
Sunday 28 February 2021

The Mandalorian — Series 2 Episode 4 — Chapter 12 The Siege — A Review

27th February, 2021.

Yes: it’s officially official.

A couple of things have happened, today.

I’ve just managed to do a halfway decent pot of decent chicken stew.

I tend to make enough to last three or four meals, so you know.

Tonight’s?   I’ve made enough to last until Wednesday.

It’s amazing how long chicken pieces, a litre of stock, three peppers, two red onions, half a dozen mushrooms, three carrots and a parsnip will last.

I think I’ve got the right amount of flour as thickener, as well.

The other … ?

It’s my birthday on Thursday: but I’ve had my birthday present, a new mobile phone, a few days early.

Something I know I was nervous about, this morning.

But that seems to have gone well.

At any rate … ?

That’s possibly something for another time.

For now?

I’ll be closing this part of the post: by telling you I’ve seen another episode of The Mandalorian, Series two.

I’ll tell you what I though, tomorrow night.


28th February, 2021

Episode 4 - Chapter 12The Siege — opens with a flashback to the first episode of series one: when the Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal) captures an unnamed Mythro, and takes his captive to the planet Nevarro.

The episode moves to now: showing us that the Mandalorian’s efforts to repair his ship of an earlier set of repairs, isn’t going well.

Even with the Child’s help.

Their only option … ?

Is to head back to the nearby planet of Nevarro: it’s got some good engineers.


Once they get there?

Once Mando and the Child get to Nevarro, they’re greeted by an pair of old friends: Greef Karga and Cara Dune (Carl Weathers and Gina Carano).

And by the unnamed Mythro, working off his debt to society, working for Magistrate Karga.

Karga and Dune?   Have a problem.

It seems there’s a still active imperial base on Nevarro: one doing something … on top of menacing the locals.

Karga and Dune need help to get rid of the base: the Mandalorian needs repairs and a baby sitter.

Are you getting the feeling there’s a deal to be done … ?


Now … 

What did I make of this particular episode?

Given that I wasn’t necessarily stunned by The Heiress?

It’s entirely possible that — last week — I wasn’t in the right kind of mood to thoroughly enjoy The Heiress: as wonderful as it was.

This week?   Complete with an early birthday present?

I’m in a far better mood.

And have to say, one that saw me thoroughly enjoying a very good, very action driven, episode.

Granted?   The dialogue could’ve flowed a little better: but given Carl Weathers — who played Greef Karga — was also directing this episode?

I’ll give him credit for doing two jobs, very well.

I’ve also got to give Gina Carano credit as well.

The few episode of The Mandalorian that I’ve seen her in, she’s been a joy to watch: handling both dialogue and action scenes, with flair and competence.

Understandably, in the case of the fight scenes: her training as a mixed martial artist sees to that.

I’m going to — possibly — be mildly controversial, here.

I don’t necessarily think she should have been fired for the contentious posts she made.

Whilst I don’t necessarily agree with them — they sound a little too right of centre for my comfort! — I don’t think she should be censured for holding them.

In retrospect, though?   Ms Carano could have done herself a favour, and either kept quiet … or been far more tactful!

At any rate?

My personal hope is the Lucasfilms re-admit Carano to the cast: assuming she makes a suitable behaviour for her behaviour.

I think that she’s a valuable addition to the cast.

At ANY rate?

I’ve walked away from a very good episode of a series I’m thoroughly enjoying.

I’ll be watching the next episode, The Jedi, on Saturday, 6th March: and doing my usual written and video review, on Sunday, 7th March.

If you’d care to join me?   You’d be very welcome!

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