
Friday 16 September 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-9-2022 — Sir Clive Sinclair.

16th September, 2022.

Yep: I think today is going to be quiet.

Well … 

Quiet … for me.

I don’t have to head for Chelmsford, Brentwood Job Centre, shopping, or anywhere else.

Frankly?   I’ve a perfect opportunity to catch some TV.


JUST as a thought … ?

19th September — Monday, so you know — is Talk Like a Pirate Day.

And, as always?

I’ve done my usual Pirate Day set.

But … ?   The actual video — I think it’s a well made one — for the day is something I’ve had to alter.

It can’t ignore the simple fact the day is the Queen’s state funeral.

So I spent ten minutes, yesterday, adding a few, hopefully respectful, inserts.

I can only hope they go down well.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Sir Clive Sinclair died: on 16th September, 2021.   In which year of the 1940s was he born?

Q2)        1972 saw Clive’s first company release the Sinclair Executive.   What was the Sinclair Executive: a computer, calculator or electric bike?

Q3)        Clive’s Sinclair Research Ltd released what was the UK’s cheapest home computer: in 1980.   What was that computer called?

Q4)        Clive’s electric tricycle flopped.   What was it called: the A1, B3 or C5?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Many British programmers learnt to programme on a colourful Sinclair computer released in 1982.   What was that computer: the ZX81, the ZX Spectrum or the QL?   (I wrote one, myself: that I rewrote, a few years ago, when I was trying to teach myself AppleScript)
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        James Fenimore Cooper was born on 15th September, 1789.   His best known work was The Last of the what: Mohawks, Mohicans or Mugwumps?
A1)        The Last of the Mohicans.

Q2)        15th September, 1984, saw the birth of Prince Harry: the Duke of Sussex.   He’s what: fifth in line to the throne, sixth in line to the throne or seventh in line to the throne?
A2)        Fifth in line to the throne.   (He was sixth in line at the time of writing.   He’s since gone up to fifth: due to the death of this grandmother, and accession of this father.   The re-write squad gets a medal for moving like lightning!)

Q3)        15th September is World Lymphoma Awareness Day.   Lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects what: the brain, bones or the blood?
A3)        The blood.

Q4)        15th September is the feast day of Saint Catherine of Genoa.   Where is Genoa: Italy, Malta or Spain?
A4)        Italy.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Sophie Dahl was on born 15 September 1977.   She’s the granddaughter of which writer?
A5)        Roald Dahl.
Here’s a thought …
“As usual I hope I’ll sell lots of them.   But who can tell?”
Sir Clive Sinclair, speaking to The Observer in 2011.
And a docu-drama …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        TOTALLY off the thread, Olga?   And knowing you’ve played the odd game?   Today’s episode of The Reunion may interest you: it’s about the first women’s game to be backed by the FA.
        At any rate?   I had to re-write the question about Harry, yesterday: he was sixth in line, when I wrote the set.   From the little I know?   He’s withdrawn from doing royal work: and, I believe, he’s off the Civil List, as well.   I think he’d have to abdicate, to lose his place in the succession: and that’s a bit of a dirty word for the Royal family.
        As for the mouse?   The setting change is including in Windows: you don’t necessarily need an extra driver: unless it’s a gaming mouse with tons of thumb buttons.   The library’s just to put an alias on the desktop: it’s simple to do, and takes to the setting with a double click.
        I’m keeping my fingers crossed, Olga: I’m emailing my case worker as we speak …

        Hello, Mum!

        That it does, Debbi^!
        Oh, did I mention I’ve got a few TV shows lined up?   Strange New Worlds amongst them.

^        I’m watching Lower Decks as well, Debbi.   In the episode I watched, last they?   They had a character called Toz.   I think they’ve lifted her species from the original animated series.


  1. 1 1940
    2 Calculator
    3 ZX80
    4 C5
    5 ZX Spectrum

  2. Q1) 1940

    Q2) A calculator

    Q3) ZX80

    Q4) C5

    Q5) the ZX Spectrum
    Thanks, Paul, for the link. It seems that although I cannot watch TV programmes, for the time being at least, I can listen to the BBC radio stations. I had an App that allowed me to listen to the BBC on the Kindle Fire, but that one didn't work here. (Mind you, my Kindle is ancient. It's coming up to 10 years, so I can't really expect much. While it keeps going, well, it keeps going. I only use it as an e-reader, but it does the job).
    Yes, I was also impressed by how quickly they changed the information on Wikipedia. I guess it was big news. Mind you, I've noticed they are pretty good at updating deaths as well, so they must have a big team of people and a good tracking service).

  3. Ah! How very geeky this one is. :)

    1. 1940
    2. a calculator
    3. the Sinclair ZX80
    4. the C5
    5. the ZX Spectrum

    Thank goodness someone else developed an electric trike, huh? :)


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