
Saturday 27 August 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27th August, 2022.

27th August, 2022.

Hmmm … 

YouTube’s a mystery.

No, really.

It’s just taken twenty minutes to upload today’s Teaser video: compared to the usual five.

Beyond telling you it hung at ninety-five percent processing for a long time … ?

I couldn’t tell you what was going on!


At any rate … ?

It’s Saturday.

And … ?

Frankly, I’ve just enough cash to do some shopping: and thinking buying the makings of a chilli con carne could be something.


I might add a dollop of Marmite.

It’s not like I’m running out … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Olga leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        27th August is the feast day of Saint Baculus of Sorrento.   He’s a patron saint of where: Naples, Rome or Milan?

Q2)        27th August is also Lyndon Baines Johnson Day.   Where: California, Texas or North Carolina?

Q3)        The world’s shortest war took place on 27th August, 1896: between the UK and the Zanzibar Sultanate.   It took at least how long: 37 minutes, 38 minutes or 39 minutes?

Q4)        27th August, 1939, saw the first flight of the He178.   It was the first plane powered by what type of engine: a Wankel engine, combustion engine or turbojet engine?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Reece Shearsmith was born: on born 27th August 1969.   He played Papa Lazarou, Edward Tattsyrup and Vinnie Wythenshaw … in which comedy series?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Captain James Cook set off on his first voyage of exploration.   On 26th August of which year: 1766, 1768 or 1770?
A1)        1768.

Q2)        What was his ship called: the HMS Endeavour, the HMS Valiant or the the HMS Explorer?
A2)        The HMS Endeavour.

Q3)        The voyage was commissioned by which King: George 2nd, George 3rd or George 4th?
A3)        George 3rd.

Q4)        One of the voyage’s missions was to find the (then) theoretical, Unknown Southern Land.   It was also called Terra Australis what: Incognita, Incognito or Incorrigible?
A4)        Incognita.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Ship’s other mission was to observe a transit of where: Mars, Venus or Mercury?
A5)        Venus.
Here’s a thought … 
“Here is some advice.   If you want to keep your own teeth, make your own sandwiches …”
Oranges are Not The Only Fruit, Jeanette Winterson, born 27 August 1959.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        That’s not the worst of it, Debbi: rumour has it that Scott got some of the props for the scene from a local abattoir.   Apparently, the face hugger that Ash examines at one point?   Are made form shellfish innards … !

‡        Well, at least parts of the area got some rain, Olga.   That’s got to be a good thing, I think.
        Thankfully, they’s only charged for two tubs!   I’m eternally grateful.   And I’ve got a couple left … after some of the neighbours started banging at my door!
        Fat cows and thin cows, eh?   That’s old … but looking very apt … … … 


  1. 1 Nalles
    2 Texas
    3 38 mins
    4 Turbo jet
    5 The League of Gentlemen

  2. I hope the shopping went well. When we started the award ceremony for the best-decorated streets, there was some thunder, and it was cloudy, but it held out. Now we shall see, as this afternoon I might either be out with the mobile unit or stay in the studio helping out with the production and the people coming to pick up their gifts (we have a lottery in the morning and the afternoon for the people who have called, and there are a fair amount of gifts to hand out, and because this afternoon is the last day to come and pick them up, it is a bit of a rush).
    Tomorrow I'm not in the radio, so I hope I'll have some time and participate in the teaser.

  3. Yikes!

    Man, I hate when YouTube does that. I feel your pain.

    BTW, Rick's interested in taking two of your Marmite tubs off your hands. Yes, really!

    He's doing that for me, of course. I'm the Marmite lover round these parts. :)

    1. Naples
    2. Texas
    3. 38 minutes
    4. turbojet engine
    5. The League of Gentlemen


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