
Sunday 22 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-11-2020: Well Done, Cutty Sark!

22nd November, 2020.

Yep: as I mentioned on Instagram, yesterday?

The laptop has turned up.

Or, at least, and after a lot of phone calls to my landlord?

Picked up from the Post Office in Brentwood High Street.

Turns out that’s where Parcelforce take parcels they can’t deliver.

Boy … but this course is proving to be a bother … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Debbi‡, Mum^, and Edithª putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        The Cutty Sark was launched: on 22nd November of which year of the 1860s?

Q2)        What kind of ship was she: a barque, clipper or schooner?

Q3)        The Cutty Sark was built to transport what: tea, coffee or rum?

Q4)        She’s named after a character in Tam O’Shanter: a poem by which Scottish poet?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The ship is now docked in which part of London: Greenwich, Southwark or Lewisham?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        21st November, 2017, saw the death of singer, David Cassidy.   He shot to fame in which TV series?
A1)        The Partridge Family.

Q2)        21st November, 1965, saw the birth of Icelandic singer, Björk.   She first came to international fame as the singer with which band?
A2)        The Sugarcubes.

Q3)        The largest ship lost in the First World War, the HMHS Britannic, was lost on 21st November, 1916.   The ship was what: a hospital ship, supply ship or mine layer?
A3)        A hospital ship.

Q4)        New Zealand announced its national anthems on 21st November, 1977.   One was God Save The Queen.   What was the other?
A4)        God Defend New Zealand.

Q5)        21st November, 1694, saw the birth of Voltaire.   He’s best remembered as what: a painter, philosopher or plumber?
A5)        A philosopher.
Here’s a thought …
“Where there’s a Willis away.”
The Cutty Sark’s motto.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yeah: I’m thinking that would be the other option, Olga: it would have to be done fast, though!   The lessons start on Wednesday!
And my pleasure: it sounds like you’re having an effect!

†        I had to go into town for mine, Trevor!   But at least I could pick up a jar of Marmite on the way back home.   The prices Nisa charge, though!
Actually, talking of numbers … ?   There’s an old Radio Four documentary about numbers stations on YouTube.   It’s still a fascinating listen.

‡        Careful, there, Debbi, I THINK you’re mixing up New Zealand and Australia!   I’ve an old friend called Donna, who’s a Kiwi: just don’t call her an Aussie, she gets’s offended!

^        Hello, Mum!   Are we still on for dinner?

ª        Morning, Edith: how’s the day … ?   Oh, I think the documantary on numbers stations — the one I’ve shown Trevor, today — might interest you.


  1. A1 1869
    A2 Clipper
    A3 Tea
    A4 Robert Burns
    A5 Greenwich

    Yes Penny being Canadian gets very angry when people say she is American.

    I have walked under the Thames to visit the Cutty Sark.

  2. Q1) 1869
    Q2) A clipper
    Q3) Tea
    Q4) Robert (Robbie) Burns
    Q5) Greenwich
    It's good at least you managed to get the computer. Fingers crossed it all works out and it's worth all the bother in the end. Oh, you've probably seen this, but it made me think of you...

  3. 1 1858
    2 Clipper
    3 Tea
    4 Robbie Burns
    5 Greenwich

  4. Did I? When did I do that? I won't call anyone any names. :)

    1. 1869
    2. a clipper
    3. tea
    4. Robert Burns
    5. Greenwich


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