
Wednesday 29 December 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th December, 2021.

29th December, 2021.

It’s official: I’ve survived Jude’s Birthday bowling party.

And the meal afterwards: that burger at Frankie and Bennies was a bit bigger than I though it would be.

Fun was, quite literally, had by all.

The aftermath, though … ?

Is quite simple.

My elbow aches: as a result of hefting eight kilo bowling balls around.

My ability to put some back spin into a bowl … ?

Is suffering!


I follow the technology news, sometimes.

And can’t help but notice the oddities that crop up, occasionally.

A few days ago?   We found out that Tesla cars had games in the touch screens drivers could use to monitor their car’s performance.

Games that could have been used, whilst the car was moving.

Something that’s now been disabled.

Given we know people have crashed, sending text messages whilst driving?

I’m wondering who enabled games in the first place?!

Tesla’s not the only one.

It seems a bored ten year old managed to find a flaw in Amazon’s Alexa AI assistant.

When she asked it to give her a challenge.

Alexa told her to plug a charger halfway into the socket: and touch it with a penny.

Sensibly?   Amazon have since revised the software.

You have to wonder what happened there … ?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

 Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        The Republic of Texas was annexed: on 29th December, 1845.   By whom: the USA, Mexico or Spain?

Q2)        In the Roman Catholic Church, 29th December is a Feast day of whom: King David, King Solomon or King Nebuchadnezzar?

Q3)        Actor Mikhi Phifer was born: on 29th December, 1974.   He played Gunner in which 2016 film?

Q4)        29th December, 1808 saw the birth of the 17th President of the USA.   Who was that president: Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson or Ulyssess S. Grant?

Q5)        Finally … ? Charles Macintosh was born on 29th December, 1766.   He’s best remembered as the inventor of a type of waterproof what: boot, fabric or rubber?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        28th December is the Feast of the Holy Innocents.   It marks the massacre of first born sons, by whom: King Herod, King Solomon or Pontius Pilate?
A1)        King Herod.

Q2)        28th December, 1856, saw the birth of the 28th President of the USA.   Who was that president: William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson or Warren G. Harding?
A2)        Woodrow Wilson.

Q3)        Alaric 2nd was named king: on 28th December, 484AD.   King of the whom: Vandals, Visigoths or Goths?
A3)        Visigoths.

Q4)        28th December, 1954, saw the birth of actor, Denzel Washington.   In which 1993 film does he play Don Pedro of Aragon?
A4)        Much Ado About Nothing.

Q5)        Finally … ?   28th December, 1948, saw the birth of musician, Ziggy Modeliste.   What does he play: bass, drums or saxophone?
A5)        Drums.
Here’s a thought … 
“After us, the deluge.”
Madame De Pompadour, 29 December 1721 – 15 April 1764.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Yes, I remember reading about the Basque Country, Olga: I think I did a set on it, a while back.   If I haven’t I should: I’ve done so many ten question US states set!   And, yes: I had noticed the similarities to the UK’s constituent nations.   The really contentious part is still Northern Ireland.   (That’s d a tough one to write for!)
        Yes: I got everything in!   I just hope my arm recovers!

        Hello, Mum!

‡        Do you mean this Vexed, Debbi?   It sounds interesting.   As does Sex Education: Gillian Anderson’s my age, I think.   And Asa Butterfield’s in it?   I’ve had have an eye on him ever since he played Mordred in Merlin, many years ago.
        Yes: Seventeen and Twenty-three.   Seventeen opened with Destiny of the Daleks, and closes with Shada.   Twenty-three is the Trial of a Time Lord season.   I’m looking forward to the Behind the Sofa extras, they’re quite good.   (Katy Manning’s bonkers in hers.   Janet Fielding and Sarah Sutton are hysterical.   Especially in the ones with Louise Jameson or Wendy Padbury!)


  1. Q1) The USA

    Q2) King David

    Q3) Pandemic

    Q4) Andrew Johnson

    Q5) Fabric
    I am terrible at bowling. It is weird, because I seemed to be better at it the first few times I went, and I got increasingly worse, to the point that people would think I failed on purpose. I would never try anything that heavy, especially as nowadays if I try to do any upper body weights routine with anything even mildly heavy, my shoulders and neck kill me later. I've had a bit of a bad neck for ages, and spending so much time at the computer doesn't help, for sure.
    I am not surprised you find so many questions for American states. I guess there is much more material out there because more people input it, while there aren't that many people with the time or the means to do it in other places. It is always good to learn about other places though.

  2. 1 Spain
    2 King David
    3 Pandemic
    4 Andrew Johnson
    5 Fabric

  3. That's the show, yes. And Sex Education had an episode in which Stephen Fry was the quizmaster in a quiz competition between schools.

    Needless to say, I thought of you. :)

    1. the USA
    2. King David
    3. Pandemic
    4. Andrew Johnson
    5. fabric


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