
Sunday 13 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13th March, 2022.

13th March, 2022.

Yes: it’s Sunday.

And, frankly?

I’m expecting it to be quiet.

Apart from dinner with my family, tonight.

Anything involving my nephew’s going to be a little noisy!


Oh, before I forget … ?   And my entire world collapses around my feet?

I caught another episode of Galaxy Four, on Friday: Airlock.

Which set Steven (Peter Purves) trapped in … AN AIRLOCK … !

Like you hadn’t guessed.

At any rate?

The written review’s here.

The video version down here …


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Debbi† and Mum‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        L. Ron Hubbard was born on 13th March, 1911.   He founded which religion: the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Scientology or the Hare Krishna movement?
Q2)        13th March sees Thailand celebrate National what Day: National Elephant Day, National Rhinoceros Day or National Snake Day?

Q3)        13th March is the feast day of Saint Gerald of Mayo.   Where is County Mayo: England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales?
Q4)        The Siege of Khartoum started on 13th March, 1884.   It finished on 24th January, 1885.   Khartoum is in which African nation: Egypt, Sudan or Ethiopia?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Sister Maria Nirmala Joshi was named as leader of the Sisters of Charity: on 13th March, 1997.   Who did she replace: Sister Wendy Becket, Mother Teresa or Sister Jude?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        12th March, 1968, saw Mauritius become independent.   From where: the UK, USA or France?
A1)        The UK.

Q2)        The country’s in which ocean: the Pacific, Atlantic or Indian?
A2)        The Indian Ocean.

Q3)        Does Mauritius have an official language?
A3)        No.   Saying that? English, French and the French based Mauritian Creole are all used on a regular basis.

Q4)        ‘The Dodos’ are the Mauritian national side.   At which sport: cricket, cycling or football?
A4)        Football.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Bryani is the Mauritian version of what: biriyani, vindaloo or papatas bravas?
A5)        Biriyani.
Here’s a thought … 
“You don’t get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.”
L. Ron Hubbard, March 13, 1911 – January 24, 1986.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I know, Olga: that part of the world’s introduced some interesting spices, hasn’t.   One of my exes lodged with an Anglo-Bengali family: and we got invited to one of their barbecues.   I don’t think I’ve had a steak like it!
        The weight’s frustrating.   It’s not helped by the chocolate cravings I get.   I’m assuming that’s where the medication’s lowering my blood sugars … but those cravings are quite powerful.   On a par with craving a cigarette.
        I’ll let you know about the links: if I find them.   The BBC didn’t published yesterday: neither has anyone else, from what I could see.   I’m assuming that’s to avoid any repercussions.
        Give my regards to your neighbours, please, Olga: this isn’t any easy time for anyone!

        That it is, Debbi!   At ANY rate … ?   My review’s up.   Galaxy Four is definitely worth watching!   (Look out for a package!)

        Hello, Mum!


  1. 1 Scienctology
    2 National Elephant Day
    3 Ireland
    4 Sudan
    5 Mother Teresa

  2. Q1) The Church of Scientology

    Q2) National Elephant Day

    Q3) Ireland

    Q4) Sudan

    Q5) Mother Teresa
    I am more of a savoury person than sweets (I like chocolate, but don't eat it regularly, or hardly at all). Diabetes doesn't help, as I find that it is easier to keep off foods if I don't start eating until later in the day, but that is not practical or safe with diabetes.

  3. Got it! :) Thanks!

    1. Scientology
    2. National Elephant Day
    3. Ireland
    4. Sudan
    5. Mother Teresa


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