
Thursday 18 March 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-3-2021: Blue Hawaii

18th March, 2021.

It’s officially Thursday, and … ?

It’s officially quiet.

I am definitely looking forward to my shielding stopping on the 31st!

And the easing of lockdown.

It would be nice to ask friends over!


At any rate … ?

At any rate, I caught a movie, last nice: The Dig, with Carey Mulligan and Ralph Fiennes.

I’ll have my review up, tonight: but I think we can say it’s a good film.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Trevor†, Olga‡, Debbi^ and Edithª‚ putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor, Debbi and Mum, scoring five out of five, and Edith on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        Hawaii joined the USA: on 18th March of which year of the 1950s?

Q2)        It’s which state to have joined: the 48th, 49th or 50th?

Q3)        Hawaii’s in which Ocean: the Atlantic, Pacific or Arctic?

Q4)        The state is made up of a series of islands.   What’s the largest: Oahu, Maui or Hawaii?

Q5)        What’s Hawaii’s capital?

Q6)        That capital has two famous (fictional) detectives.   Steve McGarrett of Hawaii 5-0 was one.   The other was Charlie … who?

Q7)        Hawaii is also know as the Aloha State.   According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Aloha means what: ‘welcome,’ or ‘farewell,’ or both?

Q8)        English singer, George Formby, played a banjolele: a version of the Hawaiian Ukulele.   The Ukulele’s name means jumping … what: flea, fly or cat?

Q9)        A lei is a traditional Hawaiian item, worn around what: the wrist, neck or ankle?

Q10)        Finally … ?   Per capita, Hawaii is the world’s second biggest consumer of what: spam, baked beans or hotdogs?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        17th March is Saint Patrick’s Day.   He’s the patron saint of Ireland, and of which African nation: Namibia, Niger or Nigeria?
A1)        Nigeria.

Q2)        The saint is traditionally shown holding a shamrock, a three leafed clover.   It’s supposed to be a symbol of what: the Holy Trinity, the three faces of Eve, or the Tripiṭarka?
A2)        The Holy Trinity. The Three Faces of Eve is a 1957 film.   The Tripiṭarka, or Three Baskets, are the scriptures of Buddhism.

Q3)        Many will be drinking Guinness, or Murphy’s, on Saint Patrick’s Day.   Both are what kind of beer: lager, ale or stout?
A3)        Stout.   (I seem to recall that Guinness — in particular — was recommended to pregnant women: it’s high iron content was seen as beneficial.   Wikipedia tells me that many doctors would also recommend milk stouts: the lactose content was helpful.)

Q4)        Saint Patrick, himself, is said to have driven snakes out of Ireland.   Snakes are covered in what: scales, feathers or fur?
A4)        Scales.

Q5)        Finally … ?   What colour are you supposed to wear, if you’re marking Saint Patrick’s Day?
A5)        Green.
Here’s a motto … 
“Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ʻĀina i ka Pono.”
“The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.”
Hawaii’s motto.
And an Elvis number …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

†        Has anyone mentioned Gertrude to Greebo, Trevor?

‡        I’m keeping my fingers crossed, Olga: I don’t think the sellotape I’ve used on the machine can hold for much longer!
And yes, politics is entertaining.   Did you ever hear someone comparing PMQs to feeding time at the zoo?   It’s always struck me as a good comparison … 

^        I’ve got to admit, I’ve STILL seen Léon, Debbi!   I had a choice of three, last night, and went for The Dig, with Carey Mulligan.   I’m going to have to see what happens!
Hmmm … wasn’t there a novel of it?   I’m sure there was!
(Apparently not: although there’s a few stories doing the rounds …)

ª        Thanks, Edith!   You’ve made my morning!   :D   Oh, Guinness and Murphys are stouts: the barley used to make them gets roasted before they add water and yeast.   It’s why they’re very dark.   And you can draw shamrocks on Guinness.


  1. A1 1959
    A2 50th
    A3 Pacific Ocean
    A4 Hawaiʻi or in English Hawaii
    A5 Honolulu
    A6 Chan
    A7 Both
    A8 Flea
    A9 Neck
    A10 Spam

    I enjoyed many a George Formby film when I was a kid.

  2. 1 1959
    2 50th
    3 Pacific
    4 Hawaii
    5 Honolulu
    6 Chan
    7 Both
    8 Flea
    9 Neck
    10 Hotdogs

  3. Q1) 1959

    Q2) 50th

    Q3) Pacific Ocean

    Q4) Hawaii

    Q5) Honolulu

    Q6) Chan

    Q7) Both

    Q8) flea

    Q9) Neck

    Q10) Spam
    The comparison is very apt indeed. We're again waiting for people to come to sort the problem with the drains in the patio (that was never sorted in the first place) but not sure if they'll come at the end of this week (not long to go now) or next. We shall see. Bracing for expected colder weather...

  4. Léon the Pro is a great movie, though. :) So is Ronin, which you should totally check out.

    1. 1959
    2. 50th
    3. Pacific
    4. Hawaii
    5. Honolulu
    6. Chan
    7. both
    8. flea
    9. neck
    10. Spam (should be capitalized, right? :) )

  5. 1 1959
    2. 50th
    3. Pacific
    4. Maui
    6. Chan
    7. both
    8. Flea
    9. neck
    10. Spam

    That is a neat party trick with the foam.


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