
Saturday 15 January 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-1-2022: Hill Street Blues

15th January, 2022.

Yes: it’s Saturday.

A foggy one, by the look of things.

And … ?   Regardless of the weather, I’m going to be finishing a review of episode six of The Evil of the Daleks, tonight: after watching it, last night.

It’s the first time in the show’s history we see the Dalek Emperor: and it has to be said, the thing’s amazing to see!


Have you been watching the news … ?

Then you’re possibly aware that — during 2020’s strict COVID lockdown period — several parties were held at 10, Downing Street.

Including one the day before the funeral of Prince Phillip.

With Prime Minister Boris Johnson having been to some, and giving his permission for others: either by omission, or commission.

Either way … ?   Many — myself included — feel the PM looks like a lier and a hypocrite: for denying he went to some of these events, but turning out to have gone, and for condoning lockdown rules … and not following him.

I feel he should resign as PM*.

Whether he will or not, is a whole other thing … but falling on his (metaphorical) sword is looking like his only way out … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five, Olga on four and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        Hill Street Blues debuted on 15th January of which year: 1981, 1982 or 1983?

Q2)        On which US TV channel: ABC, NBC or CBS?

Q3)        It was filmed, where: New York, Chicago or Los Angeles?

Q4)        The series is a what: whodunnit, police procedural or murder mystery?

Q5)        Finally … ?   How many Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Drama Series did the show win: two, three or four?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        According to UNESCO, 14th January is World Logic Day. Logic is the study of what: reasoning, reality or raspberries?
A1)        Reasoning.

Q2)        According to Wikipedia, Logic has been studied since when: Antiquity, the Renaissance or the 19th Century?
A2)        Antiquity.

Q3)        Term logic is also known as what: Aristotelian Logic, Platonic solids or the Socratic Method? or
A3)        Aristotelian Logic.

Q4)        ‘Or,’(⌄) ‘and,’(⌃) and ‘therefore’ (∴) are symbols in which logical discipline: symbolic logic, semantics or deductive arguments?
A4)        Symbolic logic.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Spock — Star Trek’s most logical character — was originally played by whom: Zachary Quinto, Ethan Peck or Leonard Nimoy?
A5)        Leonard Nimoy.
Here’s a request …
“Let’s be careful out there.”
Sgt Esterhaus.
And a theme …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*    With that in mind?   I’ve emailed Alex Burghart, my local MP.   There’s what I said;
Dear Mr Burghart,

Recent events have show that the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has been to work parties at Number 10 Downing Street: parties held in violation of the strict Covid rules, then in  place.

Parties that he either attended, silently permitted, or did not cancel.

Including a works party the day before the funeral of Prince Phillip.

In so doing?

He has shown himself to be both a liar, and hypocrite: and not fit to hold public office.

I would like to know one thing.

Regardless of when Sue Grey’s report on the matter is published, or what is says?

Will you be putting in a Letter of No Confidence with the 1922 Committee: calling for him to step down as Conservative Party Leader?

He is unfit for the role: and for that of Prime Minister.
I hope that gets some attention.

        Oh, that’s sad to here, Olga!   My commemorations on losing them!   I am very aware how lucky I’ve been, in not getting it: I’ve a couple of nodules on my right lung that — thankfully — haven’t grown, or proved cancerous.   Giving up cigarettes was a damn good decision!   Yes: I miss smoking.   But I’m glad it hasn’t killed me!
        I know what you mean about Logic at school.   I don’t think my school offered it as an option: but it could have been useful.   Especially some branches.

        Hello, Mum!

^        Yeah, it WAS rather good, wasn’t it, Debbi?   I like the Spock quote, too: any idea what episode it’s from?
        Oh, I’ve JUST looked at the NG website: one of the articles asks if “hallucinogenic booze fueled politics in ancient Peru?”   I hope Boris Johnson doesn’t see that … !   (Apparently, that shade of yellow is #ffce00.   Um … )


  1. Q1) 1981

    Q2) NBC

    Q3) Los Angeles

    Q4) A police procedural

    Q5) Four
    Yes, stopping smoking is a great decision. I never took it up. Thankfully, I never saw much point to it, even when some of my friends smoked. (I've never been one to dance to other people's music, to be honest). You are absolutely right about Johnson. I think even he might have overdone it this time. I can't stand liars (at least if you'd done something wrong or bad, have the honesty to admit to it), that's why I'd never get myself into politics. Have a great weekend.

  2. Well, that is an interesting question. :)

    1. 1981
    2. NBC
    3. Los Angeles
    4. police procedural
    5. four

    This used to be one of our favorite shows.

  3. And the answer to your question is, "I, Mudd".

    I hated the episodes with Mudd, but that was a great line. I haven't forgotten it, decades later. :)

  4. 1 1981
    2 NBC
    3 Los Angeles
    4 Police procedural
    5 4


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