military-led republican government of Cambodia that was formally declared on 9 October …”
From the Wikipedia entry on the Republic.
And the national anthem

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’d imagine they might haver their own software, Olga: or, at least, their own website: some will have their own video conferencing apps built in.   The good ones should be easy to use, but we can never tell!
That’s something I’ve noticed, over the years: we like live stuff!   I know a few quizzes masters have managed to do well with live streamed gigs, but I’ve never worked it out, for myself!

†        I seem to recall, Trevor, that Frank Herbert picked up a few ideas from the Oregon Dunes area of Florence.   It’s possibly not the Empty Quarter, but it’s where Dune started … 

‡        Hello, Mum!   Have we mentioned joining Twitter, yet?

^        Oh, I thought I should point you at this playlist, Edith: just in case!

ª        Now that’s a shame, I thought it would be right up Rick’s street, Debbi!   At ANY rate … ?   Did I mention I’m reading Gibson’s Distrust That Particular Flavor?   It’s fascinating stuff.
“The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed.”
William Gibson.


  1. Q1) 1970
    Q2) Cambodia
    Q3) Lon Nol
    Q4) A coup
    Q5) Khmer Rouge
    YOu might be onto something with the noise and the guy arrested. Sometimes, as we all know, one or very few people can create a lot of hassle. I hope the tests today are not too bad. And I agree, a voucher for Amazon is always handy.

  2. 1 1946
    2 Cambodia
    3 no idea
    4 same
    5 Communism

  3. A1 1970
    A2 Kingdom of Cambodia
    A3 Lon Nol
    A4 coup
    A5 Khmer Rouge (Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK) )

    I have read most of Frank Herbert’s books. I must find and read The Green Brain.

  4. 1. 1965
    3. ameim
    5. hindus

    Thank you for including me on a playlist.

  5. Actually, were you referring to TV show? I tried to find it again and came up blank. :)

    1. 1970
    2. Cambodia
    3. Lon Nol
    4. coup
    5. the Khmer Rouge

    We've borrowed Layer Cake with Daniel Craig from the library, because I've heard good things about it.


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