
Sunday 12 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12th June, 2022.

12th June, 2022.

Right … it’s official.

Petrol theft’s going up.   Petrol theft from garage forecourts.

At least, going by this piece.

I’m assuming the companies that run petrol stations are going to start complaining about that.

But … ?

Given the raining cost of fuel, I’m not surprised it’s happening.

I’m also thinking of a Terry Pratchett character: Lord Vetinari, Patrician of Ankh Morpork.

In one of the novels, Sir Terry gives us a bit of insight into the Patrician.

Before Vetinari gets the job, Ankh Morpork was suffering with a huge infestation of rats.

And offered a bounty to anyone who caught a rat: amateur and professional alike.   They just had to bring in the rat tails to claim the bounty.

The city immediately started handing out a suspicious high number of bounties.

Vetinari, when he was appointed, came up with a solution: in a line that tells you a lot about the city and the character.

“Tax the rat farms.”

OK … 

I know forecourt economics are complex: involving taxes, profit margins, a lot of hedging, and lord knows what else.

But I can’t help but think petrol station companies have a (relatively) simple solution … lowering prices.

Granted, that’s going to cause problems: especially when staff don’t get paid.


Well … 

Lowering prices, introducing a price cap or taxing the rat farms, seems a temptingly easy answer.


Just in case your following my Star Trek Discovery reviews?

I caught the penultimate episode on Friday: and released my written and video reviews, last night.

Enjoy them.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        12th June is Helsinki Day.   Helsinki is the capital of which European country?

Q2)        12th June is Independence Day in the Philippines.   The Philippines are in which ocean: the Atlantic, Pacific or Indian?

Q3)        12th June is the feast day of the Blessed Hildegard Burjan.   She’s he patron of whom: politicians, economists or lawyers?

Q4)        12th June, 1942, saw who receive a diary: Anne Frank, Helen Keller or Samuel Pepys?

Q5)        Finally?   12th June, 1665, saw Thomas Willett named as the first Mayor of where: New York, Philadelphia or New Orleans?
Yesterday’s answers are in today’s video.

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Denmark adopted its flag as its merchant ensign: on 11th June, 1748.   The flag is a white cross on what colour background: red, white or blue?
A1)        Red.

Q2)        11th June, 2022, is a Saturday.   According to the old rhyme, Saturday’s child does what for a living?
A2)        Work’s hard.

Q3)        Edwin Armstrong gave the first demonstration of a new type of broadcast carrier wave: on 11th June, 1935.   Which carrier wave: FM, AM or UHT?
A3)        FM.   (FM is Frequency modulation.   AM is Amplitude modulation.   UHT is a type of longlife milk)

Q4)        Eight Soviet military leaders were tried and executed on the night of 11th June, 1937.   During a period known as the Great what: Purge, Urge or Splurge?
A4)        The Great Purge.

Q5)        11th June, 1962, saw Frank Morris, Clarence Anglin and John Anglin apparently escape from a prison.   Which prison: Wandsworth, Alcatraz, Ryker’s Island or Belmarsh?
A5)        Alcatraz.
Here’s a thought …
“I will never apologize for the United States of America. Ever. I don't care what the facts are.”
George H. W. Bush, June 12, 1924 – November 30, 2018.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Cheers, Olga!   I’ve got the package … !   I just hope I didn’t reply too late!   You’re right, as ever, though: a restart’s good, occasionally.
        I have to admit, I leave my phone on, over night.   It’s the nearest I’ve got to an alarm clock!   

        Hello, Mum!

‡        I hope so, Debbi!   The fact they made the announcement at this years BAFTA TV awards — Britain’s Emmys, in other words — seems significant.


  1. 1 Sweden
    2 Pacific
    3 Politicians
    4 Anne Frank
    5 New York City

  2. Q1) Finland

    Q2) The Pacific

    Q3) Politicians (They don’t deserve a patron)

    Q4) Anne Frank

    Q5) New York
    I haven't heard of anything similar happening here at petrol stations (yet!), but the prices are also beyond stupid. The government introduced a discount of 20 cents months ago, but it hasn't made much of a difference because the prices have kept going up. (The lorry drivers went on strike because they said they were running at a loss, and I suspect that's the case now, especially for the ones who work for themselves rather than a company).
    I went for a long walk today, one of the monthly ones. Quite hilly and it was getting very hot. Thankfully, we started reasonably early.

  3. I hope my answers come through. My computer is slow af, as the kids say. :)

    1. Finland
    2. the Pacific
    3. politicians
    4. Anne Frank
    5. New York


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