
Friday 29 January 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th January, 2021.

29th January, 2021.

Yes: it’s official.

I have an appointment, this afternoon: with a student dental hygienist.

So … ?

I’ll happily have nice shiny teeth, this time tomorrow.

OK … 

Shinier teeth … 


You’re possibly aware that I’ve had copies of MakeMKV and Handbrake, for the past few years: using the pair to copy DVDs and blu-rays to a hard drive, then transcode them into something I can play on my AppleTV HD.

I’ve long had the Mac versions.

Last night?   Having my old blu-ray drive sitting around, and doing nothing … ?

I thought I’d down the Ubuntu version of the two apps, connect my old blu-ray drive to the laptop, pop in a blu-ray, and see how it worked.

Fairly well, it have to be said. 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi on five out of five, Mum on three, and Edith on two.

The day also saw Edith leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        29th January, 1819, saw Sir Stamford Raffles land on which island: Hong Kong, Taiwan or Singapore?

Q2)        29th January, 2015, saw the death of author, Colleen McCullough.   Her best known novel, The Thorn Birds, was set where: Australia, Bangladesh or Canada?

Q3)        29th January, 1982, saw the birth of singer, Adam Lambert.   As well as a solo career, her tours with which rock band?

Q4)        29th January, 1954, saw the birth of Oprah Winfrey.   What’s the name of her production company: Chico Productions, Groucho Productions or Harpo Productions?

Q5)        Finally … ?   29th January, 1989, saw Hungary establish diplomatic relations with which Asian nation: North Korea, South Korea or Vietnam?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        28th January, 1521, saw the start of the Diet of Worms: in the city of Worms.   Then in the Holy Roman Empire, Worms is in what’s now which European country?
A1)        Germany.

Q2)        A Diet, in this case, is a what: a formal meeting, a weight loss programme or a sports tournament
A2)        A formal meeting.

Q3)        The Diet was called by the then Holy Roman Emperor.   Which Holy Roman Emperor: Maximilian 1st, Charles 5th or Ferdinand 1st?
A3)        Charles 5th.   (He was also, it seems, King of Italy, Germany and Spain, Archduke of Austria and Lord of the Netherlands.)

Q4)        This Diet was — in part — a trial.   Of whom: Martin Luther, Martin Luther King or Pope Leo 10th?
A4)        Martin Luther.   (Civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, was born centuries after the Diet.   Leo 10th was the Pope whose bull condemned Luther.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Diet ended on which date in 1521: 25th February, 25th April or 25th May?
A5)        25th May.
Here’s a thought … 
“I would say that these days of crisis and tragedy are to remind us all to be present in the ordinariness of our lives.”
Oprah Winfrey, born 29th January, 1954.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Charles 5th certainly got around, a bit, Olga: he was King of Italy, Germany and Spain, Archduke of Austria and Lord of the Netherlands.   I’m ASSUMING  he had a Governor General or two lurking around …
And that’s exactly what the local senior activist said: that they meant ‘anyone getting help with their housing.’   Near enough, anyway.   But I’d be seriously comfier if they a little more … … explicit!
Olga, you possibly know a lot.   Compared to some!

†        I must have missed that, Trevor.   But it sounds about right.   Weren’t a lot of old roads done to do around fields?   I seem to remember reading that, in school: it’s supposed to be why roads that go back to medieval times take such odd turns.
And I seem to recall that Hanging Hill Lane and Gallows Corner were names that had origins.

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        Ah, well, CRICKET, Debbi: Trevor’s your man, there!   Yan Bingtao’s won the Masters, so you know: Chinese players are proving to be contenders.   Oh, and Steve Davis — six time world champion — is possupposed to be a good chess player.   Both games are about position.

ª        Oh, blimey … !   The Gambler was a favourite of one of my old bosses, Edith!   Karaoke Night could be interesting!
(Oh, did I ever mention snooker?   It’s not huge in the US, but watching it can be very meditative … !)


  1. Q1) Singapore (what a fabulous name! Sir Stamford Raffles!)
    Q2) Australia
    Q3) Queen
    Q4) Harpo Productions
    Q5) South Korea
    I know what you mean about being more specific and saying exactly what they mean. Mind you, it's so common for politicians to say one thing today and the complete opposite tomorrow, that it has become a sport. The Guinness Book of Records should consider including the quickest about-face/180 degree change of opinion by a politician. There would be tough competition for it. (There is a daily news programme here where they are always digging up old [or fairly recent, in some days, only a few days apart] footage of what a politician [or the previous king, Juan Carlos, for instance] says now compared to what they were saying a while back. Oh yes, keeping their word and not changing their minds does not seem to be a requirement for the job.
    I must have told you already, but the line "I know nothing. I'm from Barcelona" proved handy more than once. ;)
    Enjoy your shiny teeth!

  2. A1 Singapore
    A2 Australia
    A3 Queen (her tours ??)
    A4 Harpo Productions
    A5 South Korea

  3. 1 Singapore
    2 Australia
    3 Queen
    4 Harpo
    5 Vietnam

  4. For some reason, I find snooker fascinating. But then, I also find billiards interesting. :)

    1. Singapore
    2. Australia
    3. Queen
    4. Harpo Productions
    5. South Korea

  5. 1. Hong kong
    2. Australia
    3. queen
    4. Harpo


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