
Saturday 21 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21st November, 2020.

21st November, 2020.

Hmmm … 

I had a day, yesterday: chasing up laptops with my landlords.

Apparently?   Parcelforce tried delivering on Thursday: at 14:45.

I know I didn’t hear them ring.

As a result?   The laptop’s at the post office.

I’m going to try and pick it up, today: from the Royal Mail’s collection office in Saint Thomas’ Road.

Assuming, of course, that it’s open by the time I get there: I’m going into town to have a ’Flu jab.

The last time I went to the place on a Saturday?   It was only open from 7am to 9am.



Just as a quick minor point?

Thus far, I’m happy with macOS Big Sur.

I’ve got a couple of relatively minor quibbles.

The one that’s staring me in the face?

Is simply that there’s no icon for blu-ray discs.

Which makes finding the Blu-ray Disc I’ve currently got, tricky.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four and Edith on zero.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        21st November, 2017, saw the death of singer, David Cassidy.   He shot to fame in which TV series? 

Q2)        21st November, 1965, saw the birth of Icelandic singer, Björk.   She first came to international fame as the singer with which band?

Q3)        The largest ship lost in the First World War, the HMHS Britannic, was lost on 21st November, 1916.   The ship was what: a hospital ship, supply ship or mine layer?

Q4)        New Zealand announced its national anthems on 21st November, 1977.   One was God Save The Queen. What was the other?

Q5)        21st November, 1694, saw the birth of Voltaire.   He’s best remembered as what: a painter, philosopher or plumber?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        20th November, 1942, saw the birth of which former US Vice President?
A1)        Former Vice-President, Joe Biden.   At the time of writing, he was seventeen electoral college votes short of the White House.   As of today, he has a provision three-hundred and six electoral college votes.   Recounts have not gone in Trump’s favour.

Q2)        Who admitted to an affair on Panorama: on 20th November, 1995?
A2)        Princess Diana.   (There’s potential scandal involving the interview …)

Q3)        Tipu Sultan was born on 20th November, 1750.   The Indian leader was also known as the Tiger of where: Mysore, Madras or Madhya Pradesh?
A3)        Mysore.   (Having looked at the 1951 map of the Dominion of India: and noticed Portuguese-speaking India?   I’m trying not to think of Eric Idle.    “Nudge nudge, wink, wink, bit of a Goa, hey? Know what I mean?”)

Q4)        20th November is the feast day of Saint Felec of where: Devon, Somerset or Cornwall?
A4)        Cornwall.   (He was said to have a miraculous ability to communicate with cats.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   20th November is Revolution Day, where: Vietnam, Mexico or China?
A5)        Mexico.
Here’s a thought …
“To hold a pen is to be at war.”
Voltaire, 21 November 1694 – 30 May 1778.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser. Have a good day.

*        Well … it looks like it’s come through, Olga: I’ve just got to pick it up from the relevant Post Office office.   I think the problem I’ll have is installing a specific extension on it.   My landlord haven’t set up an administrator account for me, on this machine: so I don’t know if I’ll be able to install it.   Which could be awkward.   I won’t be able to do the course, without access to the colleges online software: which won’t work without the extension!
macOS works a bit differently.   If I didn’t have an Admin account, I could STILL install the extension … but just for my User account.   And, of course, the extension’s only available for Windows.   Remind me to tell you about lazy coding … !
I think the UK’s not even got that far with testing: I do know Liverpool’s supposed to having mass tests, but one city is not the whole country.   Either way?   I think it’s one step at a time.   Here’s hoping mass testing get’s rolled out effectively!   (As I’m diabetic, I qualify for the ’Flu jab: that’s today at 11:52.   I’m not sure where I stand on the COVID front.)
Either way … ?   It sounds like your problem pupil is improving: I suspect she’s got a good teacher.   :D   (Just don’t teach her Australian English … the word drongo could cause issues!)

†        Number blindness, Trevor?   That must be awkward, for some programming jobs!
And you’re right, a takeover could be handy … but I don’t see Parcelforce giving up the ghost too easily.   And some of Amazon’s subcontractors don’t know their bums from their elbows!

‡        Hello, Mum!   Cheers for the loo roll!   (They do nine packs in Sainsbury’s, for £1·90.)

^        A pleasure as ever, Debbi!   I have to admit, I think I saw that on the Apple Support Communities page: it’s a handy one to check out.

ª        It’s not the book, Edith: it’s the language.   We used to get the occasional Australian working in the pubs I worked in, it’s handy to know the odd word.   I’m still not sure what a galah is, though!   Oh, did you ever see Priscilla, Queen of the Desert?   Or any of the Mad Maxº films?   They’re quite something!
And yes, The Book of the Law Of Nak is still active.   You can click here … or on the link at the top of the page.   Quite a lot of bar staff I worked with took a look at Law 13 … and admitted they knew exactly what I was talking about.

º        They can be a little rough, Edith: which you may not like.   But they are very watchable.


  1. Q1) The Partridge Family
    Q2) The Sugarcubes
    Q3) A hospital ship
    Q4) “God Defend New Zealand”
    Q5) A philosopher
    I've also had the postman/woman leave a notice (at least they left a notice) to go and collect a parcel when I'd been at home all day, and they never called, I'm sure), but hey... You might be right about the laptop. I can't recall my computer ever asking me for anything when downloading extensions, other than if I wanted to allow it to make changes (I guess that's probably because I'm the administrator as well), but I know I was able to allow my cousin to take remote control of the computer, and he was able to make changes to it and act as an administrator, so I wonder if that might be an option if you get stuck, and your landlord might be able to grant you permission that way...
    Thanks for your kind words about my teaching. Considering the agency told me she had tried many teachers, and she kept changing every year, I don't hold high expectations, but they seem very happy with the progress, so, fingers crossed.

  2. A1 The Partridge Family
    A2 Sugarcubes
    A3 a hospital ship (sister ship to the Titanic)
    A4 God Defend New Zealand
    A5 philosopher

    Well my parcel got delivered yesterday.

    The number blindness may just have been hand / eye coordination problem on my laptop keyboard. I only do 1 finger typing and can be known to hit 2 keys at once. Good old spell checker catches the problems with words.

  3. I have to keep that in mind! :)

    I like that Voltaire quote, by the way!

    1. The Partridge Family
    2. The Sugarcubes
    3. a hospital ship
    4. God Defend New Zealand (an interesting tune, BTW) You can hear it here: For some reason, I'm thinking in terms of a Monty Python sketch. :)
    5. philosopher

  4. 1 The Partridge Family
    2 The Sugar Cubes
    3 Hospital Ship
    4 ?
    5 Philosopher

  5. ! partage family
    2. Clannad
    3. hospital ship
    4. Waltzing Matilda
    5. philosophy


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