
Saturday 23 July 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23-7-2022 — Egypt

23rd July, 2022

I got paid, yesterday: for which I am truly thankful.

I seriously need food shopping!

Including fruit, loo roll … and milk.

I’m onto my last bottle: as the one I was getting to the end of … went off.

I thought it tasted iffy.   But the last mug of tea I got out off it?   Had lumps.


I’m blaming Tuesday!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        23rd July is Revolution Day in Egypt.   It marks the anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution of which year: 1951, 1952 or 1953?

Q2)        The bulk of the country is in which continent: Africa, North America or Antarctica?

Q3)        The country’s capital, Cairo, is very near which river: the Amazon, Nile or Thames?

Q4)        The country’s currency is the Egyptian what: dinah, pound or ruble?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Akhenatan, Rameses and Tutenkhamen, were all Egyptians whats?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        22nd July is Pi Approximation Day.   It’s called that, as the date is similar to a fraction that approximate’s π.   What is that fraction: 22/7 or 7/22?
A1)        22/7.
Q2)        Pi is the ratio between a circle’s diameter and its what: radius, circumference or tangent?
A2)        Circumference.

Q3)        Pi was first approximated by whom: Thales, Pythagoras or Archimedes?
A3)        Archimedes.
Q4)        The letter, Pi — π — comes from which alphabet: Greek, Russian or Japanese?
A4)        Greek.   (Japanese has no alphabets: it’s got complications!)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Pi is a what number: transparent, translucent or transcendent?
A5)        Transcendent.
Here’s a thought … 
“We are good fighters but lousy builders.   Our last piece of original architecture was during ancient Egypt.”
Michael Matogo.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I hope not, Olga: it would be nice to get some continuity of service.   I also had a temporary caseworker at Restart: as my usual one was ill.   Turns out the temp also has a Mac: we spent ten minutes talking about the built-in cameras!
        BT do a few good ones, Olga.   The one I switched to is half the price: and literally just includes the phone and internet connection.   Their TV service is supposed to be quite good: but it’s not something I can afford.   (The new one’s £20 a month: compared to the £41, plus call charges, I was paying!)
        Would you believe it?   We had a minute’s worth of rain, yesterday.   Well … I say rain … 

        Hello, Mum!

        Ah HA!   I think today’s intro — at the top of the post — might just do you, Debbi!   There’s even a photo.
        Then there’s a joke with this brand of soap.        
        A shoplifter gets caught, stealing soap.   At court, the judge sentences the thief to life in prison.   Defence protests: “That’s a bit harsh, m’lord!!”
        The judge says, “That’s life, boy … ”
        (Oh, I’ve picked up the Season 22 box set: it looks rather good!)    

^        I think we had a couple of seconds worth of rain when I came back from Chelmsford, Trevor.   Well, I say rain.   I’ve got a dripping tap in the kitchen: that’s wetter!


  1. Q1) 1952

    Q2) Africa

    Q3) The Nile

    Q4) Pound

    Q5) Pharaohs
    The rain sounds very disappointing. Here we're roasting, although, yes, it is not as bad as in other places, temperature-wise, the problem is that it is very humid, so it feels hotter than it actually is (mind you, it reduces the chances of fires, but it's so dry that they are keeping a close eye on the hills and forests around Barcelona, to make sure there aren't any fires, os there are restrictions there.
    I am sure I had some of the basic TV package included with my internet with BT, although as I had also Prime and was busy coming and going, I don't think I did a lot of watching. They were forever trying to sell me sports packages that I cared not an iota for. I did get my mobile with them as well, and as I didn't use it much (I preferred to check the internet at home and didn't use much data outside), and I remember I was paying something ridiculous like 5 pounds a month, with the discount for having the fibre as well with them. I remember I changed from O2 and, of course, they asked me why I wanted to change, and asked me the deal BT was offering me, and they gave up, as they couldn't match it.
    I hope you can get all the shopping done. Things are getting so expensive, it is almost like a gymcana, trying to find deals and the best prices all over the neighbourhood. Well, I guess it keeps us busy and out of trouble.

  2. Debbi? I thought this might interested you.

  3. 1 1952
    2 Africa
    3 Nile
    4 Dinah
    5 Emporers

  4. That's the way I would pronounce it, but there are a whole lot of people here who pronounce it, "Boo-ey". Like David. :)

    More Doctor Who! Yay! :)

  5. Hang on, Debbi! He’s BOW ee … !?!


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