
Monday 18 July 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-7-2022: Uruguay.

18th July, 2022.

Right … it’s Monday.

A Monday that sees many of us, here in England, issued with Red Heat Warnings.

My part of the world?

Is facing predicted highs of 38°C.


I might just have to dig up my fan … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        18th July is Constitution Day in Uruguay: marking the announcement of the first Uruguay Constitution.   That announcement was in which year of the 1830s?

Q2)        Uruguay, itself? Is on which continent: North America, South America or Africa?

Q3)        What’s Uruguay’s capital city: Montevideo, Salto or Ciudad de la Costa?

Q4)        Uruguay has two official languages. Uruguayan Sign Language is one.   What’s the other: Spanish, Portuguese or Welsh?

Q5)        Finally?   What’s Uruguay’s currency: the Peso, Peseta or Paso Double?
Yesterday’s answers are in today’s video.

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        17th July is World Day for International Justice.   It marks the founding of what: the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court or the Permanent Court of International Justice?
A1)        International Criminal Court.   It handles international criminal law.   The International Court of Justice handles general legal disputes.   The Permanent Court of International Justice was the latter’s League of Nations equivalent.

Q2)        17th July, 1902, saw Willis Carrier create the original version of what: gas central heating, refrigerated lorries or air conditioning?
A2)        Air conditioning.   (While I wrote this? It was hovering around 30 to 31 degrees.   It’s expected to reach 38°C.   Can someone please give Carrier a medal?)

Q3)        17th July saw the birth of actor, David Hasselhoff.   In which series did he play Michael Knight: The Young and the Restless, Knight Rider or Baywatch?
A3)        Knight Rider.

Q4)        Musician, Wolfgang Flür, was born on 17th July, 1947.   He was an early member of which German band: Tangerine Dream, Kraftwerk or Rammstein?
A4)        Kraftwerk.   (It’s disputed by Ralf Hütter, the only other surviving member original member: but Flür claims to have invented the electronic drums used on Autobahn, the band’s seminal first hit.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   17th July is Independence Day. Where: Slovenia,   Slovakia or Schleswig Holstein?
A5)        Slovakia.
Here’s a thought … 
“Libertad o Muerte.”
“Freedom or Death.”
Uruguay’s motto.
And a national anthem …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        That’s exactly the advice we get here, Olga: blinds down, windows shut, especially if they face the sun.   Thankfully?   The windows at the back of my flat face away from the sun: and let hot air out.   I’ve also manage to dig up my convection heater.   It’s one of those models that can blow cold air, as well as hot.   Thankfully?   I’m on the ground floor: and nowhere near a bar.   (There’s flats over Brentwood’s Slug and Lettuce, though: I’d hate to live there on a Friday night!)
        As I recall?   The recent discussions of the long term effects of concussion started with American Football.   I think there’s talk of how the helmets make any injuries worse^.   Don’t quote me, though.   But that patient of yours?   My lord, the man had my sympathies.   I saw what it did to my Gran: and that was bad enough.
        The homeless are getting a LOT of (much needed) attention, right now!

        Hello, Mum!

        The waiter or the car crash, Debbi?   :D   (Mind you … didn’t PeeWee has troubles of his own, a few years later?   Apparently, his arrest was described as “… being blown out of proportion.”   By Bill Cosby!)

^        I’ve vague memories of an interview with one American Footballer — the ’Fridge, I think! — who said that you didn’t want to be tackled by someone in an American Football helmet: as the helmet made knee injuries worse.   It was a … what was the phrase … a force multiplier?   A force multiplier, I think.   I think football — soccer — is in a similar place: it’s had to change the rules on heading, and makes the balls lighter.


  1. That’s a thought: a BBC News reporter in Spain’s saying there’s issues in Catalunya, Olga.

    Every thing OK, over there … ?

  2. Q1) 1830

    Q2) South America

    Q3) Montevideo

    Q4) Spanish

    Q5) Peso (Love the Paso Doble... It would a very danceable currency!)
    I quite like the sound of Uruguay. Despite the song, perhaps I should put it on my list...
    I’m not sure you’ll know what song I’m talking about so, I think you might enjoy this.
    By the way, about the weather warning... Bloody hell!
    Oh, yes about the helmets. And good on your flat having that orientation. We are "lucky" that, at least, we only get direct sun very early in the morning, before it gets really hot. John's parents (my aunt and uncle) had one apartment overlooking a park, so no buildings in front, with a balcony, and the sun hit it after lunch. It was an oven!
    Oh, not sure about the issues in Catalonia... I heard there was a fire starting up when we were watching the news at lunchtime, but I missed the ones in the evening. Nothing else evident when we went out, although hot, well, yes, and in other places, it's supposed to get better tomorrow, but not so much here.

  3. 1 1825
    2 Sth America
    3 Montevideo
    4 Spainish
    5 Peso

  4. Stay cool, man. Get that fan going! :)

    1. 1830
    2. South America
    3. Montevideo
    4. Spanish
    5. the Uruguayan peso


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