
Tuesday 5 April 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5th April, 2022.

5th April, 2022.

Yes: it’s Tuesday.

And … ?

The second day of a busy-ish week.


I’ve got to email my Restart case worker to arrange for tickets for Thursday meeting: and have to try And arrange transport for 12th May: I have a educational Diabetes meeting.

Meeting?   Possibly session is the right word.

We’ll have to see.


Just as a sad bit of news … ?

June Brown died, yesterday.

Dr Who fans will remember her as Lady Eleanor in The Time Warrior: everyone else will remember Dot Cotton from EastEnders.

Some of the show’s most powerful moments involved Dot.

It’s one hell of a loss.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Olga and Mum on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        April the Fifth lived from 1929 to 1954.   He was a Thoroughbred what: horse, greyhound or tortoise?

Q2)        For personal tax purposes, the financial year ends on 5th April.   The financial year, where: the UK, USA or China?

Q3)        Pharrell Williams was born on 5th April, 1973.   His song, Happy, was used in the soundtrack to which film: Iron Man 3, Despicable Me 2 or Frozen?

Q4)        5th April, 1929, saw the birth of actor, Nigel Hawthorne.   Which king did he play in The Madness of King George: George 1st, 2nd or 3rd?

Q5)        Finally … ?   5th April, 1985, saw the birth of Jan Smeets.   He’s a grand master at which game: Go, Chess or Ludo?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Los Angeles was incorporated on 4th April.   4th April of which year of the 1850s?
A1)        1850.

Q2)        LA’s in which US state?
A2)        California.

Q3)        What came first: LA … or the state it’s in?
A3)        LA: California was admitted to the Union on 9th September, 1850, roughly five months later.

Q4)        The city famously suffers from smog.   The word, smog is a contraction of the words smoke and what: fog, bog or hog?
A4)        Fog.

Q5)        Los Angeles is in the LA what: bowl, saucer or basin?
A5)        The LA Basin.   (I believe that’s partly responsible for the smog: the’s city’s too low for The local equivalent of the jet stream to clear the air.   I’m no meteorologist, though!)

Q6)        LA’s film industry is world famous.   It’s located where: Bel Air, Encino or Hollywood?
A6)        Hollywood.   (According to the Wikipedia entry on the city, one in every six residents is in one of the creative industries.)

Q7)        The LA Dodgers are one of the town’s best known sports teams.   What did they play: American Football, Baseball or Basketball?
A7)        Baseball.

Q8)        The LA Rams, by contrast, play what: American Football, Baseball or Basketball?
A8)        American Football.

Q9)        The University of California has a branch in LA.   Called what: UCB, UCLA or UCSB?
A9)        UCLA: obviously!

Q10)        Finally … ?   LAX is Los Angeles what: airport, main train terminal or harbour?
A10)        Los Angeles International Airport.
Here’s a thought … 
“There’s something idiotic and at the same time rather exciting about Cannes.”
 Nigel Hawthorne, (5 April 1929 – 26 December 2001.
I wrote this set, the day this years Oscars were presented.   I’m wondering what Sir Nigel, or Sir Humphrey, would’ve made of events

Here’s a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Sorry about the score, Olga: but the answer for Q3 was LA.   (I was after what came first.)
        At ANY rate, cheers for music: you have to love Samba’ing Mack the Knives!   It makes up for the interview: the damn thing was an utter shambles.   The interviewer turned up ten minutes late: for what turned out to be a group session, rather than the one-to-one interview I’d been lead to expect.   I don’t usually walk out of interviews, after accusing the interviewer of being unprofessional … but I walked out of that one … (The chap came over as very preachy, as well.)
        In case I forget?   Have a good holiday!

        Hello, Mum!

        Oh, doesn’t he just, Debbi?!


  1. Q1) A horse

    Q2) The UK

    Q3) Despicable Me 2

    Q4) George the 3rd

    Q5) Chess
    What a pain about the interview? I've only ever been to a group one, for The Body Shop, shortly after I arrived in the UK, when I was still trying to sort out my paperwork. Well, they never called me, so...
    Thanks, Paul. I should be able to join the teaser tomorrow, but I have to leave the house pretty early on Thursday to get to the airport on time, and I've decided not to take my computer with me, so I'll only access through the phone, and I'm not sure how much. (While I'm in Paris it shouldn't be a problem, but as we're travelling on, I didn't want to have to leave it in the hotel, and I wasn't sure how much access we'd get there. Who knows what might be allowed or not? I know my friend has told me that a few of the messaging services don't work in Egypt, like WhatsApp).
    I knew the right answer to the California question and was convinced I had even written the explanation about the five months difference, but I probably swapped it around.
    Good luck with everything today. (Here we started with the internet down as they were fixing something, and I'm trying to catch up. And I have to go to the radio this afternoon to edit a piece and try to finish some last-minute shopping, because I hope to have everything packed and ready tomorrow). At least I've printed the boarding pass. And have the VISA and tge COVID passport. Fingers crossed!

  2. 1 Horse
    2 UK
    3 Despicable me
    4 George 3rd
    5 Chess

  3. Glad to hear I know my LA trivia. :)

    1. horse
    2. the UK
    3. Despicable Me 2
    4. George III
    5. Chess


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