
Sunday 3 April 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3-4-2022: Uncle Joe Stalin.

3rd April, 2022.

Right … 

It’s going to be a quiet Sunday: bar, possibly, lunchtime.

When I’m expecting my nephew.

I’m fully expecting a video, at some point … !


I’m just listening to this week’s edition of Tech Tent: the BBC World Service’s technology show.

Apparently, the Ukraine’s now legalised malicious hacking: presumably, on the condition that it’s against the country’s enemies.

The show describes this as unprecedented.

I’m going to disagree.

As I know perfectly well that officially approved criminals, acting against an enemy state, arguably have  a name.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        3rd April saw Josef Stalin was named as General Secretary of the Communist Party of where: the United States, the Soviet Union or the People’s Republic of China?

Q2)        In which year: 1921, 1922 or 1923?

Q3)        As General Secretary, Stalin was the country’s what: leader, Chief Justice or press officer?

Q4)        Stalin had also beed the editor of the Communist Party’s newspaper.   What was it called: Isvestia (Известия), Trud (Труд) or Pravda (Правда)?

Q5)        Finally … ?   He was replaced, after his death, by the First Secretary of the Communist Party.   Who was that Secretary: Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev or Yuri Andropov?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Haile Selassie was proclaimed Emperor.   On 2nd April of which year: 1929, 1930 or 1931?
A1)        1930.

Q2)        Of where?
A2)        Ethiopia.

Q3)        His dynasty claim to be descended from which Biblical figure: Moses, King Solomon or Noah?
A3)        King Solomon.

Q4)        Before being named as Emperor, he was Ras Tafari Markonnen.   The title of Ras made him roughly equivalent to a what: duke, viscount or baron?
A4)        Duke.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Haile Selassie is the key figure to Rastafarians.   The Rastafari religion has its origins on which island?
A5)        Jamaica.   (From what I’ve understood?   The movement’s followers prefer the term ‘Rastafari,’ over the term, ‘Rastafarian,’ or ‘Rastafarianism.’)
Here’s a thought … 
“History shows that there are no invincible armies and that there never have been.”
Josef Stalin.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        You’re right, Olga: u-turns aren’t good.   But two on the same day … ?   It doesn’t look good, does it?
        So he basically got electrocuted, to ‘break him of the habit’ … ?   The last time I heard of something like that, was the scene — in A Clockwork Orange — where Alex (Malcolm McDowell) gets the same sort of therapy.   I’d normally assume people wouldn’t do it in the real world, but I’m obviously wrong …
        As I recall?   One of the regular lunchtime crowd at the Hutton was a minor, African prince: he worked in the office, next door.   Apparently, most tribes will have a royal family of some sort, so there’s princes everywhere!   I was mildly impressed, though: we didn’t usually get royalty.
        You know, I’ve never seen a copy of the Rastafari scriptures: I might have to go looking around.   (We did get one Rasta coming to the Hutton, as well: he was nice enough, but very picky about his meal being cooked nowhere near bacon.   Some denominations follow kosher rules, quite strictly, and some are VERY vegan!)

        Hello, Mum!   I’ve WhatsApped you!

        Saying that, Debbi … ?   The recent Spider Man movie, Spiderman: No Way Home, features all three movie Spidermen: Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield.   On, and a weird and powerful box.   I don’t know where they got THOSE ideas … !


  1. Has anyone read today’s #quote?

    Someone may want To pas it to Vladimir Putin …

  2. Q1) The Soviet Union

    Q2) 1922

    Q3) Leader

    Q4) Pravda (Правда)

    Q5) Nikita Khrushchev
    Great quote. It's weird, because I was reading a bit of Stalin's biography as I was answering the questions and at the very beginning, when Lenin was still alive, Stalin's ideas sound quite reasonable. Although I've never studied it in a lot of details, many of the tenets and the theories behind communism make a lot of sense, but, to my knowledge, attempts to transform them into a political regime of some sort have gone very badly (not that other systems are wonderful). (I can't help but think that Marx was right when he saw economics playing a part in everything and being behind so many, if not all, the decisions that are taken at high levels).
    I hope the day is good for you. And, it is a bit worrying about hacking... I've never thought that everything should be allowed "in love and war". Yes, privateers... indeed. Give my regards to Jude.

  3. 1 Soviot Union
    2 1922
    3 Leader
    4 Pravda
    5 Khreshkev

  4. A "weird and powerful box"? Imagine! :)

    1. the Soviet Union
    2. 1922
    3. leader (or, arguably, all three!)
    4. Pravda
    5. Nikita Khrushchev

    I'm not sure Putin would get the message in that quote. #irony #history


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