
Wednesday 20 July 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th July, 2022.

20th July, 2022.

It’s officially official.

It’s predicted to be cooler, today: with a possibility of clouds.

With predictions of rain.


I’d be whinging like billy-o about the rain.

But, given yesterday’s heat?

Given there’s wildfires in the UK … ?

Including in Wennington, about thirteen miles from me?

Rain will be welcome!


I’m up early: in case you didn’t know.

I’ve got some blood tests at Brentwood Hospital, today: the usual check of my sugar and thyroid levels.


They’ll go well.

I’m just glad they weren’t scheduled for yesterday!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message. Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        20th July, 1304, saw the birth of poet, Petrarch.   In which European country: Spain, Italy or France?

Q2)        20th July is World Chess Day.   If you’re capturing a chess piece, ‘en passant,’ you’re capturing a what?

Q3)        Chester Bennington died on 20th July, 2017.   He’d been the lead singer of which band: Blink 182, Linkin Park or Limp Bizkit?

Q4)        20th July, 1822, saw the birth of Gregor Mendel.   The friar was the first person to observe what we now call genetic inheritance.   After his observations on what: peas, carrots or budgies?

Q5)        Finally … ?   20th July is the feast day of the never officially canonised Saint Wilgefortis.   She’s traditionally depicted with a what: cucumber, beard or dove?
Yesterday’s answers are in today’s video.

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        19th July, 2019, saw the death of actor, Rutger Hauer.   He played Roy Batty in which science fiction film: Brain Storm, Blade Runner or 2001: A Space Odyssey?
A1)        Blade Runner.

Q2)        19th July, 1821, saw the coronation of George 4th.   During his father’s reign, he’d served as what: Prince Regent, Prime Minister or Grand Wizard of the Imperial Klan?
A2)        Prince Regent.

Q3)        19th July, 1845, saw a fire break out, where: New York, Los Angeles or Chicago?
A3)        New York.

Q4)        The skeleton of a carnivorous dinosaur were unveiled on 19th July, 1983.   Bill Walker, the amateur fossil hunter who found the bones, was a what: plumber, electrician or carpenter?
A4)        A plumber.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Mary Rose sank on 19th July, 1545. In which English waters: the English Channel, the Solent or the North Sea?
A5)        The Solent.
Here’s a thought … 
“I’ve always been terrified, still am, of water — dark water, sea water, or, you know, river water.”
Natalie Wood, July 20, 1938 – November 29, 1981.
My review of Brainstorm, her last film, is here.

Here’s a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Do you mean Harrison Ford, Olga, or his character?   Ford is definitely alive.   I think Deckard’s death was faked: assuming my memory hasn’t been fried in the heat!
        A warehouse worker, and a street cleaner?   Somehow, I’m not surprised.   A fire in the open — or in a large space like a warehouse — could spread quickly!
        Will do, Olga: and wish Jordi, and the Sants3 Gang, well for me!
        I can vaguely remember her, from when she was married to him.   Falls down stairs can be nastier than we think, can’t they?   (I was thinking more of Psycho.   OK, Ivana possibly wasn’t killed by a madman in drag!)

        It was definitely unpleasant, Debbi!   Not just high, but stinking, to borrow a line from Terry Pratchett.   Actually, whiffy is possibly the better word.   Someone was smoking something!

^        In THAT case?   Thanking you, Trevor!
        You know, my Mum’s got an oscillating fan: in the front room.   It’s been going full pelt for a week or two.   Mine doesn’t.   For which I’m truly thankful.   I had mine point at me, too, last night.


  1. 1 Italy
    2 Pawn
    3 Linkin Park
    4 Pea plants
    5 Beard

  2. Q1) Italy

    Q2) A pawn (an enemy pawn, of course) which has just passed it.

    Q3) Linkin Park

    Q4) Peas (those must be the most famous peas ever)

    Q5) A beard
    No, I was referring to Rutger Hauer, who died in July 2019.
    The warehouse worked didn't die in a fire. It was due to the heat, a heatstroke, the same as the street cleaner. It seems that the street cleaners uniform didn't help matters either, but he shouldn't have been working outside on that heat.
    You were lucky the tests weren't yesterday as you said, and rain... would be welcome here, but other than a few clouds, it doesn't look likely.

  3. Hmm. Like the description! :)

    1. Italy
    2. using a pawn to capture a horizontally adjacent enemy pawn that has just advanced two squares in one move
    3. Linkin Park
    4. peas
    5. beard


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