
Saturday 5 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5th March, 2022.

5th March, 2022.

Yes: it’s officially official.

I woke up to an earworm.

Fleetwood Mac’s Tusk.

If I’m going to have the dratted thing banging around my head, I’m going to spread the proverbial joy … 


Your following the news about Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine, aren’t you?

Me being me, I’ve got half an eye on the technology front.

Apple’s stopped selling services in Russia: alongside other company.


Besides telling providing extra cyber-security services to Ukraine, Microsoft stopped selling products and services to Russia, yesterday.

I don’t know for sure: but I imagine that one of the products they’ll stop selling, will be the various versions of Windows available.

I imagine that won’t slow Russia down, for now: although it could make it easier for Western cyber-security agencies to to attack older, unpatched, versions of the OS that Russia’s armed forces are using.

We’ll have to see about that.

I also think the Russian people could start shopping around for Russian made Linux distributions.

I can’t see the Russian people not being able to deal with a Microsoft boycott.

I can’t see the Russian government not being able to deal with a Microsoft boycott.

Hmmm … 

Did you ever hear of an experiment OS called ReactOS?

It’s still at the very experimental Alpha stage of development: but is supposed to be a drop in replacement for Windows.   You can, in theory, install it on a machine, and still use your Windows apps.

Russia’s taken an interest in it, according to some reports.

I’m no IT expert … 

But wouldn’t be surprised if the Russian government can get around the Microsoft boycott, using ReactOS.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Mum on seven.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message!

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        5th March is Learn from Lei Feng Day.   Where: China, Japan or North Korea?

Q2)        5th March is Saint Piran’s Day.   Saint Piran is the patron saint of whom: tin miners, coal miners or gold miners?

Q3)        Elisabeth Moore was born on 5th March, 1876.   She played what: tennis, badminton or squash?

Q4)        On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres was banned by the Roman Catholic Church: on 5th March, 1616.   Who wrote the book: Isaac Newton, Nicolaus Copernicus or Albert Einstein?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Pope Francis stated a Papal visit: on 5th March, 2021. To where: Iran, Iraq or Israel?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Vermont joined the USA: on the 4th March.   4th March of which year: 1791, 1792 or 1793?
A1)        1791.

Q2)        It was which state to do so: the 14th, 15th or 16th?
A2)        The 14th.

Q3)        What’s Vermont’s capital: Montpelier, Winooski or Saint Albans?
A3)        Montpelier.

Q4)        What’s Vermont’s largest city by population: Burlington, Rutland or Montpelier?
A4)        Burlington.

Q5)        Vermont fought on which side, in the US Civil War: Union or Confederate?
A5)        Union.

Q6)        In 2019, Vermont was the USA’s leading producer of what: cheddar, maple syrup or fiddleheads?
A6)        Maple syrup.

Q7)        Brigham Young was born in Vermont.   He was a leader of whom: the Mormons, Scientologists or Hare Krishnas?
A7)        Mormons.

Q8)        Bill W. was born in Vermont.   He was one of the co-founders of what: Alcoholics Anonymous, the YMCA or National Hockey League?
A8)        Alcoholics Anonymous or AA.

Q9)        Dr Bob Smith was born in Vermont.   He was one of the co-founders of what: Alcoholics Anonymous, the YMCA or National Hockey League?
A9)        Alcoholics Anonymous or AA.

Q10)        Finally … ?   Which English writer lived in Brattleboro, Vermont: Ian Fleming, Rudyard Kipling or Iain M. Banks?
A10)        Rudyard Kipling.   (Iain M. Banks was Scottish.)
Here’s a thought … 
“I didn’t enjoy acting particularly, when I was young.   I thought it was a lot of work.”
Dean Stockwell, March 5, 1936 – November 7, 2021.
And a song that, in retrospect, seems appropriate …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Cheers, Olga: it went well enough!   And, yes, he did.   Hopefully, he’ll start making shorter videos: that’ll possibly help his watch times.
        I think the world’s a better placed: for not being owned by Venezuelan petrol companies!

        Hello, Mum!   (Iain M. Banks is Scottish!)

        I’ll keep my eyes peeled, Debbi!   (And cheers!)

^        Cheers, Trevor!   Happy birthday, on yours!


  1. 1 China
    2 Tin miners.
    3 Tennis
    4 Copernicus
    5 Iraq

  2. Q1) China

    Q2) Tin miners

    Q3) Tennis

    Q4) Nicolaus Copernicus

    Q5) Iraq
    Good news then, and I'm pleased your birthday went OK. I was covering a Playmobil fair today for the radio, and also a Cooperative project for building new housing, so it was a pretty busy morning.
    I know very little about the ins and outs of the IT system in general, but I've also read that Russia has a lot of interest and has been building on alternative systems rather than using Microsoft options.

  3. Just watched a great mini-series of sorts. Diana Rigg was truly a badass. :)

    1. China
    2. tin miners
    3. tennis
    4. Nicolaus Copernicus
    5. Iraq

    Note: Not one single line of dialogue needed! :)


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