
Thursday 28 January 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28-1-2021: The Diet Of Worms.

28th January, 2021.

Busy, busy, busy … 

I’m expecting a couple of phone calls, today: one form my GP, and another from a weight management programme I’m on.


Both will go well.


You’ll possibly have realised I’m out of work: and on Universal Credit.

Like others?   I’m getting an extra twenty pounds a week: as a result of an uplift the Government introduced, to help survive COVID-19.

It’s due to end in April.

And many in the Government are discussing what should happens.

There’s been talk of replacing the uplift with a one-off £500 payment: or a £1000 one.

Which are nice: but not as useful as the twenty pound payment.

So … ?

So, seeing this piece on the Wales Online site was interesting.


Chancellor Rishi Sunak is planning to extend the uplift for six months.

Then taper it off.

Again, that’s helpful: frankly, it’s my preferred option of the three I’ve seen discussed.

But, frankly?

I’d far rather the payment were permanent.


As a result of all this … ?

Old Peculiar regular, Olga, and I have been chatting about the idea of a Universal Basic Income: a flat Rate benefit that every one would get: regardless of their employment status.

It’s a nice ideal … but, as someone who’s always had issues with his benefits?

I’m very aware that the amount we receive is only half the problem.

The BIG issue, if you lose your job?   Or a benefit changes?

Is the delay in receiving a new benefit.

There’s always a delay which causes arrears to build up: arrears that cause problems.

If you can keep ahead of those, you’re fine: but the guaranteed delays means you can’t.

(Universal Credit’s paid monthly: unlike Job Seekers Allowance, which was paid fortnightly.   JSA took two to three weeks for the first payment.   UC caused more problems, and had more opposition, because it took up to six weeks for the first payment.)

After Olga and I chatted recently about UBI?   I was left feeling more convinced it could be just as iffy as Universal Credit: the change from one to the other would cause the same issues, as it had the same delays.

So I had something of a sniff around the various UK political parties 2019 manifestos.

The Tories seemed keen to keep Universal Credit.

Labour were only going to announce any changes after an election win.

The Liberal Democrats?   Were planning to change to a UBI, but didn’t announce any figures.

The Greens — who I’ve been voting for since 2017 — were planing to introduce one.

And, in their 2019 manifesto?

“People who were reliant on Housing Benefit before UBI was introduced will continue to receive it, so that they can cover their rent.”
I’ve highlighted this to Paul Jeater, one of the senior Green figures.

And not had a response I’m happy with.

The manifesto seems to say that anyone now on Housing Benefit will still get it.

The problem, there?   Is simply that anyone who’s on Universal Credit doesn’t get Housing Benefit.

Oh, I grant: we get what’s called Universal Credit’s Housing Component

But not Housing Benefit.

The Component’s replaced Housing Benefit: in my case, four years ago.

Everyone else I know getting UC is getting the same Housing Component.

Effectively, we’re not getting Housing Benefit: we’re getting a larger Universal Credit payment, to help cover our rent.

As things stand?

The manifesto tells me the UC housing component will get removed: and not be replaced.

Much as I’m happy to support the Greens locally?   And was happy to support them in the 2019 General Election?

Much as I’m happy to support them locally?

I don’t think I can support them nationally, unless their position changes changes.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡, Edith^ and Debbiª putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga and Debbi on five out of five, Edith on four, and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        28th January, 1521, saw the start of the Diet of Worms: in the city of Worms.   Then in the Holy Roman Empire, Worms is in what’s now which European country?

Q2)        A Diet, in this case, is a what: a formal meeting, a weight loss programme or a sports tournament?

Q3)        The Diet was called by the then Holy Roman Emperor.   Which Holy Roman Emperor: Maximilian 1st, Charles 5th or Ferdinand 1st?

Q4)        This Diet was — in part — a trial.   Of whom: Martin Luther, Martin Luther King or Pope Leo 10th?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Diet ended on which date in 1521: 25th February, 25th April or 25th May?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was born on 27th January, 1832.   His novels about a little girl called Alice were written under which pen name?
A1)        Lewis Carroll.

Q2)        The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 27th January, 1973.   The Accords ended what: the Vietnam War, the ’73 Miners Strike, or the Korean War?
A2)        The Vietnam War.

Q3)        US nuclear test, Operation Ranger, started on 27th January, 1951.   In which US state?
A3)        Nevada.

Q4)        Captain Edward J. Smith was born on 27th January, 1850.   He went down with his ship, on 15th April, 1912. Which ship?
A4)        The RMS Titanic.

Q5)        Finally … ?   27th January is the feast day of Saint Sava. Sava’s the patron saint of where: Serbia, Croatia or Montenegro?
A5)        Serbia.
Here’s a clue … 
“The Diet of Worms of 1521 was an imperial diet of the Holy Roman Empire called by Emperor Charles V and conducted in the Imperial Free City of Worms.”
From the Wikipedia Entry on the Diet.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I saw that go past on Facebook, Trevor: ‘iceberg,’ possibly isn’t the word!

†        That’s just what Debbi was saying, Olga.   I live and learn, I really do!   And Paxman’s a legend!   They picked the right chap for University Challenge, I know that.   It’s a lot less intimidating than Mastermind, for a start.
Oh … I hope you don’t mind the mention … Universal Basic Income’s getting … some attention … 

‡        Hello, Mum.

^        I certainly try, Edith: thank you for saying so … !

ª        He made for a great Vorta, I know that, Debbi!   A very good mix of slime and gravitas.
Oooh, and cheers for Cleary up the baseball issues!


  1. Q1) Germany
    Q2) A formal meeting
    Q3) Charles the 5th (1st of Spain as well)
    Q4) Martin Luther
    Q5) 25th May
    No problem with the mention. I am not used to their documents (I mean the Greens), so what I'm saying is not based on any hard evidence, but my thoughts are that they might have meant anybody receiving any kind of Housing assistance payment, rather than referring exclusively to the Housing Benefit, but it's not clear, I agree. There are always delays when there's a change, and even if the arrears are paid later, that does not help at the time. There should be a system of overlap, whereby one payment doesn't stop until the other is in place, but I can't quite work out why that is so difficult to coordinate. If I can time my payments online from my bank account to go out a specific date, you would imagine the government would have better resources to ensure such a thing. But hey, what do I know?

  2. A1 Germany
    A2 Formal Meeting
    A3 Charles 5th
    A4 Martin Luther
    A5 25th May

    Speaking of Facebook did you see the 1777 map of the Brentwood and Shenfield areas.
    Hanging Hill Lane is on the map with the same 90 degree bends that we have today.
    Amazed that some thing remain the same after all that time. I think that the colonists in North America were revolting about that time too.

  3. 1 Italy
    2 A weight loss program
    3 Charles 5th
    4 Pope Leo 10th
    5 25th May

  4. Always glad to help. You can fill me in on the ins and outs of, say, cricket or snooker someday! :)

    1. Germany
    2. a formal meeting
    3. Charles V
    4. Martin Luther
    5. 25th May -- Towel Day! Just sayin'. :)

    A diet of worms sounds ... gross. :)

  5. 1 Italy
    2.formal meeting
    3. Charles 5th
    4 Leo 10th
    5.25th April


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