
Saturday 24 September 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24-9-2022 — Cambodia

24th September, 2022.

Yep: I’m up early, again.

On a Saturday!

The reason?   Is simply that I have an eye test!

I’m looking forward to it: I could do with new lenses.


The Queen is dead: long live her replacement.

Now the funeral is over, and we have a worki  functioni 

We have a government that’s back in action.


New Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, had a financial event on Friday.

Not a budget: or even a mini-budget.

A financial event.

Basically?   He’s announced a slew of financial measures: including a lot of tax cuts.

Including lowering the basic rate to 19p in the pound.

Not something  that will benefit me: until I start working.

Which sounds about right, frankly!

He’s also announced a change in the rules for Universal Credits.

There’s a change to the amount of hours you can work, before you have to report in to a Job Centre.

And extra help finding work for the over-fifties.

Apparently?   We’re going to get more time with out work coaches.


I think we have a Chancellor who’s doing busy-work: rather than anything useful.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        24th September is Constitution Day in Cambodia, marking the day the Constitution was signed.   In which year: 1991, 1993 or 1995?

Q2)        Cambodia is a constitutional what: monarchy, republic or oligarchy?

Q3)        What’s Cambodia’s capital: Beijing, Phnom Penh or Edo?

Q4)        The riel is Cambodia’s what: parliament, internet provider or currency?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Most people in Cambodia practise a version of what: Buddhism, Hinduism or Jainism?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        23rd September is the National Day of Saudi Arabia. It was first marked, when: 2014, 2015 or 2016?
A1)        2015.

Q2)        23rd September is the International Day of what: pilgrims, sign languages or Braille?
A2)        Sign Languages.   (I don’t actually know British Sign Language: which is my loss.   I can’t help but wonder if being left handed would be equivalent to writing backwards!)

Q3)        John Coltrane was born on 23rd September, 1926.   He played what: guitar, double bass or saxophone?
A3)        Saxophone.

Q4)        Rosalind Chao was born on 23rd September, 1957.   She played Keiko O’Brian in various series in which franchise: Dr Who, Star Wars or Star Trek?
A4)        Star Trek.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Boss was born on 23rd September, 1949.   He’s better known as which New Jersey born musician?
A5)        Bruce Springsteen.
Here’s a thought … 
“Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands.”
Anthony Bourdain.
And some synthpop …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        It’s certainly seems a lot of work, Olga.   I think that — in part — that’s what can make art interesting: the amount of work put in by the people involved, and not just the technical skill, or creative idea.   Actually, I wouldn’t mind seeing the Angel, at some point.   Just don’t tell Jude it was wearing a Newcastle shirt: he’s a Liverpool fan!
        I’m am grateful I didn’t get sanction, Olga, I really am.   Mind you … I’ve seen what I’ve had to put on my gas and electric.   The old heating or eating dilemma is coming home!
        I have to be honest, I thought the Fulcrum sculpture — just outside Liverpool Street Station — was one of Gormley’s: but apparently not.   It was a nice dry place to have a cigarette, out of the rain, though.

‡        Incubus, Incubus … ?   The name sounds familiar, Debbi: but I think I might be thinking of The Incubus: which — if I recall correctly — got a mixed response.
        I’ve just found the relevant Wikipedia entry, Debbi: the film sounds odd … and gets the type of demon wrong!   The (female) version of the creature is a succubus!


  1. Q1) 1993

    Q2) monarchy

    Q3) Phnom Penh

    Q4) currency

    Q5) Buddhism
    Yes, it seems that putting the Newcastle T-shirt on the Angel of the North was a way of trying to get people to like it a bit better. I must admit I do like it and it is pretty impressive as you're driving by.
    If you ever have a chance, I recommend visiting the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. It is wonderful, and apart from the gallery itself, there are many huge sculptures (well, and some smaller, but mostly pretty big ones) in the park, and it is a beautiful park. You can walk for ages, go for a picnic... There are a lot of Henry Moore's and Barbara Hepworth sculptures there, but then, they are fairly local. Although there was a Jaume Plensa as well one of the times I went. He is from here, but very international and has done some fabulous pieces, and very different, although I particularly like his heads of women.
    I know what you mean about the gas and electricity bills. Even with the cap here and they have also reduced the VAT, but the prices are getting scary, and factories and small businesses are struggling as well. They have been talking about the food banks, and it is a problem because more people need them, but there are fewer donations.
    I think you're right about the measures you mention. What wouldn't one give for somebody with common sense and who spoke the truth! But, of course, they would never consider getting into politics.
    Fingers crossed for your test and new glasses!

  2. 1 1993
    2 Monarchy
    3 Phong Pehn
    4 Currency
    5 Buddishm

  3. Yes, indeed! :) And it is The Incubus.

    Now, if I can just stop laughing about the Anthony Bourdain quote! lol

    1. 1993
    2. monarchy
    3. Phnom Penh
    4. currency
    5. Buddhism

    You get another mention, along with some other bloggers today! :)

    I'm ready for another trip. I'd love to see ... Paris? London again? :)

    Portmeirion? :)


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