
Monday 6 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th June, 2022.

6th June, 2022.

It’s Monday: and the day after the Jubilee celebrations.

A day to start new things.

To do stuff!   Shop!   Run up and down the High Street in a mankini!   Have a Vote of No Confidence!

And … ?

And, frankly, to moan about the fact it’s raining out!



Talking of votes?

Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister, is facing a Vote of Confidence, this evening.

I’m hoping that — if he loses that vote — he’s face a leadership challenge.

My personal preference?   Is that he wins: then loses any subsequent General Election.

Even though I know that’s going to be a tough call: against a government with a large parliamentary majority.

If he loses the Confidence Vote?   He faces a leadership challenge.

Again, I prefer he win that: and lose the next General Election.

If he loses a leadership challenge?

Any replacement as Leader — and Prime Minister — would reshuffle the Cabinet: and presumably replace Rishi Sunak as Chancellor.

I don’t know if the Chancellor’s formally signed off on the extra help promised to those of us in need.

And would rather he wasn’t replaced, until that’s formalised.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Debbi† and Mum‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        6th June, 2002, saw a near-Earth asteroid explode over which sea: the Mediterranean Sea, the Ionian Sea or Sea of Azov?

Q2)        Diego Velázquez was baptised on 6th June.   Of which year: 1599, 1601 or 1603?   (No-one mention Goya!)

Q3)        6th June, 1889, saw a fire destroy which US city: Los Angeles, San Francisco or Seattle?

Q4)        6th June is the feast day of Saint Marcellin Champagnat.   He’s a patron saint of whom: teachers, firefighters or cheesewrights?

Q5)        The largest seaborne invasion in history started on 6th June, 1944.   Known as Operation Neptune, it was an Allied invasion of where: Brittany, Normandy or Hauts-de-France?
Yesterday’s answers are in today’s video.

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        5th June is Constitution Day.   Where: Norway, Sweden or Denmark?
A1)        Denmark.

Q2)        5th June is Father’s Day.   Where: Norway, Sweden or Denmark?
A2)        Funnily enough? Denmark.

Q3)        5th June is the feast day of Saint Boniface.   He’s the patron saint of where: Devon, Cornwall or Somerset?
A3)        Devon.

Q4)        5th Jun, 2022 is Pentecost.   It’s also — in the UK — known as Whit what: Friday, Saturday or Sunday?
A4)        Whit Sunday: it’s also called Whitsun.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The 29th nation to join NATO did so: on 5th June, 2017.   Which nation was it: Serbia, Montenegro or Croatia?
A5)        Montenegro.
Here’s a quote … 
“Upon the brink of the wild stream 
He stood, and dreamt a mighty dream.”
From The Bronze Horsemen, by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, 6 June [NS] 1799 – 10 February [NS] 1837
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I think that depends on the Constitution, Olga: or possibly Dad!   :D
        And I know what you mean about use: I’m good on the html tags and bits of grammar I use on a regular basis … but need the reminders around.   My copy of Harts is never far away.   It’s right next to  English Grammar for Dummies!
        Yeah … I always think there’s a certain amount of booing is acceptable … but there’s possibly a line, somewhere.
        You HAVE to love Max, don’t you?   I’ve got the US series, somewhere, I’m going to have to watch it!

        Max could be spot on, sometimes, Debbi!   (Actually, Channel Four did a campaign a few years ago: when the UK went from analogue to digital signals: and used Max as the face of the campaign.   It was nice to see the old boy in action!)

        Hello, Mum!


  1. Q1) The Mediterranean Sea

    Q2) 1599

    Q3) Seattle

    Q4) teachers

    Q5) Normandy
    Let's see how it goes for Boris. And I can see your point. Fingers crossed! And if you get to watch Max Headroom's US version, let us know.

  2. Good old Max. We now have a cat named Max. Good name. :)

    1. the Mediterranean Sea
    2. 1599
    3. Seattle
    4. teachers
    5. Normandy (aka D-Day!)


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