
Friday 27 May 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27-5-2022 — Vincent

27th May, 2022

Right … 

I’m unemployed: and claim various benefits.

It’s a struggle: as I’m sure you can imagine.

During the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic — over 2020 and 2021 — those of us own Universal Credit received and extra twenty pounds a week.

Something that amounted to a welcome eighty-six pounds a month.   (About €101/US$108, at today’s prices.)

It was damn useful, very appreciated … and withdrawn late last year.

Ever since?   I — as many others — have found things difficult.

Especially as fuel prices have taken a turn for the worst.


Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced that households are to received a four hundred pound discount on their fuel bill.

And those households in most need will receive an extra six hundred and fifty pound grant: half in October, half in July.

The article doesn’t say which July: 2022 or 2023!

At any rate … ?

It’s a welcome — ish — move.

I should gain a total of £1050, under the plans.   (About €1233/US$1325, at today’s prices.)

Thirty pounds less than the Uplift gave me.

It’s also paid in various forms of lump sum: when frankly, so much a week extra on Universal Credit would be more useful.

It’s … 

Well, I’ll have to thank Mr Sunak for making the effort.

But, frankly?   A restored uplift would have been handier.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Vincent Price was born: on the 27th May.   Of which year: 1909, 1911 or 1913?

Q2)        He appeared in the 1960 film, House of Usher.   Who directed House of Usher: Roger Corman, John Ford or Steven Spielberg?

Q3)        He and his second wife, Mary, wrote several books.   What kind of book: westerns, cook books or tour guides?

Q4)        He played the Inventor, in his last cinema release.   That film was which 1990, Tim Burton film?

Q5)        Finally?   His debut film, Service de Luxe, was released in which year: 1937, 1938 or 1939?
Yesterday’s answers are in today’s video.

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        26th May saw the birth of John Wayne.   In which year: 1906, 1907 or 1908?
A1)        1907.

Q2)        Under the name Marion what: Morrison, Aldi or Smith?
A2)        Marion Morrison.

Q3)        He was known as the what: Duke, Earl or Viscount?
A3)        The Duke.

Q4)        Wayne was an uncredited extra in Mother Machree, Four Sons and Hangman’s House.   Who directed those films: Clint Eastwood, John Ford or John Huston?
A4)        John Ford.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Wayne’s only Best Actor Oscar win was for his part as Rooster Cogburn.   In which 1969 film?
A5)        True Grit
Here’s a thought … 
“In a world where slaughter and vicious crimes are daily occurrences, a good ghoulish movie is comic relief.”
Vincent Price.
A song …

And an impression … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        I think a council tax/business rates freeze could be handy, Olga.   And reintroducing the energy price cap: cancelling that has caused a big rise in prices.   But, yeah: increasing welfare payments by more than they have, could be useful!
        Talking of flammable, did you know early snooker balls could explode, if hit correctly?   Apparently, they used the same type of plastic as early film.   It’s possibly the only way to slow Ronnie O’Sullivan down!

        How IS the hand, Debbi … ?

^        Yeah, Cheers, Trevor, I got it corrected.   And, yeah, I’m due for it, as well.   Every little helps: but I’d’ve preferred the £20 … 


  1. Q1) 1911

    Q2) Roger Corman

    Q3) Cook books

    Q4) Edward Scissorhands

    Q5) 1938
    They are trying to impose a cap here, but I get the strong feeling that the energy companies never lose.
    Scary thought about the snooker balls, although the materials that were used in the past are scary. The old matches, or the women (usually) painting the fluorescent dials with radioactive materials... Perhaps things have swung too much in the other direction, but...
    Oh, tomorrow I'm due at a radio event all day. I'm not sure about when we are expected there in the morning (I think it officially starts at 11, but we always have to be there earlier), so I might manage to catch teaser before I leave. In any case, if it gets very late and you don't see me, you know it's just radio business (all the local associations have a fair and set up stalls in the main street, closed to traffic, so there's always plenty of people. And the father of the director of the radio will cook paella...)
    I hope the shopping goes well.

  2. 1 1911
    2 Roger Corman
    3 Cook Books
    4 Edward Sissorhands
    5 1938

  3. The hand? Mostly unchanged, but bearable today. :)

    1. 1911
    2. Roger Corman
    3. cook books
    4. Edward Scissorhands
    5. 1938

    Glad to hear you're getting some kind of payment. We got one lump sum at one point and that's that. :) God forbid we become ... socialists! Ack! :) Okay, enough politics.

    We have a holiday weekend, but no doubt I'll work on something. Just even more slowly. With time off for good behavior.


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