
Tuesday 31 May 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser —  31st May, 2022.

What duck … ?
31st May, 2022.

Yep: I had an ultrasound, yesterday.

There’s possibly cause to worry: as the technician needs to double check something with a radiologist.

But, hopefully, it’ll be nothing serious.

At any rate … ?

I had to fast, yesterday, on top of getting up early.

And, to be honest?   The older I get, the harder it is to recover from a lat of cornflakes!

At any rate, I survived long enough to look after my nephew, Jude, yesterday.

And yes: there’s another video!


If he gets thirty likes, he and Jaskaran will throw stuff at each other!

Which sounds messy … !


I’ve mentioned, before now, that I’m job hunting: and receiving Universal Credit.

And that I — as others — are due some extra help as a result.

I’ve also said how everyone in the UK is due £400 help from the government: to help cover the cost of energy.

And how some of us are due £650 of extra help.

This piece has been released by the BBC’s news site: explaining how that’s supposed to work.

Apparently?   For those of us on a pre-pay meter, will get either a voucher … or the funds directly applied to the meter.   In Autumn.

The £650 payment will go into our bank accounts in two lump sums: one from July, and one in ‘the autumn.’

It’s nice.

But what concerns me is simply that that’s a little imprecise.

But it doesn’t tell me exactly when those payments go through.

I’d be happier if the BBC’s piece — as well as the .gov page — would tell me that.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Debbi† and Mum‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        The Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament started to keep time: on 31st May, 1859.   It’s now called the Elizabeth Tower. After who?

Q2)        31st May, 1930, saw the birth of Clint Eastwood.   He sang I Talk to the Trees in Paint Your Wagon.   Paint Your Wagon was released in which year: 1967, 1969 or 1971?

Q3)        Which runner broke the World 100m sprint record on 31st May, 2008: Mo Farah, Usain Bolt or Joyciline Jepkosgei?

Q4)        31st May is the feast day of Saint Petronilla.   In some depictions, she’s portrayed holding a what: broom, kettle or potato?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Titanic was launched on 31st May, 1911.   From which port: Liverpool, London, Belfast or Swansea?
Yesterday’s answers are in today’s video.

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        30th May is Statehood Day in Croatia.   It marks the day Croatia first multiparty what convened: parliament, elections or cabinet?
A1)        Multiparty parliament.

Q2)        That event happened in which year of the 1990s?
A2)        1990.

Q3)        The European Space Agency was formed.   On May 30th of which year: 1974, 1975 or 1976?
A3)        1975.

Q4)        Footballer, Steven Gerrard, was born on 30th May, 1980.   He’s currently managing who: Liverpool, Aston Villa or Rangers?
A4)        Aston Villa.

Q5)        Finally … ?   30th May, 1539, saw an expedition lead by Hernando de Soto arrive in what’s now Tampa Bay.   His expedition was searching for which metal: gold, silver or platinum?
A5)        Gold.
Here’s a thought … 
“There’s only one way to have a happy marriage and as soon as I learn what it is I’ll get married again.”
Clint Eastwood, 31st May, 1930.
A song …

And Tom Hanks’ impression of Clint Eastwood … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        You know, no breakfast is possibly a good idea, Olga.   Mind you, I’m far happier skipping dinner: or, at least, having a small dinner!   I’m not sleeping on a heavy meal, that way.   That old saying — break your fast like king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper — springs to mind.

†        I doubt I could do the same with English counties, Debbi: they’ve changed a lot, over the years.   And that’s before you factor in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.   Just don’t ask me how to pronounce Clwyd!

        Hello, Mum!


  1. 1 it must be Queen Elizabeth
    2 1969
    3 Usain Bolt
    4 Flower
    5 Southampton

  2. Q1) Elizabeth II

    Q2) 1969

    Q3) Usain Bolt

    Q4) A broom

    Q5) Belfast
    I also do the light dinner, although sometimes, depending on what I'm doing, it is quite late by the time I eat it.
    I hope they clarify things regarding the extra payments. And I hope the ultrasound is find and there's nothing to worry about.

  3. Thanks, Paul! :) I feel better about it now.

    Of course, our states haven't changed names at all. Oh, well. :)

    1. Queen Elizabeth II
    2. 1969
    3. Usain Bolt
    4. broom
    5. Belfast


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