
Friday 4 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4-3-2022: Vermont

4th March, 2022.

Right … I’m now, officially, a year older.

It’s my birthday.

I’m another year old, another year — Ha! — wiser … 

And definitely creaking.

Oh … and I share my birthday with Vermont, and Patsy Kensit.

Heigh ho!


Oh, JUST as a thought … ?

My nephew, Jude, was over, yesterday.

Would you mind hitting like on the resulting videos … ?   He’s managed three … … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        Vermont joined the USA: on the 4th March.   4th March of which year: 1791, 1792 or 1793?

Q2)        It was which state to do so: the 14th, 15th or 16th?

Q3)        What’s Vermont’s capital: Montpelier, Winooski or Saint Albans?

Q4)        What’s Vermont’s largest city by population: Burlington, Rutland or Montpelier?

Q5)        Vermont fought on which side, in the US Civil War: Union or Confederate?

Q6)        In 2019, Vermont was the USA’s leading producer of what: cheddar, maple syrup or fiddleheads?

Q7)        Brigham Young was born in Vermont.   He was a leader of whom: the Mormons, Scientologists or Hare Krishnas?

Q8)        Bill W. was born in Vermont.   He was one of the co-founders of what: Alcoholics Anonymous, the YMCA or National Hockey League?

Q9)        Dr Bob Smith was born in Vermont.   He was one of the co-founders of what: Alcoholics Anonymous, the YMCA or National Hockey League?

Q10)        Finally … ?   Which English writer lived in Brattleboro, Vermont: Ian Fleming, Rudyard Kipling or Iain M. Banks?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        3rd March is World Wildlife Day.   It marks the day who adopted the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna: the UN General Assembly, the UN Security Council or the World Health Organisation?
A1)        The UN General Assembly.

Q2)        The Convention is usually call what: CITES, CITED or CITATIONS?
A2)        CITES.

Q3)        The Day celebrates flora and fauna.   Wild animals are what: flora or fauna?
A3)        Fauna.

Q4)        Plants are what: flora or fauna?
A4)        Flora.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Convention marked today is there to protect wildlife that is what: rare, extinct or endangered?
A5)        Endangered.
Here’s a thing … 
“Freedom and Unity.”
Vermont’s motto.
And a state song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        A Venezuelan petrol company … ?   That owns carparks?   You’re right, Olga, that really does sound counter-intuitive!   There’s probably a few managers in the group who’d have transferable skills … but it doesn’t sound like an obvious purchase.
        At any rate, the one thing that did grab me?   Was the fact my GP referred to the company under the original company’s name: ACE — My Weight Matters.   To add to the confusion?   It’s been bought by Provide: the service provider that that runs my Thursday group.   At least it’s not the petrol company.

        Hello, Mum!

        That’s nice to hear, Debbi!   I can stop worrying!   (It sounds like I’m going to have to keep an eye open for it.)
        That’s a thought!   The Abominable Snowmen, the first Patrick Troughton, Yeti story, has been reconstructed as a cartoon^: and due to be released soon.   Unfortunately, it’s going to be the last for a while: as BBC America has pulled its funding.   That’s a damn shame!   those things are HIGHLIGHTS!

^        I almost put ‘carton,’ there, Debbi!


  1. Q1) 1791

    Q2) 14th

    Q3) Montpelier

    Q4) Burlington

    Q5) The Union

    Q6) Maple syrup

    Q7) The Mormons

    Q8) Alcoholics Anonymous

    Q9) Alcoholics Anonymous

    Q10) Rudyard Kipling
    Happy Birthday, Paul! I hope you have a fabulous day today. It does sound as if Jude enjoyed himself yesterday.
    It does sound confusing all this buying and handing over, but yes, at least it isn't a Venezuelan Petrol Company!
    Take care and have fun!

  2. 1 1791
    2 14th
    3 Montpellier
    4 Burlington
    5 Union
    6 Cheddar
    7 Mormon
    8 AA
    9 YMCA
    10 Iain m Banks

  3. Happy Birthday Young man.It is a couple of months to my 74th birthday.

  4. Cheers, Trevor: Happy Birthday yo you, in case I miss it … 

  5. I'll definitely let you know when I review the book, because it's that great. Really! :)

    1. 1791
    2. the 14th
    3. Montpelier
    4. Burlington
    5. Union
    6. maple syrup
    7. the Mormons
    8. Alcoholic Anonymous
    9. Alcoholic Anonymous
    10. Rudyard Kipling

    And happy birthday to you!!!


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