
Friday 22 July 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-7-2022 —Pi Approximation Day

22nd July, 2022.

It’s Friday: a day that looks like it’s going to rain.

I hope it does: we could do with it!

Saying that … ?

I’m very aware that the BBC’s weather service has been saying it’s going to rain since Tuesday!

Heigh … ho!


OK … 

I’ve made another of my slightly off-beat unboxing videos.

The backpack … ?   Is now officially unpacked and hanging off my front door: ready to go at a moment’s notice.

The phone … ?   Is still in its box: I need an extra power block, I think.

And will have to read the instruction manual: the thing can block numbers, which will come in handy, block scam calls.

I’ve ALSO managed to get hold of the Classic Dr Who’s season 22 box set.

I was hoping Katy Manning would be in the Behind the Sofa watch-alongs: she’s usually fun to watch!

But apparently not.   It’s Wendy Padbury, Janet Fielding and Sarah Sutton (Zoe, Tegan and Nyssa), this time.

Which should be equally as good: the last time I saw the three of them, it was handbags at twenty paces … and utterly hysterical … !


JUST as a last thought … ?

I mentioned the phone, there: ordered in part, because it can block numbers.

But it also marks the fact I’ve got a new landline and internet contract with BT.

I’ve managed to get onto their Home Essentials package, aimed at those of us on Universal Credit.

It’s pretty much the same deal I’m on: with extra free minutes.

And half the price I was paying.

That should help the money situation.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        22nd July is Pi Approximation Day.   It’s called that, as the date is similar to a fraction that approximate’s π.   What is that fraction: 22/7 or 7/22?

Q2)        Pi is the ratio between a circle’s diameter and its what: radius, circumference or tangent?

Q3)        Pi was first approximated by whom: Thales, Pythagoras or Archimedes?

Q4)        The letter, Pi — π — comes from which alphabet: Greek, Russian or Japanese?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Pi is a what number: transparent, translucent or transcendent?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        21st July is Liberation Day in Guam.   Marking its Liberation from where: Germany, Italy or Japan?
A1)        Japan.

Q2)        Guam is a modern day territory of where: China, the USA or Russia?
A2)        The USA.

Q3)        What’s Guam’s currency: the Chinese Renminbi, the US dollar or Russian Ruble?
A3)        The US Dollar.

Q4)        Hagåtña (ha GOT na) is Guam’s what: capital, parliament or state TV service?
A4)        Capital.

Q5)        Finally?   Kimberley Santos is Guam’s only what: author, Miss World winner or lawyer?
A5)        Miss World winner.
Here’s a quote … 
“The number π appears in many formulas across mathematics and physics.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Pi.
And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Those patient records vaguely remind me of the record keeping at the call centre I worked in, Olga: we had similar — although not quite as life changing! — issues, there.   The notes could go on for some time: and weren’t all kept in one place.   A CTRL-F/CMD-F search could help: but only so far.
        The meeting went well enough: I’ve another one, by phone, in a couple of weeks time.   With a different case worker.   Wouldn’t you know it?   (Oh, and I’ve a meeting with the Restart people in Chelmsford, today: on the same day I’m paying MORE bills!)
        And I know what you mean about Guam: I knew very little about the place, myself!

        Hello, Mum!

        Whiffy’s good, Debbi.   So’s pong, now I think of it.   The OED entry includes a reference which says “Avoid the smell of camel.”   I’ll have to remember that.
        Did you ever hear of a writer called Alan Grant, Debbi?   He was one of the developers of Judge Dredd: and did a lot of work for DC.   Sadly, he died, yesterday.   It’s a loss!


  1. Did I mention I caught another episode of Foundation, last night, Debbi?

    One that used the word ‘buoy,’ quite a lot?

    I winced every time I heard it: the US English pronunciations just odd!

  2. I saw heavy rain last night. Not here in Brentwood but in west London in Brentford. It was featured on the womens Euros during the Germany vs Austria match. I used to live about a mile from Brentford and often went to the old football ground (Griffin Park). The new ground is only a couple of years old.

  3. Q1) 22/7

    Q2) circumference

    Q3) Archimedes

    Q4) Greek

    Q5) transcendent

    No surprises on the next meeting being with a different caseworker. I wonder if you’ll get in the Guinness book of records for having the most caseworkers soon.
    Good on the backpack, the phone, and the deal with BT. I had a pretty good one with them as well when I left, and there are always offers and things, although the circumstances were different and it was a while back.
    I hope you get the forecast rain some time soon. Here, it doesn’t look likely in the near (or even distant) future.

  4. 1 22/7
    2 Circumference
    3 Archmides
    4 Greek
    5 Transparent

  5. I had no idea you pronounced it differently. Use "buoy" in a sentence in one of your videos, okay? :) If I may make a request. :)

    1. 22/7
    2. circumference
    3. Archimedes
    4. Greek
    5. transcendent


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