
Monday 16 May 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-5-2022: Henry Fonda

16th May, 2022.

Yep: it’s officially official.

The BBC’s confirmed that David Tennant, and Catherine Tate, are to return to Dr Who: for the one off anniversary special in 2023.

Something I was expecting.

After all, returning Doctors are de rigueur for Dr Who: especially for the anniversary specials.

Frankly, all I’m waiting for, at the moment … ?

Is to hear which — if any — of the other Doctors will be joining him.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message!

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        16th May saw the birth of actor, Henry Fonda.   In which year of the 1900s?

Q2)        He made his Hollywood debut in the 1935 film, The Farmer Takes a what: break, wife or holiday?

Q3)        In World War Two, he joined the US what: army, navy or air force?

Q4)        He won a Best Actor Oscar for his last film: 1981’s On Golden what

Q5)        Finally?   Two of Henry’s children became actors.   Peter was one.   Who was the other: Jane, Bridget or Mildred?
Yesterday’s answers are in today’s video.

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        15th May is the feast day of Saint Dymphna.   She’s a patron saint of the victims of what: sexual assault, syphilis or drought?
A1)        Sexual assault.

Q2)        15th May is the International Day of what: families, fish or phantoms?
A2)        Families.

Q3)        To many Orthodox Churches, 15th May is the feast day of Saint Pachomius the Great.   He’s usually depicted as a what: nun, cardinal or hermit?
A3)        A hermit.   He’s possibly inappropriately dressed.   If I’ve understood it correctly, he founded cenobitic orders of monks: who lived in communities, rather than as individuals.   Additionally, he’s celebrated on either the 9th or 28th of May by various different churches: ones that don’t use the Gregorian calendar.

Q4)        Abd al-Rahman 1st became the first Emir of Córdoba on 15th May, 756AD.    The Emirate was on what’s now called the what: Balkan Peninsular, Iberian Peninsular or Bruce Peninsular?
A4)        The Iberian Peninsular: what’s now Spain and Portugal.   (The Balkans are in southeast Europe. The Bruce Peninsular’s in Canada.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Las Vegas was founded on 15th May, 1905.   It’s in which US state?
A5)        Nevada.
Here’s a thought … 
“I’ve been close to Bette Davis for thirty-eight years - and I have the cigarette burns to prove it.”
Henry Fonda, speaking at a dinner honouring Bette Davis.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Oh, SHOES!   Don’t tell me about shoes, Olga!   I’ve got an extremely comfortable pair, at the moment: that are nicely worn in.   It certainly helps, doesn’t it?
        And, yes: some things are very expected, aren’t they?   Not that I’m mentioning David Tennant … 

        Oh, blimey!   I’m not surprised, then, Debbi!   Botox can be nasty, if it’s applied incorrectly!   (Totally pointless trivia for you, Debbi: there’s an old type of torture called Falaka, that involves whipping the feet.   It’s one of the older questions in my database … )

^        Happy Birthday, Trevor!


  1. Q1) 1905

    Q2) Wife

    Q3) Navy

    Q4) Pond

    Q5) Jane
    Oh yes, the joy of the perfect pair of old shoes. Although I love Paolo Nutini's song "New Shoes" (it is so optimistic!), I am all for comfortably worn shoes.
    Yes, no surprises about old doctors reappearing, but I guess it's the same as old shoes. Some things are comfortable and get worn because we enjoy them as they are.
    By the way, it is the Iberian "peninsula", unless I am very much mistaken. (Peninsular should be something belonging to the peninsula, and adjective, I imagine, like in the Peninsular Wars...)

  2. 1 1905
    2 Wife
    3 Navy
    4 Pond
    5 Jane

  3. Well, that sound horrible. Like something out of an old Hammer Studios horror film, maybe? :) With Vincent Price. lol

    1. 1905
    2. wife
    3. navy
    4. Pond
    5. Jane

  4. This is Tuesdays quiz
    1 1900
    2 Frank Baum
    3 Toto
    4 Can't see anymore


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