
Friday 14 January 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-1-2022: World Logic Day

14th January, 2022.

Right … 

I’m going to be stuck indoors, for the morning.

Yes: I’ve got the pest controller popping in, today!


He’ll be here, early!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        According to UNESCO, 14th January is World Logic Day.   Logic is the study of what: reasoning, reality or raspberries?

Q2)        According to Wikipedia, Logic has been studied since when: Antiquity, the Renaissance or the 19th Century?

Q3)        Term logic is also known as what: Aristotelian Logic, Platonic solids or the Socratic Method?

Q4)        ‘Or,’(⌄) ‘and,’(⌃) and ‘therefore’ (∴) are symbols in which logical discipline: symbolic logic, semantics or deductive arguments?

Q5)        Finally … ? Spock — Star Trek’s most logical character — was originally played by whom: Zachary Quinto, Ethan Peck or Leonard Nimoy?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        13th January, 2021, saw which President impeached for the second time: Donald Trump, Bill Clinton or George W. Bush?
A1)        Donald Trump.

Q2)        13th January is the Feast day of Saint Mungo.   Mungo’s the patron saint of where: Glasgow, Edinburgh or Strathclyde?
A2)        Glasgow.

Q3)        13th January is Liberation Day in Togo.   Where IS Togo: Asia, Africa or Europe?
A3)        Africa.

Q4)        The Nika Riots started on 13th January, 532AD. In which city: Rome, Moscow or Constantinople?
A4)        Constantinople: also known as Byzantium.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The USA’s National Geographic Society was founded: on 13th January, 1888.   In which US city: New York, Chicago or Washington DC?
A5)        Washington DC.
Here’s a thought … 
“All men are mortal.   Socrates was mortal.   Therefore, all men are Socrates.”
Woody Allen.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Yeah: Othello was going to be the other thing to mention, Olga!   As I recall Lenny Henry’s version supposed to be quite good.
        Oh, weird ol’ thing: remember, we got talking about bowel problems, and how they’re supposed to be more common amongst left handers?   An old friend’s been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, just recently.   Which means the only two people I know with the condition are left handed …
        Wish Anna well for me!   (Galicia sounds gorgeous!)

        Hello, Mum!

        Thought it would appeal, Debbi!
        You know, when I was at Junior school — from seven to eleven, here in the UK — we had stacks of National Geographics.   That cover was a distinct shade of yellow.


  1. Q1) Reasoning

    Q2) Antiquity

    Q3) Aristotelian Logic

    Q4) Deductive arguments

    Q5) Leonard
    Well, I know two friends would only count as anecdotal evidence, but it seems to prove the point. I hope the pest controller comes early. Around midday, I have an online event/funeral for a Scottish blogger and author I've been following for a long time. She and another blogger were diagnosed with lung cancer shortly after the first lockdown (and probably there was a delay due to that) and both have now passed away. The weird thing was that both of them had arranged to meet and had to cancel due to having to go for further tests.
    You've reminded me that I enjoyed logic when I studied at high school, although it was only a taster and we didn't dedicate it much time. Unfortunately, I don't remember a lot about it. There are so many things that prickle one's interest and so little time to follow on all of them...

  2. 1 reasoning
    2 Antiquity
    3 Socreatic method
    4 Semantics
    5 Leonard Nimoy

  3. I still get it. And it still has the distinctive yellow cover. :)

    1. reasoning
    2. Antiquity
    3. Aristotelian
    4. symbolic logic
    5. Leonard Nimoy

    "Logic is a little tweeting bird. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers, that smell bad."
    -- Spock, as played by Leonard Nimoy in one of those episodes. :)

    Love the Woody Allen quote!


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