
Tuesday 10 May 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th May, 2022.

10th May, 2022.

Yes: you’re right!

I’m up early, again.

I’ve got a dentist appointment.

Just a check up, so you know: but it’s early enough that an early start seems appropriate.

If I end up with all my teeth, and end up with toothpaste, I’ll be up on the day.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Mum and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Olga on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video. (Today’s video has yesterday’s answers.)

Q1)        Temür Khan was enthroned as Chinese emperor: on 10 May, 1294.   He was the second emperor of which dynasty: the Han, Yuan or Qin?

Q2)        10th May, 1774, saw Louis XVI become King of France.   Who was his cake fancying Queen?

Q3)        The USA annexed the Kingman Reef: on 10th May, 1922.   The Reef is where: the North Pacific, South Pacific or North Atlantic?

Q4)        The 66th edition of the Eurovision Song Contest kicks off with a first semi-final: on 10th May, 2022.   It’s taking place in which Italian city: Rome, Turin or Milan?

Q5)        Finally … ?   10th May, 1962, saw Marvel publish the first comic to feature who: Ant-man, Aquaman or the Incredible Hulk?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        9th May is Liberation Day on the Channel Isles.   It marks the end of whose occupation of Jersey and Guernsey: Soviet Russia’s, Nazi Germany’s or Fascist Italy’s?
A1)        Nazi Germany’s.

Q2)        9th May, 2020, saw the death of which rock star: Fats Domino, Little Richard or Chuck Berry?
A2)        Little Richard.

Q3)        9th May, 1977, saw the birth of Mexican wrestler, Averno.   The word, ‘Averno,’ is usually translated into English as what: hell, fire or damnation?
A3)        Hell.

Q4)        9th May is Victory Day over Nazism in World War II.   Where: Ukraine, Romania or Serbia?
A4)        Ukraine. (Quite what’s happening, this year, I don’t know.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   9th May is the feast day of Saint Pachomius the Great.   He’s traditionally depicted crossing the Nile on a what: crocodile, alligator or Gharial?
A5)        A crocodile.
Here’s a thought … 
“You just pick a chord, go twang, and you’ve got music.”
Sid Vicious, 10 May 1957 – 2 February 1979.
And a song …

Sid, Eartha and Frank, were the only people to do My Way, their way.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        The new Doctor Who, you mean, Olga?   He’s going to shake things up, a bit.   We’ll have to see what happens in 2023, when he takes over.   I don’t know if there’ll be a Christmas/New Years special with him, though.
        I know what you mean about boilers!   Mine took a while to get replaced!
        The sad thing … ?   I never actually heard Sir Terry’s radio show: but DO remember the TV show.   The David Icke interview is notorious!

        Hello, Mum!

        He’ll do well, I hope, Debbi.   I’m just wondering who they didn’t hire!   Oh: I think Jodie’s last episode will air the weekend of the 16th and 17th October.   The BBC’s centenary is on the 18th October, this year: which is a Monday.   Whether we get a Christmas/New Years special?   Is a whole other matter.


  1. Q1) Yuan

    Q2) Marie Antoinette

    Q3) The North Pacific

    Q4) Turin

    Q5) The Incredible Hulk
    I used to listen to Sir Terry at home as I got ready to go to work and in the car as well. It could get a bit dangerous when driving, as sometimes I ended up crying with laughter. He was fabulous and always had a word for the rest of the team. There was always a lot of banter, and he was passionate about his charity work.
    There has been plenty of controversy here this year about Eurovision, as the public vote was split between two acts (a group of singers from Galicia, singing in Gallego got a bigger share of the popular vote), but the judges, who had the final say, chose a third singer, Chanel, the one representing Spain now. The comments here are very positive now, but I haven't watched the thing in years (since I was very young) and you can't never trust the reports from the media either. (And, of course, we were talking about Sir Terry...)

  2. And good luck with the dentist!

  3. 1 Yuan
    2 Marie Antoinette
    3 North Atlantic
    4 Turin
    5 Incredable Hulk

  4. I'm looking forward to it! :)

    You know, I've never seen The Man in the High Castle. I should read the book. :)

    1. the Yuan
    2. Marie Antoinette
    3. the North Pacific
    4. Turin
    5. the Incredible Hulk


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