
Friday 1 April 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1st April, 2022: The Month of April.

1st April, 2022.

Right … 

It’s April 1st: and technically, the start of a new month.

It’s also the day utility prices start to rise.

Frankly?   I’m looking at rises that are difficult: but could offset, were I working.

I’d be out of the flat, part of the day: so heating, lighting and optional appliances — the TV, the computer — wouldn’t be on.

Right now?   Things are going to be difficult: I’m in for a longer part of the day, so using more resources.

So?   I’m trying to write this with radiators turned down, and extraneous lights turned off.

I’m very aware there’s only so much a body can do.   My bathroom, for example?   Has no external windows: so I need to turn the light off and on, as and when.

There’s a cold snap on: so I’m not saving money by having the heating off, regardless of radiator settings.


There’s stuff I can do: although I don’t know how much help that will be.

I’m … 

Well … 

Not panicking.

But certainly concerned.

I’m also — wouldn’t you know it — wondering who to blame.

Or be annoyed at.

Remember me mentioning the twenty pound uplift Universal Credit claimants like me got, at the height of the COVID 19 pandemic?

That was very useful: it gave me enough money to cover my bills, and eat.

And, occasionally, a treat: a DVD, a blu-ray, a book.

Then it got removed.   It should have been made permanent: when it was removed, people were predicting a rise in the cost of living.

At it’s removal, things got tougher.   And with the expectation that things will get rougher.

The cost of living trends, and the Government’s removal of the cap on energy prices over the past few months?   A cost the Government has been aware of for months, that’s been known about for months, that’s been predicted to be bad even without the Ukrainian War factored in, for months?

And the Government’s refusal to increase benefits in line with current inflation, will leave me, and many like me, with serious issues.

As will their refusal to freeze the National Insurance raise, in last week’s Budget.   That will leave many working families with issues.

The Governmentº may be saving money with these things.

But it’s is not helping.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        It’s 1st April.   How many days are there in April: 28, 30 or 31?

Q2)        April is — in the UK — National what Month: Cheese Month, Pet Month or Tree Month?

Q3)        April lived in Belize Zoo.   She was one of the world’s longest lived what's: ant-eaters, tapirs or bonobos?

Q4)        April are a girl band founded in 2015.   From where: Japan, China or South Korea?

Q5)        Finally?   Brendon April is South African player of what: Rugby Sevens, Rugby Union or Rugby League?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        31st March is Freedom Day in Malta. It makes the withdrawal of British troops in which year of the 1970s?
A1)        1979.

Q2)        Malta is in which sea: the Weddell, Caribbean or Mediterranean?
A2)        The Mediterranean.

Q3)        What’s Malta’s capital city: Siġġiewi, Valletta or Żabbar?
A3)        Valletta.

Q4)        What’s Malta’s currency: the Pound, Euro or Lira?
A4)        The Euro.

Q5)        Finally … ? Times Three, Claudette Pace and Fabrizio Faniello, have been Maltese contestants in what: RuPaul’s Drag Race, the Eurovision Song Contest or the African Cup of Nations?
A5)        Eurovision Song Contest.
Here’s a thought …
“April, April,

Laugh thy girlish laughter;

Then, the moment after,

Weep thy girlish tears!”

April, by William Watson.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Aphasia being a result of something else, doesn’t seem too surprising, Olgaª: there’s a few like that, isn’t there?   I believe the issue I have with my guts are — in part — the result of an as yet uncorrected hernia.   Until they correct it … ?   Well … 
        But, you’re right, Alzheimer’s — and dementia — are getting talked about, more: as is assisted death, here in the UK.   I think Sir Terry’s death has helped, in that regard.   And I can’t help but wonder how much that helped in Spain: Señor Maragall’s death may have been more useful.   As would Señora Elías’ announcement.   Have you seen many footballers, or rugby players, outing themselves?   We have, here: and it’s a big concern for American footballers, as well, I’m told.
        I am definitely going to have to go on a movie watching binge, I think.   Once I’ve got Star Trek Discovery — and possibly Star Trek Picard — out of the way!   (I enjoyed Sixth Sense and Die Hard: oh, and Looper.   But possibly should see more.   We’ll see.)

        Hello, Mumª!

        It could come in handy, Debbiª.   And it’s sad to here about Bruce, as well: Olga’s mentioned how — sometimes — the condition can be a symptom of other things.   We can only keep our fingers crossed, I think … 
        Oh, did you see this bit of rumoured casting?   Producer, Flora Ilops, is obviously up to something

^        It sounds like a fascinating place, Trevorª.   Just don’t rabbit stew to Jude: he’s got pet rabbits!

ª        Just in case I haven’t mentioned?   Jude’s done another video … 

º        Had they kept the Uplift?   I might have voted Tory — once — in the upcoming local elections.   Just as a thank you.   Now?   Not a chance.   (I can’t vote Green, this year: they’re not standing in my ward.   I’m planning to spoil my vote.)


  1. 1 30 days
    2 Cheese
    3 Tapir
    4 St Korea
    5 Rugby Union

  2. What energy price raise?
    I as always am on an 18 month fixed price charity tariff with my supplier Scottish Power. Thhe charity is Cancer research.
    It was not the cheapest rate with them but I am now in a win win situation. I am helping a charity and now my fuel costs look very low for about the next year.

  3. Q1) 30

    Q2) National Pet Month

    Q3) Tapirs

    Q4) South Korea

    Q5) Rugby Union
    The money situation is terrible everywhere, and you're right, there is no point in removing any benefits when the situation gets worse. Ridiculous. Here, I think I mentioned that the lorry drivers (small companies and independent owners, rather than big companies) went on strike, complaining that with the increase in prices of fuel and diesel, they were working for prices below what it cost them to keep the lorries on the roads. The government has agreed to a reduction in prices, but many people say that doesn't help, there should be a cap (because if the prices keep on going up, and it seems that will be the case, it is only a matter of time to reach the same situation again). I agree. And energy prices at home... We realised my parents had too much power contracted and reduced that, and we're paying less, but the price keeps going up. Spain and Portugal are negotiating a deal with Europe regarding how the prices are fixed (as they are not linked to the gas that reaches the rest of Europe and end up paying more), and we shall see how it goes. In principle they have agreed, but if they will agree to the specifics... They have reduced the taxes on energy, but... And it affects companies and businesses as well, so it is all a big mess.
    I hope common sense prevails, but... It is unlikely.

  4. Interesting. I think that would make him the new youngest Doctor ever. I think. :)

    1. 30
    2. Pet Month
    3. tapirs
    4. South Korea
    5. Rugby Union


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