
Monday 24 January 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th January, 2022.

24th January, 2022.

Right: I’m officially up and ready … to sit indoors!

I’ve got a phone based medical assessment this morning: to see if I qualify for any extra financial help.

Frankly?   I don’t expect to get anything.

Or, at least, don’t expect to get any extra help: unless I appeal.

At any rate?

That assessment is today: between nine and twelve.

Much as I’m looking forward to getting it done … ?

I hate being stuck indoors, in the mornings!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)    24th January, 1984, saw the first Macintosh computers go on sale in the US.   Who makes the Mac: Apple, Microsoft or Google?

Q2)        Claudius was named Roman Emperor: on 24th January, 41AD.   By whom: the Praetorian Guard, Augustus Caesar or the Senate?

Q3)        24th January, 1961, saw the break of a B-52 bomber: over Goldsboro, North Carolina.   The break-up saw the deaths of three crewmen and the loss of two what: nuclear bombs, wings or ejector seats?

Q4)        Richard de Bury was born on 24th January, 1287.   He rose to become Lord Chancellor of England. The current post of Lord Chancellor is in charge what: government finances, courts or the police? 

Q5)        Finally … ?   24th January, 1705, saw the birth of Farinelli. He was an Italian what: singer, painter or sculptor?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The Shaanxi Earthquake — said to be the deadliest in history — took place on 23rd January, 1556.   In which country: Japan, China or Thailand?
A1)        China.

Q2)        23rd January, 1879, saw the end of the Battle of Rourke’s Drift: in what’s now South Africa.  It took place between forces of the British empire: and which tribal kingdom: the Zulu, Xhosa or Sotho?
A2)        The Zulu.

Q3)        Jerusalem was named as Israel’s capital: on 23rd January, 1950: by Israel’s parliament.   What’s the name of Israel’s parliament: the Althing, Knesset or the National Assembly?
A3)        The Knesset.

Q4)        23rd January is World Freedom Day.   In South Korea, and where else: Taiwan, Thailand or Tunisia?
A4)        Taiwan.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Madeleine Albright was named as the USA’s first female Secretary of State: on 23rd January, 1997.   The Secretary of State is the US government official responsible for US what: finances, foreign policy or justice?
A5)        Foreign policy.
Here’s a thought … 
“The only way not to think about money is to have a great deal of it.”
From The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton, January 24, 1862 – August 11, 1937.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Oh, hang on, Olga: I’m getting the assessment as we speak.   This post is going to take a while!
        Heck, SKATEBOARDING!   I grew up in the late seventies: when skateboarding got big.   We’d’ve killed for a skate park in town.   There is one, now: but that’s after a lot of people pestered the council!   The moves are rather impressive: but, yes, I’m the same. I wouldn’t know them from the written description, either. You’d think having an eleven year old nephew would help, but no: Jude’s more of a football fan.   Oh, and computer games: you might have noticed!   (Sorry if I sound distracted, Olga!   I’ve been typing this, whilst having the phone assessment!)

        Hello, Mum!

        Cheers for that, Debbi!   Every viewer helps!   Orwell and Pratchett are decidedly quotable.   Neil Gaiman, I couldn’t tell you: I’ve not read as much of his stuff as I should.   Remind me to look up Coraline, as and when!
‘Ah, that is different!’ said Boxer.   ‘If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right.’
Chapter 6, Animal Farm, George Orwell.

‘Only in our dreams are we free.   The rest of the time we need wages.’
Terry Pratchett.

‘You get ideas from daydreaming.   You get ideas from being bored.   You get ideas all the time.   The only difference between writers and other people is we notice when we're doing it.’
Neil Gaiman.


  1. Q1) Apple

    Q2) the Praetorian Guard (I remembered this from I, Claudius)

    Q3) Nuclear bombs

    Q4) Courts

    Q5) Singer
    Oh, excellent if you got the assessment already. I hope it went well. The skaters didn't seem too fond of skate parks. They prefer just places in the city they discover and can use (I got the sense, as I asked him, that they think parks are OK for kids, but they prefer other things, and there are different types. From the videos, it seems many cities are looking to create places that can be skater friendly but also used for multipurpose).
    Good luck with the result of the assessment, anyway.

  2. 1 Apple
    2 Pretorian Guard
    3 Bombs
    4 Courts
    5 Singer

  3. Neil Gaiman speaks the truth. It also helps if you take the time to write what you notice! :)

    1. Apple
    2. the Praetorian Guard
    3. nuclear bombs
    4. courts
    5. singer


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