
Thursday 28 July 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28-7-2022 — Peru

28th July, 2022.


I’m up early: as I have another of the monthly meetings for my weight management programme.

Which are usually enjoyable: and very sociable.

Except, of course, I managed to stay up, late last night: finishing my most recent written and video* reviews of another episode of Stranger Things.

One of these days?

I swear, I’ll learn!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevorª leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        28th July is Independence Day in Peru.   Marking Peru’s Independence from where: Spain or Portugal?

Q2)        Peru’s on which coast of South America: east or west?

Q3)        What’s Peru’s capital city: La Paz, Lima or Montevideo?

Q4)        A mountain range goes through Peru.   Which mountain range: the Andes, the Rockies or the Himalayas

Q5)        Finally … ?   That mountain range is home to the Peruvian Spectacled Bear.   The bear was the inspiration behind which children’s character?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        27th July is the feast day of Saint Pantaleon.   He’s the patron saint of whom: physicians, banana farmers or fishermen?
A1)        Physicians.

Q2)        The Geneva Convention of 1929 was signed by 53 nations: on 27th July, 1929.   It covered what: weapons of mass destruction, the treatment of prisoners of war or the Red Cross?
A2)        The treatment of prisoners of war.

Q3)        27th July, 1965, saw who named as Conservative party leader: Edward Heath, Harold Wilson or Jeremy Thorpe?
A3)        Edward Heath.

Q4)        27th July, 1960, saw the birth of Jo Durie.   She plays what: badminton, tennis or squash?
A4)        Tennis.

Q5)        Finally … ?   27th July, 1970, saw the death of dictator, António de Oliveira Salazar.   He’d been dictator of which European country?
A5)        Portugal.
Here’s a motto …
“Firme y feliz por la unión.”
“Firm and Happy for the Union.”
Peru’s motto.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Am I the only person who thinks David Harbour looks like a chunky version of Wilko Johnson … ?

        That, and a detective, Olga: half the bands have long since split up, or changed names, split, reformed  … what have you!   (I still remember Doghouse. The front man, Kevin, was one hell of a slide guitarist: their version of Death Letter, the old Son House tune, was quite something!   It was Thames Delta blues!)
        There’s supposed to be another forty pounds coming: a top up for the £150 energy rebate, a couple of months ago.   We’ll have to see how that goes!
        I got the mushrooms … and I’m going to have to get more spaghetti: I only had enough for one!   There’s always something, isn’t there?

        Hello, Mum!

^        I’ve seen the name go past, Debbi.   I think it’s on iPlayer, as well: is Matt Berry’s in it?   I’m sure I’ve seen his name mentioned … 
        Oh, enjoy the episode.   It’s only when I watched it recently, that something hit me.   That Robert Holmes was showing us what an abusive relationship looked like.   The man was a genius!

ª        I’ve no idea, Trevor: I DO know he’s been uploading more videos.


  1. Q1) Spain

    Q2) West

    Q3) Lima

    Q4) The Andes

    Q5) Paddington Bear
    Oh, I hadn't heard about Bernard Cribbins. Sad indeed.
    Good for you on the mushroom front. I sometimes go shopping with my mother to a sort of outlet from one of the big supermarkets (Carrefour) and they do have huge packets (5 kilos or so) of rice and pasta... But for one person it would be a bit much. I always wondered about the huge sacks of rice in Indian and Pakistani shops, but then, they do eat rice with almost all their meals, and sometimes the families can be quite large. Good for restaurants. Big tins of sauce and canned vegetables (mushrooms included. My mother always has one just in case she forgets and wants to cook something at the last minute).
    I hope you enjoy the meeting. Your timing worked well for me as I also have a meeting this morning. (Nothing important).
    Stay well and good luck on the payments front.

  2. 1 Spain
    2 West
    3 Lima
    4 Andes
    5 Paddington Bear

  3. You know, I keep meaning to watch the latest season of "Stranger Things". But since Rick's not a huge fan, I keep forgetting ...

    1. Spain
    2. west
    3. Lima
    4. the Andes
    5. Paddington Bear


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