
Sunday 28 February 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th February, 2021.

28th February, 2021.

Right … it’s Sunday.


That means I’m going to be having a quiet day.

Well … 

Given I’ve now set the new phone up: which was relatively painless …

Bar the odd bit of swearing!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        28th February is Kalevala Day.   In which European country: Finland, Greenland or Denmark?

Q2)        28th February is Día de Andalucía: Andalusia Day, in other words.   Andalusia is in which European country: Portugal, Spain or France?

Q3)        Benedict 16th resigned on 28th February, 2013.   As what: Pope, Archbishop of Canterbury or Duke of York?

Q4)        28th February, 1925, saw the birth of actor, Harry H. Corbett.   He co-starred with Wilfred Bramble, in Steptoe and Son.   Who played the father, Steptoe senior?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Singer, Cindy Wilson, was born on 28th February, 1957. She was a founder member of which band?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        27th February is International Polar Bear Day.   What colour are polar bears: black, white or red?
A1)        White.   (Although, technically, their fur is transparent: their skin’s black.)

Q2)        Where do polar bears live: the Arctic or Antarctic?
A2)        The Arctic.

Q3)        Polar bears are hypercarnivorous.   In other words, they mostly eat what: meat, plants or oil?
A3)        Meat.

Q4)        A Polar bear is a marine … what: mammal, reptile or bird?
A4)        A marine mammal.

Q5)        Finally … ?   An adult male polar bear is a boar. An adult female is a sow.   What’s a young polar bear?
A5)        A cub.
Here’s a thought … 
“I have always wanted to know as much as possible about the world.”
Linus Pauling, February 28, 1901 – August 19, 1994.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        It’s not too bad a phone, Olga: I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to do.   Once I’d remembered my user names and passwords!   I suspect I had a lot backed up to Google’s cloud service.   I know that’s iffy, in terms of privacy: but it comes in handy!   (Bluetoothing photos over is VERY easy!)
I know what you mean, about being on call.   I was never doing anything that vital, as a barman: but was always available.   The upside to mobiles?   People can phone you, if they need to.   Of course, the downside … is that people can phone you, if they need to!
I’m having dinner with my family, Olga: cod and chips, hopefully!

†        It’s not as bad as it was, Trevor: so long as I’ve got the thing propped up against the Mac, and my left foot in a bucket of sludge, I get two bars worth of signal … 

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        You know, I really have to catch The Truman Show, at some point, Debbi!   My movie watching as dropped off the radar, recently!   Still, I’ve been following The Mandalorian, recently: you can TELL Disney’s been watching a look of westerns.

ª        Oh, cheers for the tune, Edith!   Yes: I’ve got the stew done.   I’ve enough for about three more days: so its all good.   (Well done, yesterday: five out of five!)


  1. Q1) Finland
    Q2) Spain
    Q3) Pope
    Q4) Wilfrid Brambrell
    Q5) The B-52s (or The B-52’s, depending on when… Oh, the apostrophes!)
    It's good to know it all went smoothly. And fish and chips with family sounds good.
    Yes, Google is handy. I do use the Google Drive for teaching, to share documents with my students as well. It is a bit easier than having to carry my computer around everywhere (especially as it is quite ancient.
    I keep pondering on a new computer. I know I mentioned miniPCs, and they aren't a bad option, but even with their size, I think will all the rest of the things I'd need to get and the size of the screens I think it would end up being too large for the amount of space I have at the moment (perhaps in the future, if circumstances change). So I'm back to checking laptops, but as things are going with the teaching, I cannot afford something too expensive and we have plenty of expenses coming up. Oh well, we shall see.

  2. there was an error first time. here is a resend of answers.

    A1 Finland
    A2 Kingdom of Spain
    A3 Pope
    A4 Henry Wilfrid Brambell
    A5 B-52s

    Yes being on-call is not fun. One of the reasons I never had a cell phone and called in the Hutton on the way home was to have a break from being called. Many was the time I walked in the front door and the phone would ring. Back in the 1990’s I used to carry a bleeper when it was the Month end running of the Technical Accounts systems at what became Aon. It often went off as I got to the till in the supermarket in Redhill.

  3. 1 Denmark
    2 Spain
    3 Pope
    4 Wilfred Bramble
    5 Wilson Phillips

  4. The connection between Westerns and science fiction involving space has been around since the original Star Trek. Did you know that Gene Roddenberry pitched the show as "Wagon Train to the stars"? I've never seen Wagon Train, but I'm pretty sure it's a (very old) Western TV series. :)

    1. Finland
    2. Spain
    3. Pope
    4. Wilfred Brambell (He's Paul McCartney's grandfather in A Hard Day's Night. A clean old man! :) )
    5. B-52s

  5. 1 Greenland
    2. Spain
    3 Pope
    4. Brambell
    5. B-52's

    You are welcome. I enjoy your quizzes.


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