
Thursday 21 April 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21-4-2022: Annie

21st April, 2022.

Yep: it’s official.

I’m up early: as I have to be in Chelmsford for 9:30.

I’m on a government sponsored programme, designed to help me back into work.

Today’s Chelmsford trip?   Is part of that: it’s a one day course to help older people find work.

Quite how it’ll go, or how much help it’ll offer?

I don’t know.

We’ll just have to see.


Oh, so you know … ?

Jude’s done another video: involving the Sidemen.

Feel free to like: and subscribe to ANOTHER new channel!!!!!!!!.

I’ll warn you now, though: it’s a bit rude!

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.   (Today’s video has yesterday’s answers.)

Q1)        Annie — the stage musical — opened on 21st April, 1977.   Where: the West End, Broadway or the Ginza?

Q2)        The musical’s based on Little Orphan Annie.   Little Orphan Annie is a what: poem, comic strip or radio series?

Q3)        Andrea McArdle, Sarah Jessica Parker and Allison Smith have played Annie on stage.   Who played her in the 1982 film version of the film: Andrea McArdle, Sarah Jessica Parker or Aileen Quinn?

Q4)        Reid Shelton, Stratford Johns, and John Schuck played which character: Daddy Warbucks or Rooster?

Q5)        Finally?   The second song in AnnieIt’s the Hard Knock Life — was sampled for a 1998 song by who: Sean Combes, Jay-Z or Eminem?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        20th April is UN Chinese Language Day.   If you speak Chinese, you’re said to be what: Sinophobic, Sinophilic or a Sinophone?
A1)        A Sinophone.

Q2)        What’s the most commonly spoken form of Chinese: Wu, Mandarin or Cantonese?
A2)        Mandarin.

Q3)        The Cantonese dialect of Chinese is one of two official languages in Macau.   What’s the other: Spanish, Italian or Portuguese?
A3)        Portuguese.

Q4)        Hokkien, Mandarin and Hakka, are versions of Chinese spoken in the Republic of China.   The Republic is also known as which ‘T’?
A4)        Taiwan.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Pinyin is a version of written Chinese that uses which alphabet: Latin, Cyrillic or Greek?
A5)        Latin.
Here’s a thought … 
“The musical's songs ‘Tomorrow,’ and ‘It’s the Hard Knock Life,’ are among its most popular musical numbers.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Annie.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Welcome back, Olga, it’s good to have you back!   How WAS the time off?
        Ha, yeah: they had to put it somewhere.   Right next to a seven storey carpark, an eight storey block of flats … and a four storey block of flats.   You should see the comments that photo’s getting on Facebook!

        Hello, Mum!

‡        That’s a cue for a song, Debbi!   (I think Robby Krieger — the Doors’ guitarist? — did a job and a half, there!)

^        Cheers, Trevor!


  1. Q1) Broadway

    Q2) A comic strip (it seems that the comic strip was based on a poem called Little Orphant Annie)

    Q3) Aileen Quinn

    Q4) Daddy Warbucks

    Q5) Jay-Z
    Yes, not the best choice for the mast, for sure. Oh, good luck today. I hope the workshop is of some use (or at least not too boring...)
    The break was good, although pretty low-key. It is a pain to travel now because you need to have so much paperwork ready that it gets quite stressful. Egypt is a different world, for sure. It puts things into perspective, although we didn't do many touristic things, as we were going to visit my friend's family and spent time with her mother and walked a lot. It was Ramadan as well, and that means it is pretty impossible to do certain things during the day (eating being one of them, even if you aren't a Muslim), but once the sun goes down, it's all go. And that means, it gets even noisier than the rest of the day (and our hotel was quite central, so quiet definitely it wasn't). The weather was OK, but not that hot, and it was very windy at times. Here it has been pretty bad since I landed (it was better in Paris) and it's raining again. For Sant Jordi they have stalls selling books (discounted and with authors signing them live) and roses, so I hope the weather is better on Saturday. Sants 3 Ràdio has a full programme of events organised for the morning, and I know they were counting on me, so I have to see what they are up to and what time I have to turn up (mind you, whatever time you go, they are bound to find yo something to do). But first, let's see what Anna has been up to, this afternoon.
    Keep well.

  2. 1 Broadway
    2 Comic strip
    3 Aileen Quinn
    4 Daddy Worbucks
    5 Jay Z

  3. One of my old favorites! :)

    1. Broadway
    2. comic strip
    3. Aileen Quinn
    4. Daddy Warbucks
    5. Jay-Z

    Rude? I doubt I'll be offended. :)


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