
Saturday 20 August 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20-8-2022 — World Mosquito Day

20th August, 2022

Yes: it’s officially Saturday.

And, bar finishing my review of the most recent episode of Star Trek Picard?   Is looking quiet.

If that changes, I’ll let you know.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        20th August is World Mosquito Day.    Mosquitoes are what: insects, reptiles or mammals?

Q2)        Mosquitoes spread what: HIV/AIDS, malaria or bubonic plague?

Q3)        Which mosquitoes spread that disease: males ones or female ones?

Q4)        Mosquitoes have four stages in their life cycle: adult, pupa, larva and what?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Mosquitoes are a type of what: fly, bee or ant?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The Moscow Trials, the first in a series of show trials, started on 19th August, 1936.   The Trials are part of the Great what: Purge, Purification or Party?
A1)        The Great Purge.

Q2)        Talking about dictatorships?   19th August, 1934, saw a German referendum approve who as German head of state: Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler or Reinhard Heydrich?
A2)        Adolf Hitler.

Q3)        The Crown Heights Riots started: on 19th August, 1991.   In which US city: Los Angeles, Chicago or New York?
A3)        New York.

Q4)        Google Inc. offered shares in itself, to the public: on 19th August, 2004.   Offering shares to the public like this is what’s called an IPO, an Initial Public what?
A4)        An Initial Public Offering.

Q5)        Finally … Francis Gary Powers was sentenced for spying: on 19th August, 1960.   He was sentenced after being shot down over the Soviet Union.   After flying over in a what: U2, B4 or F1-11?
A5)        A U2.
Here’s a thought … 
“The mosquito’s saliva is transferred to the host during the bite, and can cause an itchy rash.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the mosquito.
And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        By the sound of it, Olga^?   That train fire’s going to be confusing … until the investigators get the stories straight.
        Radio 2’s very different, these days.   Annie Nightingale turns up on the station occasionally.   (Pointless trivia: she’s Radio 1’s longest serving DJ!).  At any rate?   The Reunion’s worth the effect, occasionally.
        Oooh, we’re now producing!   How are you Mel Brooks impressions?   Cheers for the heads up: we’ll see you as and when!
        (Yep: I managed to do the update in the afternoon.   I’ll have to check my Apple TV, though.   It usually updates automatically, but … )

        Hello, Mum!

        The mind boggles, doesn’t it, Debbi^?!?!?!?!?‽‽   (I mean … mid-sixties!   Ouch!)

^        I’ve just Googled The Producers: and dug up one of the more recent stage versions of Springtime for Hitler.   Ye gods, that’s John Barrowman!


  1. Q1) Insects

    Q2) Malaria

    Q3) Females

    Q4) egg

    Q5) fly
    Thanks, Paul, and thanks for the video. We'll try to put on a good show, but I don't think it will be quite that grand and mad! (Well, probably pretty mad). My production skills are a bit limited. I'm basically answering phones, as we have all kinds of contests going on during the programme, writing down the names, the numbers we give them for the later draw among all the participants, and making sure the people doing the life programme know the numbers to give. I also have to write down the votes listeners give for the different streets (the streets participating in the festival do decorations, so people choose their favourites and then the radio station organises a ceremony with prizes for the winners, on the last day. There is an official prize as well, but that is given by the authorities). As I told you, Roger, the sound technician, keeps things under control and coordinates the calls, and also the mobile units we have travelling around and visiting the different streets to talk to people organizing and attending the activities. It works (more or less)!
    Well, there is a big more clarity on the train incident front. It seems that some people from the third (and last) wagon of the train, managed to enter the driver's cabin and exited through the door there, but the driver never open any of the doors. Because they had pull the emergency break, she had to reset the thing manually, and while she was doing that is when a few passengers left and tried to run away from the fire. It seems that one of the women decided to lead others, and, somehow, some of the people thought this passenger was the driver, that was why some people said she had told them to leave. Thankfully somebody had videoed the interaction and now the stories seem to make sense.
    The discussion continues as to why the train set off in the first place. The train company says nobody had told them there was any risk, the firebrigade say the fire changed quickly and nobody could have predicted the direction it took due to the wind... Basically, nobody wants to take the blame. But, at least it is evident it wasn't the driver's fault. Many of the passengers have said that she was the only one who kept calm (although the syndicate has said she should not have been the only member of staff there). The saga continues.
    Stay well.

  2. 1 flies
    2 Malaria
    3 Female
    4 egg
    5 Fly

  3. Wow! He has a great voice.

    And I just got an idea for a parody. One that would likely get me killed. :)

    1. insects
    2. malaria
    3. female
    4. egg
    5. fly

    I haven't seen the remake, but I have seen the original. The remake does look like fun.


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