
Tuesday 28 December 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th December, 2021

28th December, 2021.

Right … 

It’s Tuesday, Blondie’s 11:59 is banging away through my head … 

And I’ve something of a long day ahead of me.

I’ve still got to get a pay-as-you-go swipe card for my nephew.

And we’re celebrating his birthday — on Sunday, just gone — by going bowling.

Oh, and a meal.

It’s going to be comparatively long.

Now, with that said?   And as I’ve included a song from Parallel Lines?

Have a look at the cover: and tell me what that is on Debbie Harry’s left arm.

I’ve only just noticed that bandage: and I’ve had a copy of the albums for years!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

 Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        28th December is the Feast of the Holy Innocents.   It marks the massacre of first born sons, by whom: King Herod, King Solomon or Pontius Pilate?

Q2)        28th December, 1856, saw the birth of the 28th President of the USA.   Who was that president: William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson or Warren G. Harding?

Q3)        Alaric 2nd was named king: on 28th December, 484AD.   King of the whom: Vandals, Visigoths or Goths?

Q4)        28th December, 1954, saw the birth of actor, Denzel Washington.   In which 1993 film does he play Don Pedro of Aragon?

Q5)        Finally … ?   28th December, 1948, saw the birth of musician, Ziggy Modeliste.   What does he play: bass, drums or saxophone?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        England’s worst avalanche took place: on 27th December, 1836.   In which English county: West Sussex, East Sussex or South Yorkshire?
A1)        East Sussex.
Q2)        27th December is Saint Fabiola’s Day.   She’s the patron saint to whom: widows, weavers or glaziers?
A2)        Widows.
Q3)        27th December is also the feast day of Saint John the Apostle.   He’s also known as Saint John the what: beloved, behaving or beholden … ?
A3)        Saint John the Beloved.
Q4)        The largest known cave shaft on Earth — the Cave of Swallows —was first explored on 27th December, 1966.   The Cave’s in which country: Mexico, Argentina or Brazil?
A4)        Mexico.
Q5)        Finally … ?   Marlene Dietrich was born: on 27th December, 1901.   In which 1930 film does she play Lola Lola?
A5)        The Blue Angel.
Here’s a thought … 
“Acting is just a way of making a living, the family is life.”
Denzel Washington, born December 28, 1954.
And a concerto: performed by Nigel Kennedy …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Now you mention it, Olga: yes, I can remember you mentioning Virginia.   I’ve still not read anything by her, I’ll have to do something about that!   That’ll possibly have to wait: I’ve got some Le Carré on order: my copy of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy went missing, a long time ago!   I’ve got A Legacy of Spies on order, as well: it’s Smiley’s last stand,
        Did you ever hear of a rugby team called the Catalan Dragons?   I don’t know if they can trace their roots back to Catalonia, or your relatives … but it does seem odd that a team with that name’s in Perpignan … !   Oh, hang on … I’ve just had a look at a map: it’s very close to the Spanish border.   I’ll learn to think, one day!
        I’ve got to admit, I’m more of a snooker fan: so rugby and cricket are opaque, to say the least … !   The best I can tell you — and I think I’ve mentioned it, before — is an old family friend, Neil, could possibly talk you through it … and this teatowel might help … 

        Hello, Mum!

‡        Thankfully, Debbi … :D   That’s a thought, who’s showing Eve of the Daleks, over there?   Oh, and did I mention I got seasons 17 and 23 for Christmas?


  1. Q1) King Herod (It’s the equivalent of April Fools’ Day, here, so thanks for the reminder)!

    Q2) Woodrow Wilson

    Q3) Visigoths

    Q4) Much Ado About Nothing

    Q5) Drums
    Perpignan is part of North Catalonia. The same happened with the Basque Country. Basically, some bits of Catalonia and the Basque Country were given to France as part of treaties, agreements, with the French authorities, over the years, by the Spanish government. Language and traditions are, in some cases, kept very much alive. You perhaps get an inkling about the complex history of the area, and why the Basque Country and Catalonia have (usually) been on good terms. I know there are similar areas in the UK, and I know Scotland, Wales, and of course, Ireland and Northern Ireland, must have a few ideas on that topic as well. Borders have always been fought over, so perhaps we shouldn't be so surprised at some situations still going on today. (I'm not sure we are so much more enlightened, to tell you the truth). Sorry, I digress.
    I hope you get the card and you manage to fit everything in. I am not a big reader of spy novels, but I have read some historical books on the topic that can be fascinating.

  2. 1 King Herod
    2 Woodrow Wilson
    3 Visigoths
    4 Much Ado about Nothing
    5 Drummer

  3. I'm assuming it'll be on BBC America, I guess. :)

    1. King Herod
    2. Woodrow Wilson
    3. Visigoths
    4. Much Ado About Nothing
    5. drums

    Seasons 17 and 23, huh? Wow!

    We've been watching the old show Vexed. Funny! :)

    Also Sex Education. I love watching Gillian Anderson as a mom! Especially knowing about her punk-influenced youth! :)


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