
Thursday 10 June 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10-6-2021: Portugal

10th June, 2021.

Yep: we have a partial solar eclipse, due today.

You know: where the moon blocks out the light of the sun.

I wouldn’t mind catching that: assuming I’m out, and it’s not cloudy.

It’d be the second one visible from Brentwood, in my lifetime.

Here’s hoping.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, MumOlga‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum and Edith on four.

Let’s see how they, and you, does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        10th June is Portugal Day.   Portugal is part of which continent: Europe, North America or East Asia?

Q2)        If you speak Portuguese, you are a what: Francophone, Lusophone, Mobilephone or Anglophone?

Q3)        Portugal’s flag is red and … what?

Q4)        Lisbon is Portugal’s capital city.   What’s the Portuguese name for Lisbon?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Portugal Day marks the death of Luís de Camões.   He was Portugal’s best known what: poet, playwright or novelist?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        9th June is Murcia Day: a public holiday in Murcia.   Murcia’s in southern where: Portugal, Spain or Italy?
A1)        Spain.

Q2)        9th June is Saint Columba’s Day.   His main shrine is on which Scottish isle: Arran, Mull or Iona?
A2)        Iona.

Q3)        Broadcasts from the UK’s Parliament were first made by radio: on 9th June of which year of the 1970s?
A3)        1975.   They’re now broadcast on BBC Parliament.

Q4)        Michael J. Fox was born on 9th June, 1961.   He’s living with which condition: HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer’s Disease or Parkinson’s Disease?
A4)        Parkinson’s Disease.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Peter 1st of Russia was born on 9th June, 1672.   He was known as Peter the what: the Fat, the Tall, the Great or the Bald?
A5)        Peter the Great.
Here’s a thought … 
“This is my happy land, my home, my pride.”
Luís de Camões.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yeah, they ARE fiddly, Trevor.   (Oh, you know you can use the a html tag in the comments … ?)

†        Hello, Mum!

‡        It sounds, Olga, like there’s room to swing a cat … assuming the cat doesn’t mind banging its head against a wall!

^        It’s a funny coincidence, Debbi, I know that.   While’ll have to see if I can find it: now I’ve finish For All Mankind’s second series.   That’s one HELL of a series!

ª        She had one hell of a voice, Edith, I know that: Mum’s a bit of a fan, too.


  1. Q1) Europe

    Q2) Lusophone

    Q3) Green

    Q4) Lisboa (yes, in Spanish is also called Lisboa)

    Q5) Poet
    I'm also a fan of Ella, I must add. Today is my last lesson of this academic course with Anna. She has her final exams next week so she'll be busy. Now I'll have Jordi for a few more weeks, although we're hopefully going to be away for 2 or 3 weeks in July. (I keep checking, but the hotel-train hasn't made an appearance yet, so we might need to just ride a train. Boring and loooooong, but the price tag is much lower (and I must admit I don't mind trains too much. At least you can stand up and stretch your legs).

  2. 1 Europe
    2 Lusophone
    3 Green#
    4 Lisbon
    5 Poet

  3. A1 Europe (well it was last time ii looked at an Atlas)
    A2 Lusophone source( )
    A3 Green
    A4 Lisbona source ( )
    A4 Lisboa source ( )
    A5 a poet and national literary icon source ( )

    Have you done your monthly Windows pdates yet. Updates are released on the 2nd Tuesday of a month at about 10.00 PST (i.e. local time in Seattle). I normally do then on the Wednesday. If you laptop has not been update for some time there could be a backlog which will involve long downloads and may be 2 or 3 reboots. Good luck with that.

    I am a luddite and am not learning another high level computer language at my time of life. Bring back good old ICT1301 machine code, I was an expert in it in the middle 1960’s.

    The great god Microsoft gave us copy and paste so that is what I use.

    Well you got question 4 answered in multiple languages.

  4. Gotta say. Thia is the first time I've encountered to word "Lusophone". :)

    1. Europe
    2. Lusophone
    3. green (plus some white and yellow bits :) )
    4. Lisboa
    5. poet

  5. 1.Europe
    2. Francophone
    3. Green red and yellow
    4. I don't know
    5, Playwright

    That was a fun Ella song you posted. I like to post songs by her too. She was so talented.


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