
Sunday 23 January 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23rd January, 2022.

23rd January, 2022.

Right … I am actually feeling … well … non-tired.

Which is surprising.

I had something of a late night: doing the review of the last episode of The Evil of the Daleks.

It’s fantastic stuff, I think.

About my only complaint with the box set … ?

Is that there’s no Behind the Sofa watch along.

Granted those are only usually a feature on the blu-ray box sets of later seasons.

But I think that could have come in handy for The Evil of the Daleks.

Heigh ho!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        The Shaanxi Earthquake — said to be the deadliest in history — took place on 23rd January, 1556.   In which country: Japan, China or Thailand?

Q2)        23rd January, 1879, saw the end of the Battle of Rourke’s Drift: in what’s now South Africa.   It took place between forces of the British empire: and which tribal kingdom: the Zulu, Xhosa or Sotho?

Q3)        Jerusalem was named as Israel’s capital: on 23rd January, 1950: by Israel’s parliament.   What’s the name of Israel’s parliament: the Althing, Knesset or the National Assembly?

Q4)        23rd January is World Freedom Day.   In South Korea, and where else: Taiwan, Thailand or Tunisia?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Madeleine Albright was named as the USA’s first female Secretary of State: on 23rd January, 1997.   The Secretary of State is the US government official responsible for US what: finances, foreign policy or justice?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        22nd January is the Day of Unity of Ukraine in Ukraine.   It marks a treaty first signed in which year: 1918, 1919 or 1920?
A1)        1919.

Q2)        The treaty was signed in what’s now Ukraine’s capital city.   What’s that city’s name: Kyiv, Kharkiv or Odesa?
A2)        Kyiv. It’s also spelt Kiev.

Q3)        Bulgarian, Belorussian and Polish, are three of Ukraine’s recognised, regional what: languages, alphabets or ethnicities?
A3)        Languages.

Q4)        Pysanka are given as given as gifts in Ukraine.   When: Christmas, Easter or Ramadan?
A4)        Easter.   They’re painted easter eggs.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Vitaliy Klytchko is a well known Ukrainian what: footballer, boxer or rugby player?
A5)        Boxer.   As is his brother, Wladimir.
Here’s a thought … 
“One individual may die for an idea, but that idea will, after his death, incarnate itself in a thousand lives.”
Subhas Chandra Bose, 23 January 1897 – 18 August 1945.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Oh, it’s always good to get a view, Olga!   Unfortunately for me?   I’m on the ground floor.   Still: at least I don’t have to go upstairs with the shopping.   And I know what you mean: Bake-off: The Musical On Ice could be so much worse!
        I think, whatever language we read him in … ?   Orwell’s always worth reading.   You know: I might have to check out The Road to Wigan Pier.   (I’ve left another quote in Debbi’s footnote.)
        Oh, Radio Four’s just had a piece on the new Spike Milligan stage show!   I’m interested!

        Hello, Mum!   (I don’t think they’ll be a war, Mum: Putin will find it easier to cut off the gas supply!)

        I think the man was possibly one of the most quotable writers in the English language, Debbi^: the few Orwell books I have, are in easy reach, for when I need to grab a quote.   Sometimes it works a bit better than Wikiquote.   I’ve literally just opened of his books at this;

“A fat man eating quails while children are begging for bread is a disgusting sight, but you’re less likely to see it when you are within sound of the guns.”
Homage to Catalonia, Chapter VIII, George Orwell.

^        JUST as a last thought, Debbi?   I mentioned to Olga, how there’s a new stage show due to start: about the late, great, Spike Milligan.   According to the piece on Radio Four?   They’ve had to bring in a lot of sound effects guys to reproduce the Goon Show’s effects.   The Goons had the Radiophonic Workshop: who did the sound effects for Dr Who.


  1. 1 China
    2 Zulu
    3 Knesset
    4 Thailand
    5 Foreign Policy

  2. Q1) China

    Q2) The Zulu

    Q3) The Knesset

    Q4) Taiwan

    Q5) Foreign policy
    Another great quote, indeed. I agree that Orwell's stories and ideas work well in any language, but he seems to have had quite a gift for finding the right word, and that's something I've always admired.
    I don't think I told you I covered a skateboarding exhibition on Friday for the radio. This group (SNT4EVER have joined effort with the neighbours to try to get a square behind Sants Estació (a big train station in the neighbourhood) back to its former glory, or rather, to a new kind of glory. They are very enthusiastic and it got me reading about skateboarding... Trying to understand what their moves and tricks are like by reading the description proved quite a challenge...
    Oh, yes, there is something to be said for avoiding steps, although I always take the stairs if I'm not in a hurry (and it is not too high a building). I share a picture of our view from the window, so, yes, we see bits, but not much.

  3. Oh, Spike! I goon after me own heart! :)

    Orwell tops my list of must-reads now. Along with a few others. Some guy named Pratchett, and some dude named Gaiman, I think. :) And others! Many others!

    1. China
    2. the Zulu
    3. the Knesset
    4. Taiwan
    5. foreign policy

    I mentioned your latest Doctor Who review in a blog post, BTW! :)


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