
Thursday 11 August 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11-8-2022 — Hadrian Caesar

11th August. 2022.

Right … I’ve just check the BBC’s weather report for today.

And … ?

They say it’s going to be thundery … next week.


It’s looks like it’s going to be hot … 


Oh, before I forget … ?

My latest Stranger Things review is up!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone getting a point for Jefferson City, Olga and Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Mum on eight.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Hadrian became Roman Emperor: on 11th August.   Of which year: AD116, AD117 or AD118?

Q2)        He belonged to which Imperial dynasty: the Julio-Claudians, Flavians or Nerva-Antonines?

Q3)        He ordered the building of Hadrian’s Wall in the Roman province of Britannia.   Is the wall on the modern Anglo-Scottish border: yes, or no?

Q4)        Whilst Emperor, Hadrian rebuilt the Pantheon.   Where is the Pantheon: Rome, Byzantium or Ravenna?

Q5)        Finally … ?   He died in AD138, and was succeeded by whom: Lucius Sejanus, Augustus Caesar or Antoninus Pius?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        10th August saw Missouri admitted to the Union.   In which year of the 1820s?
A1)        1821.

Q2)        It was which State to be admitted: the twelfth, twenty-fourth or thirty-sixth?
A2)        The twenty-four.

Q3)        Missouri’s part of what: New England, the Midwest or west coast?
A3)        The Midwest.

Q4)        What’s Missouri’s capital: Kansas City, St Louis or Springfield?
A4)        Kansas City.   It turns out I got this one wrong: it’s actually Jefferson City.   I’ve given regular commenters a point for it, as it’s my mistake.   That still doesn’t answer my other question.   Why on Earth is Kansas City in Missouri?

Q5)        The Laugh-O-Gram Studios were founded in Kansas City, Missouri.   By whom: Charlie Chaplin, Walt Disney or Ib Iwerks?
A5)        Walt Disney.

Q6)        St Louis’ in Missouri.   Who sang Meet Me In St Louis, Louis in the 1944 film, Meet Me In St Louis?
A6)        Judy Garland.

Q7)        St Louis is well know for a type of what: blues, country and western or heavy metal?
A7)        Blues.

Q8)        As of 2016? And at 17¢ a pack?   Missouri had the lowest tax in the US on what: cigarettes, beer or wine?
A8)        Cigarettes.   (Cough …)

Q9)        Samuel Langhorne Clemens was born in Florida, Missouri.   He’s better known as whom: Stephen King, Mark Twain or T. S. Elliot?
A9)        Mark Twain.

Q10)        Finally … ?   Harry S. Truman is the only US what from Missouri?
A10)        US president.
Here’s a thought … 
“Hadrian preferred to invest in the development of stable, defensible borders and the unification of the empire's disparate peoples.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Hadrian.
And a documentary …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

†        Absolutely nothing, Olga!   :D   I can’t help but think, though, that someone at Fox liked the ideas  in Dune … but thought Star Wars was cheaper, and easier to understand.
        Yes: both deaths are incredibly sad.   And it wouldn’t surprise me if the weather was a factor.   I do know Olivia’s family’s been offered — and accepted — a State Funeral for her.   Which seems very appropriate.   (I think everyone’s who’s spoken about her has said the same thing: she was a wonderfully warm person.)
        Oh, did you managed to catch the recent version of Dune?   I am still wondering what the Harkonnen Spider Thing was supposed to be!

‡        Oh, that it is, Debbi, that it is!   Olivia Newton John’s also died: she got a touching send off from John Travolta.
        It’s been years since I’ve read The Demolished Man: but it’s quite the thing!   The Stars My Destination is another on of Bester’s: I keep meaning to read that one, as well!
        JUST as a last point?   Why on earth is Kansas City doing in Missouri, any way … ?


  1. Q1) AD117

    Q2) To the Nerva-Antonines

    Q3) No

    Q4) Rome

    Q5) Antoninus Piu
    I'm sure you have a point about Star Wars. It is definitely a good idea, the state funeral, I mean.
    I'll have to see if I catch up the new Dune.
    We're probably going out tomorrow. I don't think we'll be back all that late, but just in case I don't appear, nothing is wrong. We're probably out and about (scorching weather permitting).
    Stay cool.

  2. Oh, by the way, any mention of Kansas City always reminds me of a song in Oklahoma.
    This is not the movie version, but (That's how I always remember Kansas City is not in Kansas but MO)

  3. 1 117
    2 Nerva- Antonines
    3 Anglo Scottish border
    4 Rome
    5 Antoninous Pius

  4. I have been enjoying some YouTube films by some one with the tagline of Downielive. Wonder if he is a relative.

    Here is one of his Vancouyver films.

  5. That's a good question. You know there's also a St. Louis in Illinois? :)

    Balances things out, I guess.

    1. AD117
    2. Nerva-Antonines
    3. no
    4. Rome
    5. Antoninus-Pius


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