
Wednesday 2 June 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2nd June, 2021, Teaser.

2nd June, 2021.

Yep: I officially had a meeting, yesterday.

With my case officer at the Job Centre.

They’ve provisionally decided to buy me a PC, so I can do the course.

Not that I want a PC: I’m a rampant Mac fan, remember?

But at least it means I’d be able to do the course I’m going to.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Debbi^ and Edith‡, putting in their answers: with Olga = scoring ten out of ten, Debbi on nine, Mum on eight and Edith on seven.

Let’s see how they, and you, does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        2nd June is the feast day of Saint Erasmus of Formia.   He’s also known as Saint what: Elmo, Bert or Ernie?

Q2)        Guglielmo Marconi patented his wireless telegraphy system.   On 2nd June of which year: 1895, 1896 or 1897?

Q3)        Sneaky Pete Robinson was born on 2nd June, 1933.   He was a what: soccer player, drag racer or fighter pilot?

Q4)        2nd June, 1955, saw the birth of actor and comedian, Dana Carvey.   Who did he play in the Wayne’s World movies: Wayne or Garth?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Actor, Zachary Quinto was born on 2nd June, 1977.   He played the villainous Sylar, in which series: Twin Peaks, Fawlty Towers or Heroes?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Kentucky joined the United States on 1st June. Of which year: 1792, 1793 or 1794?
A1)        1792.

Q2)        Was it the 14th, 15th or 16th to join?
A2)        The 15th.

Q3)    What’s Kentucky’s capital: Lexington, Louisville or Frankfort?
A3)        Frankfort.

Q4)        Was Kentucky on the Union or Confederate side, during the Civil War?
A4)        Neither.   Officially, Kentucky was neutral, and one of the Border States, slave states that didn’t secede.   On top of that?   Kentucky had a provisional Confederate government: and many African Americans from the state joined the Union Army.

Q5)        Name either one of the two Civil War era Presidents born in Kentucky.
A5)        US president, Abraham Lincoln or Confederate president, Jefferson Davis.

Q6)        The man who modestly called himself ‘the Greatest,’ was a heavyweight boxer from Louisville, Kentucky.   Who was he?
A6)        Muhammad Ali.

Q7)        The Kentucky Derby is a what race: horse race, greyhound race to Moto-cross race?
A7)        Horse race.   The thoroughbred breed used in the Derby had its origins in England: and is still used in horse races across the world.   There’s a pie named after it.

Q8)        Kentucky bluegrass gives its name to a type of music.   What type of music: heavy metal, country or hip hop?
A8)        Country.

Q9)        Kentucky bourbon is a type of which drink: whiskey, vodka or rum?
A9)        Whiskey.   Whiskey, rather than Scotch whisky or Irish whiskey.

Q10)        Finally … ?   Kentucky is said to be the home of the Old Fashioned.   The Old Fashioned is a what: cheese, apple or cocktail?
A10)        Cocktail.
Here’s a thought … 
“I would love to be a Bond girl. That is on my bucket list, definitely.”
Morena Baccarin, born June 2, 1979.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I think we’re going to be waiting a for Trevor for a while, Olga: hopefully, he’ll look in soon.   Hopefully, the blood test has gone well: my bloods were at ten, when I had the hospital appointment, which is WAY down on what they were.
I’m not a cheese fan, it has to be said: but I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled for a World Cheese Day … … 

†        Hello, Mum!

‡        We’ll have to see what Edith says about Marmite, Debbi: and see what she says!   Oh, there’s some bad news about the Brentwood Branch of Waterstones: it closed down a few months ago.   The Romford one’s still open, though.
(It’d had been quiet for a while, I think: and COVID’s only encouraged people to buy from Amazon.   Frankly?   The range is wider.   And Amazon doesn’t hide the Terry Pratchett books in a corner.)

^        I’ll be honest, Edith, I don’t know if Julian May — she was a she, by the way! — had heard of him! She did know about New England’s French speaking citizens.   Apparently, she wrote Encyclopedia entries about all sorts of thing, as a way of paying the bills: and picked up looks of knowledge.
One of her characters is called Marc Remillard: a man who leads a Galactic rebellion.   I always imaging he looks vaguely like Patrick McGoohan.
Now … did Debbi or I mentioned Marmite … ?


  1. I agree with Olga.
    yesterday's question 4 was a mine field. The state was neutral at the start of the war and then Union and confederate at the same time.

    good job i was not answering the questions.

    I see Debbi is interested in our "Secret Nuclear Bunker". Well here is their web site.

    I think I have been round 3 times when we had different friends staying with us. Back in the late 1990's i think it was a £5.00 to get in.

    There used to be 2 full size models of great war time Prime Ministers in the single bed rooms. Winston S Churchill (WWII) and Margaret Hilda Thatcher (Falklands).

    I think the farmer who owns the place was a Tory.

  2. Q1) Elmo

    Q2) 1896

    Q3) Drag racer

    Q4) Garth

    Q5) Finally … ? Actor, Zachary Quinto was born on 2nd June, 1977. He played the villainous Sylar, in which series: Twin Peaks, Fawlty Towers or Heroes? Heroes. This is a weird one, because I watched the first series and quite enjoyed it, then I watched a few episodes of the second, they didn’t do much for me, and I abandoned it completely. The same happened with Lost. I haven’t been in the mood for series lately, but that was quite a while back...
    Good about the blood test. And good news on the computer front. At least, that way you'll be able to complete the course once and for all. I hope it's worth it! I'm still waiting for a date for the second vaccine. I'll keep you posted. And yes, Trevor will come around in due course, one imagines.

  3. 1 Elmo
    2 1896
    3 Fighter pilot
    4 Garth
    5 Heroes

  4. Anyone who looks like Patrick McGoohan must be one good-looking bloke. :)

    1. Elmo
    2. 1897
    3. drag racer
    4. Garth
    5. Heroes

    BTW, if you want to get technical, Kentucky never seceded. The state just had a load of Confederacy sympathizers. :) Like Maryland! I was shocked to learn that when I moved here.

    This week's film review is of Skyfall. Years after the fact. :)

    I still have to order Jammie Dodgers! Emergency! Jammie Dodgers needed. :)

  5. 1. Earnie
    2. 1897
    3. Soccer player
    4. Garth
    5. Heros

    Paul and Debie I have never tried marmite. It sounds interesting

    It is nice to hear the original Handyman.

    Goodness, but Mr. McGoogan was rather handsome.


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