
Saturday 15 January 2022

Doctor Who — The Evil of the Daleks: Episode 6 — A Review

14th January, 2022.

Right at the moment, I’m boiling potatoes: I’m cooking dinner, in other words, and making home-made chips as part of the meal.

So, of course, I’ve done the usual thing: chopped up a couple of spuds with a crinkle cutter, and put the things on to boil.

Before I roast them in the oven.

Which means … ?

Well, lots of things.

But it means I’m both nearer to getting fed: and nearer to watching episode six of classic Doctor Who story, The Evil of the Daleks, tonight.

If you’re reading this intro?   I should have my review up, by 15th January, 2022.

Here’s hoping it reads well … !


15th January, 2022.

Episode 6 picks up from where episode five leaves off: showing us the Doctor (Patrick Troughton) playing trains with the child-like, human-factor Daleks.

However … ?

The three Daleks — dubbed Alpha, Beta and Omega, by the Doctor — have to leave: as they have orders to return to Skaro.

Leaving the Doctor and Jamie (Frazer) to try and find Victoria: little knowing that she is also on Skaro.

And leaving Waterfield (John Bailey) to eavesdrop on a conversation Maxtible has with a Dalek: who’s keen to have the Doctor brought to Skaro.

The Daleks want the Doctor to met someone important.

The Dalek tells Maxtible something else.

That box he’s so keen to examine, one the Daleks have bolted to the floor?

Is due to go off, any … minute … now … 


Now … what did I make of this episode … ?

For a start … ?

For a start, we get the big reveal at the end of this episode: for the first time in the show’s history, we get to see the Emperor Dalek, itself.

And, as amazing as the thing looks in the animated version?

I’d love to have seen the original: in the original broadcast.

The few snippets we see of the creature — in the telesnaps reconstruction that’s included in the boxed set — just give us a taste of the episode.

There’s another minor detail: around fourteen minutes into the episode, we see Theodore Maxtible — in full on rant mode — brought to a stop by Daleks being physically violent, pushing him around until he shuts up!

The only other time I’ve seen that?   Is in episode four of The Evil of The Daleks: when one Dalek pushes Maxtible over.

Granted, it’s Maxtible — the Faustian villain of the piece — getting physical violence from the demons he’s summoned: but it’s still not something I can recall seeing in later Dalek stories.


Given that, given the Daleks are so menacingly lit in this penultimate episode — far more menacingly lit than they are in Genesis of the Daleks — given the oddity of the Human Daleks earlier in the episode?

This is one hell of an episode: one that leaves me  leaves me looking forward to the next one.

We know the Daleks are going to beaten by the Doctor … 

We know they’s going to have a civil war in the process.

But my word … The Evil of the Daleks is giving us one hell of a show in the process.

I’ll see you next week!
The Evil of the Daleks: Episode 6

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