
Friday 21 January 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21st January, 2022.

21st January, 2022.

Right … first things first … ?

My nephew was over, yesterday: and managed to make a video.

It WAS a little rushed: as Mummy was insistent he go home and have a bath.

Otherwise we’d’ve added assorted banging noises when a goal was scored.

Oh, well … !


Oh, now that’s said … !

Radio four’s just announced the Meatloaf’s died.

The man was an icon: and will be much missed.


Moving on … ?

There’s been a piece in The Sun: that tells us Chancellor Rishi Sunak is eyeing the entry price crisis that’s been going on for a while, now.

And seemingly, is studying the idea of a £500 cash payment to those on a low income: in order to cover the costs.

I’d welcome that.

Who wouldn’t?

But … ?

I still believe the twenty pound uplift — introduced during the COVID 19 pandemic — is a far better option.

Five hundred quid will go in seconds.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        21st January, 1950, saw the death of writer, George Orwell.   Which of his novels has a potted plant in the title?

Q2)        The first commercial flight by Concorde were made: on 21st January of which year of the 1970s?

Q3)        The world’s first nuclear powered sub was launched: on 21st January, 1954.   It was the USS what: the USS Cuttlefish, the USS Nautilus or the the USS Octopus?

Q4)        21st January is the feast day of Saint Agnes.   She’s the patron saint of whom: farmers, gardeners or hatters?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The RMS Tayleur sank on 21st January, 1854: off the coast of Lambay Island.   Where was the ship heading, when she sank: Australia, New Zealand or Japan … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        20th January is the Feast day of Saint Euthymius the Great.   He’s a saint to which religious group: the Roman Catholic Church, the Church of the Sub Genius or the International Society for Krishna Consciousness?
A1)        The Roman Catholic Church.   (The Church of the SubGenius newer than the ISKCON: and incredibly slack.   I’ll leave that there, shall I … ?)

Q2)        Director, Federico Fellini was born on 20th January, 1920.   In what’s now which European country: Germany, Italy or France?
A2)        Italy.

Q3)        20th January, 1920, saw the birth of which Star Trek cast member: Leonard Nimoy, DeForrest Kelley or William Shatner?
A3)        DeForrest Kelley: the original Dr McCoy.   The man had a reputation for being an utter gentleman.

Q4)        George 5th died on 20th January, 1936.   Who succeeded him as King: Edward 7th, Edward 8th or Edward 9th?
A4)        Edward 8th: he of Abdication fame..

Q5)        Finally … ?   20th January is the feast day of Saint Sebastian.   Traditionally?   He’s depicted after been shot full of what: arrows, bullets or stones?
A5)        Arrows.
Here’s a thought … 
“Scratch the Christian and you find the pagan — spoiled.”
Israel Zangwill, 21 January 1864 – 1 August 1926.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        It went well enough, Olga^: I think I learnt a thing or two, I know that!   And yes: you’re right about salaries.   I’m just glad I don’t have to worry about insurance for most of the ones I’ve done.
        At ANY rate … ?   I hope things go well with Rebeca: have you still got the other chap on the books?   Jordi, was it … ?   Mr Logical?
        Hello, Mum!

        Hmmm … that’s odd, Debbi^: but possibly something to do with the international licensing.   Let me know if the version here, works.

^        Did you both hear?   Meatloaf’s died.   The man was an icon: and possibly the most theatrical singer the US ever produced!


  1. Q1) Keep the Aspidistra Flying

    Q2) 1976

    Q3) The USS Nautilus

    Q4) Gardeners

    Q5) Australia
    Good for Jude! I am not a big follower of MeatLoaf, but I do like some of his songs, and I particularly remember his role in Fight Club...
    Yes, well remembered. Jordi is restarting his lessons next month, although we'll go from two hours to only 90 minutes. Well, after such a long break, it might be a challenge, but I'm curious to see his apartment again, as he has had it refurbished.

  2. 1 Keep the Aspidisrra Flying
    2 1972
    3 USS Cuttlefish
    4 Gardeners
    5 New Zealand

  3. Yes, I heard about Meatloaf. Another one bites the dust! :(

    1. Keep the Aspidistra Flying
    2. 1976
    3. the USS Nautilus
    4. gardeners
    5. Australia

    Someday, I'll have to read more of Orwell than Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm! :)

    Any recommendations?

  4. Got another error message. Go figure. :)


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